*Flipping Comic intro*
>*Audience is quiet*
What's your name?
>*crunch popcorn*
Just Wong?
>*Everyone at the audience start to smile*
Like Adele?
>*small giggles can be heard*
Drake? Bono? Eminem?
>*People start crying trying to contain their laughter*
>*Entire theater erupts in a thunderous laughter*
>*Movie gets a 90% at RT and 74 in Metacritic*
>*Hyenas in zoos across the nation driven mad by what they perceive to be the calls of their species break from their cells and start attacking everyone*
>*America succumbs while Hillary has another seizure*
>*Man comes to theater and start shooting everyone*
>*Warner loses another director*
>*Sweden accepts more inmigrants*
>*Marvel's 'Doctor Strange' Debut Tops $86 Million Overseas*
>Disney greenlights Marvel's Phase 4
*Flipping Comic intro*
Other urls found in this thread:
Shit user, hardest I laughed all day.
i hope this meme never dies
Don't tell me you are some kind of marvel hater dc shill fun hater
>*Man comes to theater and start shooting everyone*
Fuckin saved.
This post is better than the movie, save your money anons
>Disney greenlights Marvel's Phase 4
the only way im watching a phase 4 is if it has Nova and She-Hulk in it
This is so accurate.
Holy shit
Why did Kaecillus have to kill the poor librarian when he could just portal arm and take the book like Strange did?
Why did it take Kaecillus to so long like 6 years or however long Strange's training is to decipher the torn page?
What's the literal drawback of reverse time? It can't be destroyed (infinity gem) and can pull back time indefinitely. OP as fuck
>Why did it take Kaecillus to so long like 6 years or however long Strange's training is to decipher the torn page?
The great question is, when does this fucking movie takes palce?
from what i've read online events started at 2012 since the Avenger Towers was shown, however Strange's plaque shows 2015. bad continuance on the director's part imo
has no idea what he's talking about
The movie takes place during 2016, as shown by various trophies he won in 2016.
We have know idea how long the events in the movies takes from beginning to end. It could easily 1 week or many months. We have no idea since the movie is terrible at letting us know the passage of time.
Doctor Strange takes place over somewhere between 18 months to 5 and a half years. It's impossible to know how much of that period he was in training for.
It's virtually impossible to figure out the length of time that Stephen Strange was in training in Doctor Strange thanks to the lack of reference points for when he starts training and when he stops. However, we can safely assume that between the start of the movie and the first end credits scene, somewhere between a year and a half all the way up to about 5 and a half years have elapsed.
We only have three real "points of time" from which to figure this out;
A shot of the Avengers tower in New York near the start of the film,
A mention of somebody being injured in an experimental suit of armour before Strange crashes his car,
A post-credits sequence that shows us when we can next expect to see Stephen Strange again.
The shot of the Avengers tower tells us that Doctor Strange has to start after the events of Avengers Assemble, which was released in spring 2012. Unfortunately, we don't know what happened to the Avengers tower post-Avengers: Age of Ultron, when the Avengers moved to a new facility. Depending on the status of that building post-Avengers: Age of Ultron, we might be able to say that Doctor Strange starts at some point between spring 2012 and spring 2015 (when Avengers: Age of Ultron was released), but for now that's just speculation as the status of the Avengers tower is unknown.
The person injured by an experimental suit of armour probably points to one of two people - either the person who was testing out Justin Hammer's suit in Iron Man 2, or Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes, who was badly injured during the events of Captain America: Civil War. Depending on who it is, we can possibly move the start point of Doctor Strange all the way up to spring 2016, but that's up for debate.
I put all my chips that they are talking about Rhodes. It is really hard to think that they would make a reference to Ironman 2 instead of Civil War.
>A mention of somebody being injured in an experimental suit of armour before Strange crashes his car,
It's just a random piece of dialouge. Don't look too hard at it.
>While some believe this to be Rhodey, aka War Machine, who was paralysed during the events of Civil, or perhaps the test pilot we saw using one of Justin Hammer’s knock-off suits in Iron Man2, director Scott Derrickson told us it’s neither.
>Derrickson said his training takes roughly a year, and the events at the end of the movie bring us up to date with the rest of the MCU.
yeah. the 2016 plaques really don't make sense in the overall context of the timeline. remove those and we'll have a logical timeline. i really think its just bad continuance on the director's part
I laffin
>actor puts on spandex tights and mask
>audience excitedly stirs in their seats, several louds whistles and shouted "YEAHH"s can be heard in the theater
>actor runs through an empty airport ramp, doing multiple backflips (and backquips) while punching other spandex'd actors in the face
>audience begins clapping and hooting in a low, growing roar
>large sections of the audience start standing up in the movie theater and throwing their popcorn
>female actress dons her cape and strikes a power stance before performing a spinning bicycle kick and taking out an entire group of 6'5" bodybuilder guards
>the audience begins jumping up and down while screaming, the sound of their synchronized feet pounding against the butter and candy-soaked floor resembles an aircraft crashing into the side of a nearby building
>actor 1 takes off his mask, turns directly to the camera with a smirk on his face, and says: "After that ankle sandwich, looks like they won't be making it home for dinner!"
>the audience erupts into fanatical chaos
>women scream and claw at their own eyes, blood mixing with tears of ecstasy
>several patrons band together and rip one of the theater seats from its floor anchor, heaving it into the screen and ripping it down the middle like the Biblical curtain in the temple of Judah
>one couple can be seen holding up the freshly slain carcass of their 6 month old child, offering it up as a sacrifice to the Elder Gods of Lowest Common Denominator Capeshit Flicks
>the heat displacement of this event causes an entropic shift that triggers a new Ice Age that lasts 7 million years, effectively rendering the human species extinct
i don't get it
Its low tier brow humour
normies won't get it