Well I know what me and the boys are watching this weekend, can't disagree with the critics afterall

Well I know what me and the boys are watching this weekend, can't disagree with the critics afterall.

Both are Kino.



Everyone knows that RT is the worst format for movie ratings. a 65% and 85% movie both get fresh ratings

Well, if you go by the percentages, what it considered fresh is irrelevant. What's problematic is what reviews it considered positive or negative, and what sort of films reviewers generally write positive or negative films of.

You guys know the % isn't a critical evaluation yeah? It's not "this movie is 91% good" it's "91% of reviews are favourable". You could get a 91% movie with all three star reviews and a 65% movie with mostly five star reviews.

That's what average rating is for, and apparently these two films are equal.

You're equating 130 reviews with 50.

>implying you have friends.

Only if you are too stupid to comprehend what the Tomatometer means.

>comic book source material
Can't wait for this world to end.

both are shit ive seen them, both are equally garbagodool

The world won't end user, you will.

Are either of these up somewhere?

fucking kikes

>i understand the tomatometer, my intellect is fucking superior

>implying 50 isn't statistically relevant

No, the implication was that it is incredibly easy to understand and that you would have to be complete fucking moron to be unable to do so.

Where can I find these


I deserved that. But I'm also a poor college-fag. I need muh handout sites


Average at best

Does anyone else pronounce it "tomaTAHmeter"