People of Sup Forums

Myself and my degenerate pals over at Sup Forums are looking for some help, if you’re interested, of course.

>Previous videos have 200% trigger factors
>It exposes a massive intolerance
>We need your help to meme this into reality

We are looking to make some vaporwave versions of the islamic call to prayer, or readings of the koran to a beat. We’re pretty terrible at making these tracks so I’m here looking for volunteers.

Other urls found in this thread:

Go fuck yourself

The comments section is INSANE

Triggered lefties on Sup Forums

lmao mudslimes so mad

Just slow down some nasheed and add reverb or something, fag.

>hair still visible
infidels get out and stay out


I can live without death threats, thanks

Trying way too hard dude

The whole point of this is to expose their intolerance. Not just piss them off. It’s to create a larger dialogue.

Nothing in the west should be immune to critique, yet they have managed to go unscathed for decades. If they want to exist in the west, they need to deal with this fact.

This is how they react in my country



eat shit and die you attention-seeking fuck

>attention-seeking fuck
>facebook filename

>yet they have managed to go unscathed for decades.

People literally complain about Muslims all the fucking time. Are you actually so fucking dense that you believe nobody complains about Islam??

Friendly reminder that you're a poor excuse for a person and you can willingly do a lot more with your life.

Friendly reminder that you're a poor excuse for a person and you can willingly do a lot more with your life.

Do it yourself faggot
Not your personal army and all that


>islamic vaporwave
Done over a decade ago.

Pirate some audio software and slow it down and add some shitty effects it's not difficult.
I'm not sure why you think this is some profound statement but it seems pretty retarded outside of being a novelty, Sup Forums has serious delusions of grandeur.

>TryHard Philosophical Hipster
Sounds about right. Kill yourself.

OK OP, just reminding you how scummy you are. You're making it evident on your own. I don't need to copy paste anything like a 14 year old who never grew out of this site and let his brain rot until he pasted this exact post. I'm proud of you.

a tasty meme nonetheless

I'm not OP though

OK user, just reminding you how scummy you are. You're making it evident on your own. I don't need to copy paste anything like a 14 year old who never grew out of this site and let his brain rot until he pasted this exact post. I'm proud of you.

Why do you people even bother making threads out of your shithole?

>The whole point of this is to expose their intolerance
Yes, you're such a tolerant and good person opening up dialogue via racism and vaporwave memes.

I really wonder if you believe that bullshit yourself.