What is the most Reddit movie of all time?
What is the most Reddit movie of all time?
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How would I know? I'm not on reddit. You should go back there and ask them.
If you hate this movie, you're a douchebag, plain and simple. Shove your reddit meme up your ass, faggot.
user, i could easily see how many people could have hated le oogachaaka flick.
Sup Forums
yeah this
this is a fucking litmus test for Redit
>be in theater
>"i am....."
>audience eyes widen in anticipation
>audiences starts clapping and screaming with laughter while throwing their fedoras at the screen
>on the back of me I hear people singing The Game of Thrones tune with the text "i am groot"
>chris pratt walked in front of the screen and start dancing like PSY while chanting "UP UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>meanwhile people pull out their phones and start taking pictures of Chris and posting it on reddit
>as I wanted to leave the theatre I stumble on a band of 30 manchildren chanting "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE .... UP, UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE" while dancing like PSY
>desperately trying to escape this hell hole I see alot of children crying of fear but their parents don't seem to respond
>as I take a look around the theatre trying to find an escape I come to the conclusion that the whole audience except for the children are singing and dancing "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>in a desperate attempt to survive I pick one of the fedoras on the ground and start chanting "I AM GROOT" to every person I come across while trying to escape
>the crowd didn't seem to notice me and as I walked out of the theatre I looked back
>the children are getting crushed by the amount of people dancing and singing like PSY
>i remember the tears on their faces but all I heard while finally leaving the theatre were the people screaming "upvote reddit style"
Problem Child 2
>most Reddit movie
what does this mean? how can you say if a movie is "Reddit", "Sup Forums" or whatever?
what are the criterias?
Does "Reddit" even mean anything anymore? There was a time when I knew what type of shit was Reddit, now it just seems to be anything anyone dislikes.
When was this time? This movie started the Reddit: the movie thing in 2014
this was actually not as gay as I thought it would be.
>be in theater
>"Is she with you....."
>audience eyes widen in anticipation
>audiences starts clapping and screaming with laughter while throwing their fedoras at the screen
>on the back of me I hear people singing The Game of Thrones tune with the text "The red capes are coming"
>Ben Memefleck walked in front of the screen and start dancing like PSY while chanting "UP UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>meanwhile people pull out their phones and start taking pictures of Ben and posting it on reddit
>as I wanted to leave the theatre I stumble on a band of 30 manchildren chanting "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE .... UP, UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE" while dancing like PSY
>desperately trying to escape this hell hole I see alot of children crying of fear but their parents don't seem to respond
>as I take a look around the theatre trying to find an escape I come to the conclusion that the whole audience except for the children are singing and dancing "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>in a desperate attempt to survive I pick one of the fedoras on the ground and start chanting "Not even I think to god" to every person I come across while trying to escape
>the crowd didn't seem to notice me and as I walked out of the theatre I looked back
>the children are getting crushed by the amount of people dancing and singing like PSY
>i remember the tears on their faces but all I heard while finally leaving the theatre were the people screaming "upvote reddit style"
underrated post
This fucking movie. I literally stopped watching when the dancing tree came on.
Reddit humor:
>pushed by corporations
>safe, middle of the road, insincere, appeals to a wide variety of interest groups
>glorifies the image of the product it is pushing
>conforms to corporate and elite interests
>created by committee to sell products
>tries too hard to become a meme and in the process embed itself within the minds of consumers to sell more crap related to the franchise (the entire character of Groot)
Sup Forums humor:
>anonymous origins
>free, democratic, open source
>subverts corporate interests and intentions (Bane in TDKR used to attack the movie, not praise it)
>not created to push a product or message, but rather to amuse and humor individuals
>created for a specific group of enlightened users, not dumbed down for the masses
>memes are not forced by corporations, but rather become popular due to their innate appeal
I cried when he saved the girl
Good post, man.
Accurate and enlightened. I wish there were more anons like you.
>save black babies
>replace the Britbongs with Africans
>fascism = evil
Are you literally me?
Lord of the rings
and i used to love it
Extremely underrated
Emma watson was originally the girl but couldnt because of Goblet of Fire. Stop being racist
Bro I want to buy you a beer.
Very correct
Garbage ass flick even worse than the OP
Dude, you the man.
God, why can't every user be the B A S E D
criminally underrated post
>calling things reddit
Is this the best meme of 2016?
Reddit is better than Sup Forums
This should be higher up
This guy for President!
shouldn't you be in that louis ck thread spamming white boys blown the fuck out at what you consider "Sup Forums" posts??
yo wtf I thought this picture was fake
All my posts
All me
Thank you for this.
This goes in the BvS threads from now on.
Even accused of rape but doesn't remember it and apologizes anyways agreed
Fight Club
Neon Demon
Donnie Darko
Blade Runner
The Thing
Mad Max Fury Road
The Seventh Seal
Old Boy
Battle Royale
Batman vs Superman
Man of Steel
Dude, white ppl lmao
being this triggered is basically like shouting that his reply to you pegged your perfectly
The Thing is getting there, unfortunately. Stranger Things and 80's meme revival is now normie territory
2001: A Space Odyssey
Grand Budapest Hotel
Throw in Birdman, Boyhood, and Whiplash for good measure.
Back to breitbart you go.
hello? i looked at the thread and you're still not in there dude. they're literally supporting trump in it
Those seem like movies that would trigger Reddit
Is the idea that you're going to die alone and a virgin?
>Blade Runner
this one 1000%
pretty much all of these
Let's add some more movies that are missing. I'll start:
TRON: Legacy
> stop being racist
Go back to tumblr coon lover
> 2016
You have to go back
i'm pretty sure its on the 2016 update
How is it underrated when there's like 10 other replies praising it you dumb cunt.
300 belongs to
There should be more. It is a good post.
You're life, faggot.
Whatever movie you like best, faggot.
you have to back
Can you post it?
It is easily one of the best movies in the cape shit genre. You have an enormous chip on your shoulder, and are quite possibly a raging faghole, if you can't enjoy a fun movie like that.
i would have posted it if i had it my friend
This. I wouldn't be surprised if it's one or two mentally disabled children constantly spamming the "gotg is le bad xD" meme.
Probably the best of all the garbage Marvel movies but that's because I like Chris Pratt a lot. I would never watch it again.
Le underrated gem
Yeah I loved The Thing until the 80's revival started. What a shame. Used to be a great movie.
>le nostalgia
>le safe humour
>le Will Ferrell
>le be yurself
Fuck this movie, Wreck-it Ralph blows it out of the water
Why are you so butthurt, Reddit?
>Expect The Killer
>Get cringeworthy capeshit
You tricked me again Reddi/tv/.
I have about as much respect for GotG as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hotpocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it. I have ZERO respect for people who are not free thinkers and blindly enjoy the reddit memes that comprise Memers of the Cucklaxy. It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. It is saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is tarantino. It is imdb.
Never trust this board when it comes to action and horror flicks
Reddit: 2014 hipsters
Sup Forums: 2016 hipsters
Best shitposter of all time?
Anything with that hack Bill Murray
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Le Samourai
Any movie that calls itself "noir" despite not being a black and white crime movie from the 40s or early 50s.
I remember watching this with a friend and I was more interested in seeing how many times the shirts/suits of the office monkeys change between shots and scenes.
pls kys
>Big Trouble in Little China
>Falling Down
How are these reddit? They both seem like films that reddit would hate.
This is the only correct answer.
The Lobster
hell naw