Do you support a Transgender's right to use either boy/girl lavatories?
Trump support it, so I do too.
Wrong. Trump supports leaving it to the states, and doesn't want changes to the laws. He feels there are bigger issues though than a mentally ill person's (((right))) to play dress up.
>New Cuckland
I support whatever that beautiful creature pictured wants to do so long as it does not infringe upon other peoples' RIGHTS. Like the right to not be intimidated in a bathroom by lel scary not perfect man or woman
I support building a 3rd bathroom and label it Handicapped. Put all the problems in there.
If trannies looked like that, you can bet your ass I'd let them into the girl's bathroom.
I'd even call them a girl if they wanted me to. Shame almost all of them are far, far uglier than that.
This person's a girlie.
well what's more likely, a transwoman assaults a woman in the womans bathroom or a transwoman gets assaulted by men in the mens bathroom?
XY -> boy's room
XX -> girls's room
looks like a 14 year old boy with makeup and shoulder length hair. which it is
You're a faggot
i-is that really a dude?
Don't care, Trump settled this. It's a dead issue, meant only to distract from the movement.
You're either a shill here to slide, or you're letting them manipulate you, either way you should fuck off with that shit.
Australia is losing the carp war right now which has left some shitpost positions open to us.
If they are passing it doesn't matter.
This is not anything that can be enforced
The truth is this shouldn't be a government issue at all. Companies should decide for themselves and if people don't like they just don't go there.
That is how a Capalist Democracy works. Si ole
What about retards?
>I'M SO LE QUIRKY!!!! ! ! ! ! !! XDD
They can use your bathroom
Rare Flag?
If you look like a chick, just use the women's bathroom. People will be less creeped out.
If you don't look like a man or woman, just use either. People will be spooked either way.
designated shitting streets, of course.
Are you talking about the lavatories in mental institutions? Where they belong?
are you from Sup Forums or something?
Its a dude ?! oh shit ! nice face ... If you a Lady you a lady if you a man you a man make your choice and stop fucking with peoples nerve case close NEXT !!!!
We only let you shitpost because you almost became a leaf flag nation, therefore you deserve concessions.
shit outside where freaks belong
Who is this semen demon?
I just learned my dog will die in a few months because of fluid in her lungs.
Also, no, I just don't see to many Costa Ricans here.
This 2bh. The worst part is when she goes back to that lip pursing thing after making the faces.
Americans are fucked beyond belief. They detest the government for actions they deem invasive yet require an act of government to decide who can use which bathroom.
Why don't you fuckers act like grown ups and stop giving a shit over such idiotic things?
No other then you have to paid for your bad choice make a fucking decision once and for all after that case close douche you cant be a man for a week and a girl the next this is medical case .. make your fucking choice and live with it ONCE and FOR ALL...
I dont care
It's a chick. Her name is Emily Rudd. She dated the lead guy from One Direction or something.
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
Let me get this straight.
Me, a cis- clean shaven mudslime could just travel to US and casually enter the women's toilet, and no one will question me, nor will I get arrested?
implying something like that is a degenerate tranny
She has an adams apple
They should be using bathrooms in mental institutions. They should not be allowed to roam free in society.
My ex gf look like her she was really something on bed !! I am somehow miss her now that I see this pics .. any way thanks !!
I support my right as a business owner to kick you the fuck out of my property if you are creeping people out in the restroom.
How about that, faggot?
Its Miss Carolina 2007 ..
>Calling yourself a mudslime.
Lol poorlaysia
no they should use the disabled rest room
Respond with another question: Why keep separate bathrooms?
I've heard that Amsterdam had some shared, all-gender public bathrooms years ago, so it's not unprecedented.
Doesn't it make more sense that to change society, you must change society, not change the truth.
wtf is that ? You need a basket or something for your head ? is this your fantasies fucking a dead chick you wanker ?
I suggest moving to Sweden where you can 'touch' Swedish cuties without any consequences, even their police are cucked little faggots.
In sweden people are going to get paid 2500 francs, $2800 us a month just for being a citizen, apparently
No. There should be a third bathroom for attention whores that is a use at your own risk so if they get raped and murdered they only have themselves to blame.
Yes. I really don't give a fuck who uses what bathroom.
Bonne idee mec !! YOu a fucking Genius !
just go
I was born biologically XXY and I identify as a woman. So there goes your binary gender "argument".
only the dark ones i bet
Nigga wat
You do realize that this is what tranny's actually look like
Do you have down syndrome?
No, I don't support it, I don't support mentally ill peoples ideas.
no, they look like this
So you're a freak that should be gassed. Good for you
I guess the one direction guy was dating a tranny then. I see what you mean but it's definitely a chick. Sometimes girls have visible Adam's apples. It's not a perfect indicator.
whats >her name
>right to use either boy/girl lavatories
only if you support my right to kick their ass
Would you fuck me?
They should all be hanged
Emily Rudd, it's a she
No, its up to whoever owns them.
Use whatever bathroom that will cause the least amount of suspicion.
If you're a tranny that looks like a woman (pretty rare) then use the womans room
If you look like a man in a dress then use the mens.
I don't give a shit
neet virgin sheepfucker detected
No. If normal people don't get to choose their bathrooms, why should trannies?
I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard. I'D FUCK ME SO HARD
Faggots want to destroy a property owners rights to remove them from a restroom where they are disturbing other people. You don't get to make the decision whether these degenerates are creeping you out and should leave anymore.
delete this
READ the damn law... then think, then post.
I don't care.
You won't fool anyone here. trans are always distinguishable
fucking mothkin. ruining shit for normal butterflies like me.
It's fine if some guy in drag uses the little girls toilet and whips out his fat, throbbing hairy cock
you faggots don't have a choice tbqh
This is how we deal with them in Russia.
Westerners, why did you stop beating your fags and minorities? You see where it leads?
>New Bathroom
>Transgender Bathroom
Boom, probem solved fuckin worthless cunts.
And if people don;t want to make them good. There is the ultimate answer for the confirmed faggot that OP is.
Only the first two count.
I thought it was a regular granny but now I see it's a cross dresser.
>post a girl who was never a guy
>because all trannies are fucking grody
So, now every public building must allocate extra valuable space and pay for the extra plumbing and fixtures for a bunch of self-important, confused fuckwits? Fuck it, let them shit in the streets.
No in fact I think they should be thrown in asylums
The west (especially Europe) seems a little too cucked do anything about anything at this stage. If Hillary wins then there is no hope left.
Russia can feel free to launch their nukes after that.
Exactly! it's so simple. I can't believe it hasn't been implemented yet.
Yes, what the hell. Trans men can't use urinals and trans ladies are going to want to hide their penis or will be post-op so functionally no different from women in terms of how they have to pee in the stall. Besides, when this whole sjw fad dies down trans people will go back to be what they used to be: trying to hide the fact they're trans and confirming to one of two genders' gender norms.
As a transfaggot with really conservative social values I am so fucking ashamed of these people. I am ashamed of myself for being lumped in with these boat-rocking actual faggots. Ideally a trans person is not seen and not heard, because if you can't pass as the other gender after surgery/hormones you don't deserve to be trans; you need to take one for the team and not make the rest of us look bad by looking like a fucking Viking in drag.
Trans men: whatever, just take some T, grow your beard, your voice drops. You guys are lucky.
Thank you doctor user for your valid insight! What's that? You're not a doctor OR an expert on human biology or sexuality? I am just shocked!
>As a transfaggot with really conservative social values
>go back to be what they used to be: trying to hide the fact they're trans
Good luck with that
Kill yourself.
>trans """""""ladies""""""