I'm watching pic related. Was it Autism?
I'm watching pic related. Was it Autism?
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He's a child and a deer with no formal educational system, a dead mother at a young age, and an absentee father (until the bullshit sequel). I don't think we need autism to explain Bambi.
Bambi's mum was my first waifu.
Literally retarded.
I was going to ask if you had a kid, but that would require having sex and I just remembered where I am.
bambi's mom dying was really underwhelming wtf
O fucks dad just went "ye she ain't coming nigga, run along"
BUR-DA, say it you day old retard! ffs
oh shit here come Faline all grown up, she got a unaboob
It's a gateway into the degenerate world of furries.
Not as bad as Disney's Robin Hood but still...
don't you need to be gay to be a furry, how else can you be attracted to something that fucking hairy
I literally just saw a deer wreck another one for some pussy
dad just shows up whenever the fuck he feels like it, commanding bambi like he owns him
wtf is his problem
The greatest movie about individualism ever made until 1982´s Conan came out
But a moron like you will never see through the cute furry stuff
>go wandering off whenever they fucking feel like it
>lose eachother
are they fucking retarded
come up in my thread wildly shooting like the hunter man, or barking like the dogs, wtf is your problem mate
bambi just steven seagal'd a pack of dogs
In the movie?
Oh yeah isn't there a scene between those two bucks where they fight and lock horns and shit? It's been like 20 years since I've seen this movie...
yeah, this is my first time watching it
I needed a short one and have a bunch of disney shizzle after those threads we had last week
Isn't that where he's like a "teenager" and he sees the grown bucks fight so he's like learning the ways of the world?
I could probably jewgle it but fuck it, I want to have a conversation.
bambi's been alive for little over an hour and already got a bitch pregnant jesus christ
>you will never mindbreak Bambi through extensive anal stimulation and turn him into your princess (male) of the forrest
he sees Faline again for the first time in their puberty, and right away this big buck asshole comes and nudges here to go rape her in the bushes, and bambi is having none of it and charges the motherfucker
well I guess this was nice when it came out or back in the day but that was a real disneypointmnet tbph famalama
That's right. The big dude is like "step aside, you little faggot", and Bambi REEEEE's and charges him and fucks his shit up, getting his qt gf all wet.
For some reason I get this and Fox and the Hound mixed up sometimes. Like, things that happen in FatH I sometimes think happen in Bambi. Like I said, it's been like 20 years, back when I was just a wee lad.
he fucked that big dude up, shit was cash
this shit is based on a really good book, it's like 120 pages long read it.
While you are at it read the fox and the hound. It is fucking nuts, I can't believe anyone would read that and think "this is perfect for a disney movie"
I just might!
Is linking to porn against the rules? Because if not do I have a comic for you...
it isn't
Old Disney hated kids.
Good to know.
>How come he don't want me, man?
That's what an alpha does. He doesn't have time to take care of his pussy son all the time.
hitting too hard to home desu
don't do this to me
What? We're just talking about Bambi's dad.
pls I don't want to be a gay furry
Too late.
you uh, got a sauce on that image
Gay furries aren't made, they're awakened.
Never say I didn't do anything for you.
Why is Bambo the best of classic Disney.
delete this
It's the best thing ever though.
Nothing gay about being able to appreciate good art bros.
I forgot how gay Flower was.
>don't you need to be gay to be a furry,
No, there's just a ridiculous number of gay furries out there so it's easy to see that
why did i just put this in my favorites for later?
furfags can draw such good anatomy but they have to mess it up by adding random fur splotches and an animal face
Just give in to it.
the art is too good im gonna have to
dumb gay furry frogposter
all i got was a sad panda
How is it 2016 and people still can't figure this shit out?
dumb frogger
>Bambi - Reindeer.png
wtf he's just a regular deer
Don't know if joke or can't read...
ok well explain to me is sad panda the joke
it's either a pleb filter or a newfag's first boss fight
the newbie meme, kk. so you cant explain it either so does that make you the newfag then?
God fine stop whining. Here's your babby link.
hmm...i think the sad panda was hotter desu.
>mfw people dont know about the bambi fandom and how they are almost at the top hierarchy on any furry group
Really? I've barely seen anything about Bambi out there.
same, i mean i know furries will fuck anything fluffy but i really didnt think bambi was a big thing.
In general deer aren't even that common. I mean they're not rare but for every deer you see there are 45 foxes and 37 wolves.
bambi was kind of trash. i was a disappointed when i saw a month ago
>this man knows his furry porn
Thanks but try again.
The Fox and the Hound wrecked me when I was a kid.
you're either an attention whoreing girl or a furry, which is it?
Those things aren't mutually exclusive.
Traps don't count.
>t. Marlon Brando
almost all furries are male, the rest are traps.
There ya go.
I read those Black Cauldron books as a kid and remember being disappointed at how different the movie was.
so're you a trap? or a hon?
stop giving this disgusting human being attention. If it's actually a girl, you wont get tits, and she's most likely hideous anyways
*unzips dick*
how do you know they are disgusting? they may be an angel in need of some manly cock.
>open thread
>wonder if that gay furry comic was posted