If this scene didn't at least get you a little choked up, you're a heartless piece of shit.
Has a movie ever made you legitimately shed tears?
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i was watching bridge to terabithia today on tv (ive already scene it) and was crying even before anything happened just from knowing whats gonna happen.
House of Sand and Fog
King Kong when I was younger
and I am Legend. I love dogs too much, fuck bruh, every time
I got a bit choked up at the end of Grizzly Man. Fucker just wanted a better life
>I Am Legend
oh fuck, totally forgot about that scene.
wtf I love n*iggers now
This random fucking movie based on a stephen king novel, hearts of Atlantis. It's got a super young Anton yeltsin in it and Anthony Hopkins but god there's a seen where young Anton has to carry his little gf up a hill and it's so fucking emotional I was literally sobbing.
pic related fucking cripples me every year. its power never weakens on me
That's my quarterback!
As an adult I don't think so
I probably came close a bunch of times though
Anyone got that reaction image of TO looking smug at the camera?
>you bow to no one
Every time.
Funeral scene in gran Torino got me the first time. Not movie, but cooks final scene in skins gets me every fuxking time I watch it
Movies I've cried to: We Were Soldiers, Titanic, Interview with a Vampire, Butterfly Effect (not when he kills himself though), the end of The Hobbit 3 ('he was my firend').
Anyone got any recommendations for manly tearjerkers?
It is top tier kino, and rated as one of the best movies of this century so far. Absolutely comfy to the nth degree. Perfect casting. Perfect score. Multiple instances of manly tears.
warrior made me cry, but that's because I have an older brother who I sometime have a contentious relationship with. Even thinking about it now makes me emotional
Also: vanilla sky, Synecdoche NY, me earl and the dying girl, basically anything with good music that accompanies a poignant scene
The ending, every time.
The few that I can think of. I'm sure I've cried to others, but I can't remember at the moment
Raising Arizona
The Hobbit 1
Sup Forums related The Ironn Giant, Tangled, Inside Out
The ending of Gallipoli nearly got me crying
>that scene where she goes door to door handing out those letters
Was at my aunts house when two dudes in dress blues showed up at the door to give her the news. I remember vividly my cousin stopped playing and he knew even then as a kid, his father was dead.
The threesome in 'Shame'. I'm not a sex addict or anything, but something about the way the sister says 'we just come from a bad place' fucking kills me
Don Quichotte
Lotr Trilogy
And I'm drunk right now so don't remember the name but the one with Anthony Hopkins and Cuba gooding jr about the gorillas
The video messages scene in Interstellar, I watched the movie when I was really drunk and that part cut me down. I know it's pleb as fuck but no other movie has made me cry that hard.
Tron Legacy
Swiss army man
The climax at 2:02 blew me away. What a beautiful cross of music and visuals, couldn't help but cry. I've grown desensitized to it nowadays from how many times I've watched it, but it's still majestic as hell.
>manly tears
damn that is some strong reddit cringe right there
My grandfather had just passed away and that scene got me so bad.
Forest Gump
The Sixth Sense
Toy Story 3
It was a bad movie. So yeah that scene didn't do shit.
>Who will help me carry him?
I'm Thank you mate
the end of midnight cowboy made me cry. When he got off the bus and the song from the beginning of the movie started playing again and you knew that ratso was done for
I can't think of it, but another would be Saving Private Ryan
Up was pretty close though
hell of a lot more romantic than the notebook
>Ma was in a hurry to go "boing" up to Heaven, but she forgot me. Dumbo Ma! So the aliens threw her back down. CRASH! And broke her.
Fuck, man.
That final scene with Murph must have really got you, then
Used to have dreams as a kid where I would endure an extreme passage of time. Would wake up from them sobbing.
>and I am Legend. I love dogs too much, fuck bruh, every time
Its funny because I'm the opposite, I laugh when a dog dies on screen, I Am Legend, Marley and Me are all funny to me. I guess I'm just a bit more strong mentally than the average person.
I like the movie but I just can't fucking stand Will Smith and his kid.
This sounds like something you'd hear Jared Leto did when getting into character as the Joker.
passengers ending i cried like a baby
>missing social cues this hard
Yeah, you're a tough guy alright.
The part in Air Bud where the kid tells air bud to go away, but he realizes that he fucked up so he tries getting air bud to come back but he won't come was the first time I ever cried while watching a movie.
nice video you piece of shit
I know one has but for some reason I cant remember what movie it was.
Vanilla Sky got me pretty close iirc.
Also if anime counts, Toradora had me in real tears. Recs for movies like Toradora? I need a good cry.
You are quite DAMAGED, user, a "twisted fucking psychopath" one might say
Too much of a pussy to cry? When a man cries it has to be worth it. And some movies (especially ones chicks can't get) make certain people weep.
Vanilla Sky also made me cry, I am filled with regretand do get suicidal at times. Shit hits home. Will look into your suggestions.
Thought it was a meme movie, will give it a shot.
Titanic is underrated, Leo dying is sad cause it's youth dying. Rose was meh but Leo was a great casting choice, he gave a great performance and he brought a sincerity to the character that I don't think anyone else at the time could have brought. A guy just coasting by, enjoying life to the fullest even as a poorfag and being happy with the little things in life. If the death of such a character don't make a grown-ass non-gay man weep or get teary eyed, then they probably never felt how it was to be young and free.
Also, Leaving Las Vegas strikes home to my alcoholic ass. I get insomnia, like today, and I occasionally get the shakes. Knowing what is probably my future isn't a happy thing.
Holy shit, are you some kind of faggot who gets his rocks off on all things manly? And what makes you the arbiter of manliness? Does that title come along with being a suicidal half-assed alcoholic pussy?
everything about Cave of Forgotten Dreams is just perfect
I cried over this in college one night. The idea of my thinking I'd never have a friend as great as Billy, that I was pretty alone in the world.
I've never said that to anyone before.
that combined with this scene is what really got me.
the end of Beyond the Mat where mick foley is talking to his kids
Fuck Percy
>Wanna play Nintendo?
So many things in that movie strike so many cords, most of them sad, but that one got me the most.
The Fountain whole movie and The Elephant man scene where they make him dance and that woman kiss him, crush me heavily
Every time, no matter what. I miss daddy Robin :'(
"Bye Jess!"
>My friends, you bow to no one
people like you need to be raped
that movie where a horse stops ww2
Fuck man, that hit me hard. Even worse that they had him going after the music teacher when all that happened.
The scene in The Place Beyond the Pines when dane dehaan''s character visits the mechanic to talk about his dad
The music slowly building up throughout the scene and then "Yeah...yeah! You'really calling him back!"
honestly Mike Patton's score alone is almost enough to make me cry
Watch it every year year. Every time.
The way he says we should invite Leslie next time to Ms.Edmunds hits me hard in my feels.
The beginning of Big Hero 6 got me because it was so accurate with depression, I've lost people too...
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
The Deer Hunter
The ending of The Man Who Would Be King
Sling Blade
Gran Torino
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, underrated Clint Eastwood movie and my personal favorite.
Million Dollar Baby
Death Sentence with Kevin Bacon
at 4:54, when the austrians stop shooting and yells at italians "Stop! Go back! We don't want to kill you in this way"
it gets me everytime
Ending scene of Swiss Army Man made my mom tear up.
For me, I've had three: Spring, came out not that long ago. Titan AE, when I was younger. And the first Pokemon movie.
I have attempted to watch the first Pokemon movie multiple times over the years, but it still causes me to well up.
World's Greatest Dad does it for me when he finds Kyle.
>sound cuts out
>music starts to play
>his reaction
Close, the way it faded out really cut it out. I feel like if there was a scene with Mel looking over the wall at the end, it would have sealed the deal.
Movie and story sucked balls. Tuck Everlasting though, that's another story. Choosing death over eternal youth because of principles is sadder than some dumbass girl drowning cause of stupidity.
Only movie that ever made me cry was Ratatouille when Ego eats the ratatouille and it reminds him of his mom's coooking.
Any more "Let's go to war!" type films? Where they join as a way to have fun or further careers and it ends up going horribly wrong?
Dat ending.
And Michael Clarke Duncan dying in Green Mile, rip in peace.
did not give a single fuck about either of them desu
Cried at Schindler's List ending.
Also watched Tsunami: Caught on Camera (doc about the indian ocean tsunami) the other day. Teared up pretty bad. Brutal stuff
i cried when i watched click starring "Adam Sandler"
The passion of the Christ did it for me. Totally unexpected...
This was the most recent
This is the only movie that even got close for me. I teared up a little but have yet to cry because of a movie.
I cried like a bitch when i watched Titanic. I saw it with a woman i once loved
What happened to your loved one user?
Children of Men
The scene in the rebel building when the baby starts crying and everyone shuts the fuck up as protagonists leave the combat zone.
Shit was beautiful, and I don't even like infants.
We sadly grew apart and went our different ways.
only Stroszek
Ah, so she left you.
Then they immediately go back to killing eachother don't they?
I guess you could say that. We both have new relationships though. She was the first girl i loved though and that's something you never forget
>tfw you will never reexperience high scool love
I experienced unrequited high school love and have loved no one ever since. I think I'm broken.
our people.....our people