>there are people in Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who haven't watched The Leftovers
Why haven't you watched unarguably the greatest and most poignant show of this decade so far?
>there are people in Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who haven't watched The Leftovers
Why haven't you watched unarguably the greatest and most poignant show of this decade so far?
It really is quite good.
But I have. It's good.
season 3 when?
Because it's a terrible fucking show.
Season 1: 4/10
Season 2: 10/10
Not many people were able to power through the first season
Season 1 is more like an 8/10 it is still pretty good. Season 2 is fucking amazing and is the best season of television this decade.
your a fucking faggot
I've watched it. Both my favorite show of 2014 and 2015, thought the second season would be a piece of shit because they lacked source material but it was even better than the first
You just inspired me to watch both seasons over again thank you OP
Also, the preachers cripple wife looks exactly like my ex gf and makes me regret deleting the 200+ nudes I had of her... starting this shit right now and am fucking excited I needed this after finishing both the office and peep show on netflix
Shitty show for Westworld lovers.
You fucking nigger faggot bitch you know nothing but how do distinguish a man's diet from the taste of his cum
only one more season :(
I know literally nothing whatsoever of this show, and of course, I haven't seen a single episode. Convince me to watch it.
>tfw Max Richter
It's a show with a completely original take on a singular supernatural event. It doesn't focus so much on the super natural event but more so the psychological strain such an event has on various citizens. It drives certain older men to fuck much younger women, dogs to go fucking insane, families to fall apart, and jaded lovers to find solace in each other's cynicism. It also brings the loonies out of the woodwork and gives them a new home in a literally voiceless cult. Although maybe the cult fuckers are actually the most sane of all the leftovers. Maybe the singular super natural event was just the first of many?
And I'm only really describing the first season... the second brings some fucking weight to everything the first set up.
The characters are all complex and developed and this show really does spout some truth about humanity. It's one of the greatest mystery shows I've ever seen yet doesn't feel like a cock tease or like there is only one mystery that is being dragged out for far too long. I can't recommend it enough, give it a shot.
Am I the only one on this board who thinks Season 1 is better? I feel like the storytelling was a little more concise, and the secondary character subplots were more interesting.
No user I actually agree with you, season 2 had some crazy shit but I felt like season 1 was more digestible and yes the secondary characters were given more weight and, consequently within this universe, more unpredictability. Like jill's hot semi-slutty friend
How many episodes would I have to watch before I decided it's not for me? Surely, not the entire first season.
I'd say two episodes just to be sure. I was sold after the first episode, and the only get better.
They*. Also I'm rewatching the first episode right now and it's delivering in every way I remember. All the characters are so beautifully, realistically flawed it's incredible.
Shit that was meant for
I don't wanna. Sort of interested in stopping myself from watching tv and film for some while, and it would take a pretty good series to compel me to delay this reformation.
The first three episodes. They establish the main plot as well as most of the main characters and their motivations.
i dropped it 20mins into ep 1
Thank you.
It's a good show and I've been looking forward to season 3. Reading these posts though it's nothing to go turbofag about. every time I come to Sup Forums i feel ill
>I don't wanna
>first season was ok
>start watching season 2
>who the fuck are all these negros?
>turned it off
So what am I supposed to do? Either not watch a series or watch it to completion. That's bullshit. I don't care how many non-argumentative images you have.
>non-argument images
Still not an argument.
Is this character supposed to be a fatter version of CIA?
>not knowing Based Wendell
Because I read the book and the ending was quite unsatisfying, sorry!
what a pleb
>stealing my gif
This one's for Cody
Listen up Cody II
From the about fifteen minutes I've watched the show I felt they wanted to do a drama but supernatural shit was hot so they added the event.
>Am I the only one on this board who thinks Season 1 is better? I feel like the storytelling was a little more concise, and the secondary character subplots were more interesting.
>From the about fifteen minutes I've watched the show I felt
This is why this board is garbage.
That's it, I'm going back to rebbit.
Fuck you Lindelof. I'm not watching your shitty show. You're a hack. Deal with it.
Racist or not season 1 was still better.
>Based Matt and his bad luck
>Patti as an antagonist
>Holy Wayne (is he the real deal or is he fake?)
>Bald sniper storyline
>Tommy's fugitive storyline
>Kevin hallucinating
>Meg being a cunt
>Wizard rapist
>Asshole firefighter
>Eddie Winslow
Season 1 wins. Also, they overused the fuck out of that Pixies song.
>implying Mr. Robot's second season isn't the most poignant season of the century
This 2bh. Only redeeming part of season 2 was the international assassin episode.
>tfw want to pick up this show
>tfw remember the last show about half of the world's population disappearing for some unexplained reason and how shit it handled it and I can't get over that yet
Fuck that show was so bad I don't even remember the name. The Event? The Happening?
If you don't like it by the end of ep3 it's not for you
spoil the shit out of me cause I only watch s01 and even if I enjoy the mistery I found it quite boring. Tell me, wth happen in s02?
>just finished the episode where Liv Tyler rapes the son
Because Lost sucked and I have no reason to assume this doesn't too.
The show is based off a fucking book you retarded faggot kys
Oh I didn't know it was time for feels.....
Literally every show with a similar sounding high concept is terrible and nothing like The Leftovers.
Is the season 2 opening kino?
Yea pretty much. I slogged through Season One to be greeted with a kick in the groin of Season Two. Usually these things get better by the second season or improve but obviously not in this case. HBO has really went to shit. Here I am hoping for a another The Wire or Band of Brothers and they put out this drivel.