The pedos I can understand,but the other three? What did they do that was sooooooo terrible?
The pedos I can understand,but the other three? What did they do that was sooooooo terrible?
Like the CEO who gets some seemingly very mild "racist" jokes leaked?
The guy who Kenny worked with for the duration of the episode had slept with/was planning to sleep with a prostitute.
He wasn't scared of getting in trouble with the law, he didn't want his wife to find out in case she took away his kids.
One cheated on his wife
What's the problem here though? Their 'punishments' were equivalent to what they did wrong. All the CEO had to do was give up her car (which she probably had insured) and whatever backlash she suffered for her racist comments is obviously deserved.
Yeah, but that is super tame compared to jerking it to pics of children. I assumed the leet hackers were punishing people who'd done really bad shit.
they just do it to whoever downloads their virus i guess
why the fuck would you cooperate with some online fag when you have no way of knowing if he ever deletes the video?
Did Kenny really do anything that bad? Would be a different story if he was abusing children.
int he eyes of society he's as good as dead
You are accountable for everything you do huh even in privacy?
accountable to society, yeah
His life would be ruined, socially and professionally, if people found out. And he could go to prison for it, labeled as a pedophile. Once they revealed what he'd done, I feel like it made sense for a scared kid facing those consequences to do whatever he was told. I bought it
How did they see what he was wanking to? Couldn't he just say that it was shopped on the video
for le lulz XDDD
but really, you have a tape of some guy, a stranger, with a prostitute. Releasing it reks his life somehow, you don't know all the details. Or maybe you do know.
Do you:
>A) not release it, but keep the tape unused for as long as you want, burning a hole on your harddrive
>B) release it and 'ave a giggle
They weren't punishing anyone. They were on a powertrip, seeing what those people would do.
Nothing any of them did initially was that bad. However, to cover themselves, they did far worse things.
For the hackers, though, it was never about justice or punishment. It was just kicks for them.
Do normies seriously think looking at pictures of kids is worse than cheating on your wife?
>watching televsion
Thought the whole point was to show that anyone can ruin your life JUST for the lols
The point was to make people go "omg I felt sorry for a pedo that really made me think"
This moment was unbelievably retarded. Why the fuck did they have to use that
I kinda do, yeah
Why did everyone hate that so much? It got the point across in one quick image
I mean he was just a kid, that hadn't gotten the chance to get the help he needed? Not like he was diddling kids left and right
The use of it with the accompanying music and everything, I couldn't take it seriously. You say it was one quick image, but any alternative could have gotten the point across just as efficiently.
It was one of those things that I could just tell won't age well.
It felt like something from Law & Order SVU's depiction of modern day internet culture.
Everyone should, cheating on your wife is one thing but masturbating to children is way fucking worse
What would you prefer? A V forma Vendetta mask? Please...
Why? Isn't cheating on your wife more directly harmful to someone? Who gives a shit about what you jerk off to
No? That's exactly what I would avoid
Notably with a much younger woman. Probably a bigger age gap between Bronn and Mindy than the main protag and the kids he was fapping to.
Not that I'm saying it's a comparable offense AT ALL, but you know how user can be.
You're not, that's the whole point of privacy.
At work, you can't talk shit about a given customer because it's unprofessional. But it's hugely important that you are able to blow off that steam in the privacy of your own home. If somebody then communicated your private venting to that customer, it would be a breach of ethics.
So in other words, no privacy? Big Brother is a good thing in your eyes?
>kid denies it
>"yeah nah we scanned his hard drive, he definitely had loads of CP"
>nobody believes the denial
>Nothing any of them did initially was that bad. However, to cover themselves, they did far worse things.
So being the getaway driver in a bank robbery in which nobody was injured is worse than trafficking in child pornography?
You only think that because you are so immersed in board culture.
For society at large, trollface never became cringeworthy because it was never a major part of their existence.
I think it will get even less cringey with age because it will just fade into collective social memory as a pretty standard icon.
Everyone assumes if your capable of jerking to it, then your one close step away from trying to make the fantasy a reality. Which is complete nonsense, otherwise why do parents let their kids play video games? If your killing realisticly looking people in a game, are you not one step closer to living out that fantasy in real life? Same bs logic.
Because you are creating the demand for a product that necessitates the raping of children to be created.
If he was just reading erotic lit or jerking off to drawings, this doesn't apply. And note that some cultures eg Japan permit pedo-themed porn provided it doesn't involve live specimens.
Well, yeah. If a CEO says racist shit in emails, and those emails come to light, they are accountable for it. I'm not saying people should have their emails hacked or be blackmailed.
Kill yourself, pedo.
>hear about Black Mirror
>"Netflix original"
>well I guess I'll resub for a month
>do so, search for Black Mirror
>s02e03 and season 3 only
1. Playtest
2. Nosedive
3. Man Against Fire
4. Shut Up and Dance
5. Hated in the Nation
6. San Junipero
In brief, Playtest and Nosedive got by far the most mileage out of their concepts.
Those are the episodes that are Netflix originals
Maybe not everyone who looks at CP is a child molester, but I would bet that most child molesters look at CP. It's a good way to catch the pedos before they strike.
Unlike playing a violent video game, you KNOW you're breaking a law and crossing a line of socially acceptable behavior when you download/jerk off to child porn. I'm pretty much OK with the idea of prosecuting anyone that crosses that line. Some might not be REAL pedophiles, but they've waded deep enough into the grey area that I sure as fuck wouldn't trust them around my kids
But people don't actually die in the production of violent video games.
Children actually get abused in the production of child pornography.
It's a really stupid comparison.
>Those are the episodes that are Netflix originals
>professional life ruined
>oh no
dont know what 3rd world country youre in but theyre all on there in the uk
Consider it an upgrade from cable, not a downgrade from your actual collection that you own.
Fuck off poorfag
I disagree.
I'm not accusing it of being cringeworthy or an appropriation of board culture. Even though it's about a very contemporary issue, I don't think the troll face provides much that could have been achieved without it. For the face to make sense, it requires context, too. Some viewers might not have understood it.
It might sound stupid, but something more unique could have been used, so that the hackers could have had more character, and not rely on something like that
I hear you.
I watched it with a group of people and we all discussed the episode and somebody brought up the use of the trollface as THE highlight, cherry-on-top of the whole episode. Everybody in attendance instantly and enthusiastically agreed. I'm not sure what other icon could have so perfectly and succinctly clarified/finalized the interpretation of what the episode was satirizing.
Not trying to change your mind, mind you.
I know you argued otherwise already, but it instantly made me feel like this episode was going to age poorly.
I have no attachment or hatred towards the troll face, so it's not really that specifically I feel is what's awful, but imagine if Ghost in the Shell used it for the Laughing Man. Reliance on small cultural things like that give anything an expiration date, Shut up and Dance could have been more special but shot itself in the foot with that.
A simple sort of "gotcha", "you thought we were serious?" text would have been preferred. Something that is not a reference, or has no bearing in actual cultural shit.
Dude its just television, chill out
I definitely feel this perspective in general. Star Trek always had its characters listen to classical music rather than try to hire edgy musicians doing "the most modern shit at the time" on the soundtrack for precisely this reason.
I dunno, I think trollface already passed any expiration date he might have had and has iconic status basically like the ancient winking smiley face of yore. Or Clippit.
They were all pedos. Mindy was an underage girl.
I almost posted this, but then I 1) scrolled down 2 or 3 posts to where they mention the racist CEO, and 2) realized there's no justification for saying Mindy is underaged
Why weren't you as cool of an user as me?
sure thing dweeb i just post from the catalogue and wait for my (you)s
This episode reminded me why nations dont negotiate with terrorists. Its because it gives the terrorist power in the situation and will eventually not hold their part of the bargin
I got rused by hype into giving Netflix money they didn't deserve. They can suck my cock.
yes sir
The internet is an Open System. It should be about YOU, the consumer, the individual TAKING CONTROL of your content.
If you are alive in 2016 and feel like you're getting dicked over on the content available to you, I swear to fucking god you are doing it 100% wrong
>2009 troll face
End your life user.
lurk more bitch, it was on an episode of black mirror.
I thought the bee drones and the fact that they could build little hives was pretty cool
Then you should study technology. It's actually very astute in terms of the sort of AI algorithms that are in fact at work.
>punishing people
They wanted to make two paedos fight to the death. Everything else was just a means to that end, and the entire thing was clearly for kicks. If they wanted to punish the non-paedos they'd have kept their secrets secret and just leaked info of their involvement in the bank job or something.
Damn tea niggers...
This is correct, but don't expect any of the neckbeards here to agree with you.
Trollface was used perfectly here. Just how it would have been used by lulzsec idiots a while ago. I know most of you only remember it from when it was run into the ground by reddit, but it was Sup Forums's biggest meme for a long time.
>it was Sup Forums's biggest meme for a long time
>People who say things like this are calling others newfags
normies believe whatever retarded bullshit MSM says, so yeah.
C) throw out the tape because I don't give a fuck
Because uh yeah fuck you pedo
fucking a whore is just as innane as fapping to whatever you want.
now, becoming sentimentally engaged to another woman behind your wife's back, that's only proper of a sociopath scum.
This was on my mind the entire time.
They did do that. For one, they had the old lady dump the car before they even got Kenny the pedo on tape.
They did leak the info. What's more, they have the picture of Hector on Kenny's phone, so they're tied together. All of them are going to be linked to the robbery.
Pig fucker PM BTFO
Right but with their secrets exposed they have no reason to not show the texts and prove they were acting under duress, which will allow them to avoid any serious jail time.
All she had to do was drive a car from one place to another.
The fact that she did it to cover her guilt made her even more guilty.
> doing thing i do not do reeeeeeeeeeeeee
take your pills
what about the poorly drawn ones?
they're better than the original
I don't think that defense would hold up in court, user.
But it's Britain, so who knows.
Hes raping them by creating demand
Of course it will, duress laws exist for such cases of blackmail. Bronn wouldn't get off entirely but he'd avoid any serious punishment, CEO lady (and black dude depending on whether or not he baked the cake or just picked it up) can claim ignorance.