For fucks sake Sup Forums I can’t stop drinking what do I do

For fucks sake Sup Forums I can’t stop drinking what do I do

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smoke a joint

replace it with another adiction. Worked for me.

I had to quit because I would blackout and break shit. Maybe try breaking shit?

For fucks sake Sup Forums I can’t stop eating what do I do

7 years sober here. good times.

how bad is it for you op?

This dood

Smoke before you drink....and one beer will feel like 2. Thus cutting your drinking in half

dunno... therapy?

I used to smoke weed but it gave me depersonalisation and now I can’t work

I’m at the point where it’s a mental addiction, I can’t stop thinking about having a beer but physically I can put it off for a while...

Do I look like a fuck up?

ween yourself off it. Have someone take your wallet, a roommate or spouse is best. Go from however many and knock one off every day. Once your off, don't go back.
At all.

Drink more

Thanks user, I asked my mother to take care of my money for me and I have an AA meeting on the 14th, but I’m worried that I’ve gone too far - drink is on my mind all the fucking time, even in my dreams.

I used to drink a lot before I started smoking weed. These days I buy oil and vape it. By all accounts its far less harmful than drinking.

why waiting until the 14th? go today. I'm sure there is one nearby. Also check out NA meetings. Personally I like them better than AA.

Try a different TASTY beverage and also gradually lower the ABV proof

Pay your debts

There’s only one in my area and it’s on an appointment basis only, I think it also includes narcotics as well which is something I need to address, I’ve been dabbling a bit in drugs not gonna lie

I have a payment plan in place with my debtors (legitimate debts)

Where do you live? I've never heard of an appt only AA meeting before

Weed ruined my life mate and got me drinking in the first place, I won’t touch that shit again

Cheetham hill, Manchester, UK

The AA place is called Caernarfon Street

That sucks. It's done wonders for me. I guess it affects everyone differently.

PayPal me all your spare money :^)

scroll down to friday

hers the AA list:

ann hiro, simple as dat

oh and dont worry if the meetings suck. they just do sometimes. they get better.

that's ok, it will be for awhile. Believe me, it took me months to get totally dry. It's all a matter of perseverance.

Stop can'ting.

..................drink some moar

Don't stop

Why would you want to?

Thanks, I didn’t realise that there was that many NA places in Manchester - guess I’ll go down on Sunday

I’m just worried that I’ll look like a sperg, I’m socially awkward af

Because I’m becoming a loser, a NEET that relies instead of provides, an embarrassment to myself and my family.

Do you still get the craving feeling? It’s honestly my biggest hang up about stopping, it completely overwhelms me and drowns out any rational thought

Thanks a lot guys btw I honestly feel a whole lot better, I was expecting replies like ‘kill your self faggot’ or something similar

Sometimes, it likes to prey on me when I'm sad, or alone. It used to be like white noise, it drowned out any thought I had. Over time, I got better at pushing it down.

Stop drinking

take valium, it will calm you down

Same, I was doing pretty well until tonight (6 days no drinking)

The devil always pays a visit when I’m having a shitty day

No thanks I’d rather not have a benzo habit to deal with on top of a drinking problem