ITT kinos men will never understand
ITT kinos men will never understand
I like how there are massive debates about women selling their pussy for money. It's supposed to be this complex issue, when it's basically whores being whores.
we do understand it
better than grills that's why it's shit
>Women are never responsible for their actions: The Documentary
>be me
>be male
>see this film
>understand it
what now OP?
Rashida didn't even get naked
Pretty much this
>society made me do it
>I have no self control or will
>I'm the victim of my own self made circumstances
How does the film argue this?
>women are not responsible for themselves, their actions, or their vaginas
>women are basically children and shouldn't be held accountable for anything
I can't even wrap my mind around what you are trying to communicate. The image title, the quote in the image, and each of your greentexts, do not in anyway cohere into a perspective that I can discern.
Why can't they just not dress like whores? What is so fucking bad about covering yourself up in public?
I looked up every girl after watching and fapped like crazy
Yeah, he's either trolling or severely autistic.
now wonder you're never getting laid buddy
>c-c-could you cover up, you look really slutty!
>lol fuck this nerd, chad come by my place later okay :3
>Hear people say they can't watch porn anymore out of guilt after seeing this movie
>Watch it
>Laugh like half the time at the un intentional comedy
I don't even hate women anymore I just find them hilarious now.
To find a feminist in any way shape or form attractive is a disgusting trait, even for lonely cunts like you.
This whole time I thought this was the documentary about the eastern european models who go to Japan and get exploited.
But actually I DID see about half of OP's documentary, and thought that it sucked balls. There was nothing really interesting or educational about it. If you don't realize that sex workers are fairly easy to exploit because they live on the margins of society, you're a dipshit.
In the meantime, the film itself was pretty sex-phobic, acting like the fact that these young women are sucking and fucking is in and of itself some huge soul destroying controversy.
Why not make a documentary about Khan Tusion or something if you really want to rile people up?
goddamn there's this documentary airing about fillipino camwhores soon here, and in the previews there's this fat bitch saying
>they've given up their morality, for their children, to raise their children!
No you stupid ugly fucking bitch, they're literally whores being whores because they're lazy and it's easy, jesus christ
>he says, posting with a tripcode on an anonymous imageboard
When I see a scantily clad woman, it would never in a million years occur to me that she's a legitimate prostitute.
There's a very specific visual code that let's you tell when somebody is a prostitute.
How often does this happen to you friend?
>everybody everywhere has exactly the same level of opportunity regardless of circumstance
>implying you're female
Just get straight the fuck out for this ridiculous bait.
Girls will do anything for money... what else is there to get?
It isn't argued, it's apparent from just seeing it. You should also have observed this general trend in everyday life as well.
>It isn't argued, it's apparent from just seeing it.
So then you're making the argument?
Fucking lol this, what is up with that guy.
>ITT kinos men will never understand
women are whores and will sell themselves to the males with the most resources
men are animals by nature and will always want young ass
water is wet
>amerifat comparing impoverished fillipinos to the spoiled cunts from his country
what women hurt you to make you hate women so much?
I may be, but the film doesn't argue anything.
u jelly Sup Forums? yeah u jelly
hipster trash, ye i'm jelly
I haven't seen it, so I can't intelligently chime in with an opinion. But there are two camps for sex worker documentaries.
The first is sex positive, that everyone knows what they're in for and there's no shady shit happening. Think along the lines of Kink.
Then there's the camp that women are being exploited. Except that they attempt to absolve women of any critical thinking or reasoning, doing any level of research on the company the decide to work for with something as personal as their sexuality. While trying to push blame entirely on shady companies.
Companies do shady shit regardless. Multi-billion dollar international companies fuck people over in mass every day. I don't think a woman being exploited in the sex field is intrinsically any different and could be avoided entirely by properly researching who they're deciding to work with. There's not exactly a shortage of legitimate, and respectable production companies that wouldn't pay them to fuck on camera.
I haven't seen it so I don't know what camp this falls in, but I'm guessing camp #2.
Based Dan Schneider already tore this movie a new asshole, this thread is unnecessary.
Hot Girls Wanted is another in the long line of anti-pornography documentaries that have had minor claims to fame over the last half century. It peddles the same nonsense that Linda Lovelace trafficked in: that all pornography is bad because it exploits women, who are poor victims of male lust, especially for ‘barely legal’ teenagers.
This narrative thoroughly informs the content and aim of this 82 minute long documentary from 2015, directed by Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus, yet, incredibly, the very content we are shown, of numbers of young female pro-am porno stars, meaning amateurs who get paid, and not the Jenna Jameson type, argues against that very premise. Sure, some of the girls are not ecstatic with their work, but none seems willing to leave it, and not because they have no choice. But, most of the female stars seem to enjot=y the work, their own camaraderie, and to such an extent that, like 98% of people who work in other fields, their biggest complaints about their job are NOT that they are exploited, but that they are bored, the work is not fulfilling, they don’t make enough, and so forth. Yes, their plaints are that they are mere workers, commodities, just like garbagemen, warehouse workers, and so forth. Seriously, this film that was clearly made with an agenda against the genre actually argues against that agenda!
The film details young women who are quite ordinary, whether doing film work or hosting online ‘chats’ in lingerie or less, with horny emailers and texters. There is even a near surreal scene in which a bored little porno star tells her mother of her career, and they very calmly talk about how she avoids diseases and pregnancy. Her mother, a bit shocked, is speechless as her daughter calmly informs her of bi-weekly doctor’s checkups for venereal diseases, as well as avoiding pregnancy by having their male co-stars come on them, not in them. Yet, one need only look at the dead end lives of the mother to understand just why this ‘hot girl’ left town in the first place.
Far from being exploited, this girl is using the lone marketable asset she has, her body, to its maximum advantage, to survive and possibly plan a future, when her hot girl status is cool and she’s a middle aged woman like her mother. Sure, the girls are naïve, but so is EVERY young worker in any industry. Sure, there are exploitive parts of porno, but every business exploits its workers by the fundamental nature of being a business. Is anything the girls are subjected to any more cruel that the manager who forces a worker to work while injured instead of collecting disability? Of course not.
Thus, the film’s very out of stepness with what it shows, its own dogmatic and out of touch viewpoint, makes this film an artistic failure even if, oddly, it achieves that great fallacy of bad artists everywhere: it tells the truth!
women are more or less commodities.
Successful men understand this. They aren't MGTOWs or fedoras. They just treat women as women and don't really take them seriously.
I regret to say I agree in some part with this post. There ARE problems with the porn industry, but the film does a poor job of portraying it. Instead, it shows innocent kids (including the dorky houselord who thinks he's "technically the shit") basically making money doing something that society looks down upon for no good reason. Trouble is, the doc also looks down on it, just because "obviously it's so dirty and wrong for young women to show their privates!!!"
I feel like it was a slut-shaming documentary. Down to be proven wrong though.
>Why can't they just not dress like whores?
Because Chad won't pay attention to them if they do that, duh!
>Guy who owns the house makes bank from renting it out and being their manager
>Even fucks some of them
Such an easy life.
Last I checked, women are always reasonable and never start shit. Stop these threads.
Now you talk to a therapist for 6 weeks so you can being transitioning.
living the dream
That is literally how every man should be thinking, it would basically get rid of all of the depressed idiots on /r9k/.
You shouldn't hate women cause they're retarded, you just realize women think/act differently to men and stop trying to expect the same things from them that you would another male.
It sounds unfair to just think of women as inherently more irrational or incongruent than men, and obviously there are retarded men out there, thousands, but it's that odd spark that ultimately raises humanity out of the stone age it would otherwise be in were masculine thought processes not a thing.
Like the other guy said, this isn't a MGTOW thing or anything like that, it's just a way of looking at women that stops you from unfairly hating them/mistreating them. It's like trying to hate an attack dog for doing what it's supposed to do.
guy thats in one of my college classes went to high school with her
said she was giant piece of garbage then
>Girls average $800 per scene
>3-5 scenes per week
>$2400-$4000 a week
>7 girls in the house
Lets say he takes $2400 a week at 10%, multiplied by 7 girls, that's $1680, a week plus they pay rent so he's not forking out much for upkeep of the house.
I might just move to Miami.
> A man decides to sell drugs and gets his ass killed
Lol what a fucking ashole, thats what you get for getting in that shit in the first place
> A girl decides to do porn, and claims that she felt raped during the whole thing
Oh poor girl, it must be societys fault that you decided to do this
Yeah, fuck this shit
fuuck I really need to
it's the same way with alcohol and men and women.
>man has sex while drunk=rapist
>woman has sex while drunk= rape victim
I bet you dont even know him
what a god
Maybe he'll grace us with his presence tonight
Who is this user fag trying to be me
We can only hope
>ITT: Movies women will never understand
>no trolling, just people posting movies
>ITT: movies men will never understand
>fatass /r9k/ MRAs get pissy and start shitting everywhere while screaming REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>inb4 thread derail
fucking attention whore
Sexyasain123 comin through bahhahaaha
you seem upset?
>you will never be the douche bag "manager" of some stupid whores and have them live in your house paying rent and sucking your dick
Really confused why I am even alive to be honest
Sure.. You know she is a pornstar?
Hot dog the kind lives
When I was 19 I asked my girlfriend to marry me. She said she'd cheated on me, then dumped me. Years later I found out that she'd cheated on me with her drug dealer, who pushed her into porn to pay her debts. She caught HPV doing porn, and it gave her vaginal warts so bad that when she had his child they had to deliver to kid by C-section so he wouldn't catch HPV from her. She also developed warts on her lips, nostrils, and eyes, and had to have plastic surgery. She developed cervical cancer and killed herself a year ago. I still laugh about it all sometimes.
I like this post and hope its 100% true
I can't believe Ava Taylor has never done anal porn, i would punch a 94 year old woman right in the mouth to get my hands on footage of Ava Taylor doing anal.
All women care about is themselves, they're impulsive, reckless and unable to grasp the concepts of guilt, respect and honor. Vanity and virtue-signaling is their main area of expertise, with manipulation and scheming being their second greatest trait.
I wish women were capable of being decent human beings but after taking the redpill I finally see all that women really are, more and more men are waking up to what women really are and that men in the past were far wiser than us and to all the pointless sacrifices we've made in the name of hollow progress.
but both of those threads just devolve in to shitting on women.
>islam in schools
link to her porn please. I like jerking it to dead girls
it's pretty hot that one of the girls in that doc had serious daddy issues, crying when she confessed to him etc, and then I looked up her porn and it's almost exclusive daddy and daughter incest stuff.
am I a piece of shit for getting turned on?
Hello virgin my old friend.
You've come to bitch here once again.
Women's logic"
>Abortion: It's my body and I make the decision!
>Prostituion: A man made me do it!
Every stupid whore ever who made poor life decisions.
Aww, little drumpfkin is triggered? LUL no woman would ever touch you you beta virgin.
Men should never have allowed women to make these decisions. Europe is getting fucked because women vote with their feelings and allow immigration.
The point I made is that women are triggered, you pinhead. I have had lots of sex in my life. How bout you, white knight faggot?
Yeah I'm still a virgin, so what? I've had plenty of opportunities, I'm just waiting for the right one. At least I'm not a racist sexist asshole.
>movie called hot girls wanted
>no hot girls
>woman at 18 years old
>doing porn, good pay, free sex, low stress
>man at 18 years old
>working at walmart, shit pay, contemplating suicide after every shift