Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
This movie looks surprisingly good.
cant wait to see it.
Looks as if every Disney animated character, but of color. Boring.
That was the plan- to give you a boner! And it worked, didn't it?
Too much non-white admixture. Inferior choice of mate due to average drop in intelligence for that reason.
Why the hell did they have to put that song on the trailers?
looks god awful except for the sexy bitch
She's a cartoon
She's brown
Find a flaw.
Seems like they're running out of fairy tales.
Thick brown girls are my favorite thing in the world. That's all I want in life.
Not obese
pretty sure thats a native american, you tard
They gave her european features
Polynesian is more then just a skin colour
She looks like Else just had a tan
No, they definitely gave her a broader forehead and more upturned nose as per her ethnic group.
Also closely resembles the real life VA.
>feathers in hair
>must be an Injun
Her lips should definitely be fuller but her nose is different enough. Although I agree the only real differences are skin color, eyebrows, nose, and body thickness.
For comparison.
This cunt...
>not an islander
blew yourself the fuck out lmao
>american accents
So first it was
>hurr that's an indian
now it's
>Maori aren't Pacific Islanders
so us how much more retarded you can be, user
>not addressing the fact that you posted an irrelevant image either way
lol insecure as fuck
The guy gives a pepe vibe
what do you want her to be some sunbaked pig, it's a family film. and some people need to masturbate.
Funny how one can tell by this post that you are not very intelligent yourself.
Damn. Imagine being a European sailor who leaves with nothing to lose and eventually arriving in a place with natives like these who welcome you in awe and curiousity.
>in 3D
Anybody else annoyed by this shit? Nobody needs this nor wants it. It's just a fucking shameless cash grab.
Too cute.
She's not white
>dreamworks face
>yet another forgettable CGI flick instead of traditional animation kino
>he's never read The Bell Curve
Stay in your trailer.
I can't actually touch his fuzzy hair. :(
I don't get it, why is she a nigger again?
>insecure about the compass of your genes
>not want to spread your genes and raise the bar
>afraid offspring might get dumb
>muh greater good
Man you sure come across as the low potent loser you are.
>european animals existing in the pacific islands before european explorers showed up
So much better than Abbos. How can Straya even compete with a fucking fern?
>why is she a nigger again?
Americans are fucking retarded
>the compass of your genes
>no whites characters
Literally dropped
RIP disney
It's called a penis, you nu-male
She's not real.
What is Mulan?
>They gave her """"""""european features""""""""
People who say this should be gassed.
>not want to spread your genes and raise the bar
I'm an altruist sir, and I will gladly donate my precious white semen to the brown girls who so desire it. If they want to raise kids by themselves, that is. I don't blame them for wanting smarter more attractive children.
But I won't curse children of my own with a -1 to INT right off the bat, it's the most important stat.
>Fat Polynesian guy with a hook
Hawaians have american accents you fucking idiot.
>But I won't curse children of my own with a -1 to INT right off the bat
Yeah you really shouldn't. There wouldn't be much left.
Well judging by her features she's about 50% European admixture. If she was a real person I mean.
Real indigenous island women with no white admix don't uh, look like you imagine them to look.
>she isn't white
Damn, disney REALLY dropped the fucking ball on this one, I mean, jesus christ, what were they THINKING?
RIP disney, you really fucked up hard this time
kek, my sides.
they sound more like birds. Pidgins to be exact
Didn't Princess and the Frog bomb?
>even slightly palatable attractive features
>She's pretty much white!!!!!!!
Every time. Please just kill yourself.
>But I won't curse children of my own
No need to worry there m8, you won't have any, I guarantee it.
roadhog is australian cunt
>Not LCK
What a profligate
Fucking terribly
When was the last Disney movie with a memorable song? Tarzan?
Who knows? Just let it go.
I personally don't remember any of the songs from Frozen. I know the Let it Go song was popular, but I really have almost no memory of it.
Because there totally aren't Polynesians living in Australia right?
His first name is Mako for cucks sake.
maoris are dumb fucking violent nigger-tier scum
so are whites. whats your point?
Are flat noses the most unsexy feature of females?
Probably a penis, unless you're gay or something.
It's more generic CGI Disney shit. I wish they'd go back to painting, or at least paintnig-looking CGI.
>Find a flaw.
Premiere is February 3rd in my country. What absolute fucking bullshit.
It's actually the opposite, it usually goes like this;
>whites are the most attractive race!
>"You fucking racist, what do you say to this Latino! (posts a picture of Jessica Alba - Spanish, Mexican, Danish, Welsh, German, English, Scottish, Irish, French)
>blacks are not attractive!
>"Take this you bigot!" (posts a picture of Beyonce - African, Native American and French) dad 25% white, mom 50% white)
Nearly all American blacks are about 25% white admixture from slavery days, Most Mexicans are around 30-50% European admixture depending on region, because of uh, stuff that happened after Columbus landed. The features that people, of all races, find the most pleasing to the eye are usually from European genetics. I know that infuriates some people, and were also supposed to pretend race doesn't exist and that the average Aboriginal Australian girl is exactly as attractive as the average Swedish girl, but this shit isn't true and everyone knows it. All races have something good about them, different things, but whites are the most attractive on average. Not to say there isn't some butt ugly whites out there.
Do you like stopmotion? if so you should check out Kubo and the Two Strings.
If you can't understand why what you're saying is total biased, idiotic, nonsense then I can't help you buddy. Please try to gain a better understanding of the world you live in and it's people.
nice emotional argument. are you a chick?
Nigga plz.
Most Maori are poo now, but that bitch is tangata whenua as fuck.
Found it!
You must be new here.
Like I said, it makes people mad. I know that. It's not something I would ever say in real life, because it would be incredibly rude, not to mention people would think I was racist. The thing about being anonymous is that you can speak truths here you can speak elsewhere.
It's just always there, and people pretend it isn't. African-Americans don't look like Africans because nearly all of them have whites in their family tree from the 18th and 19th centuries. Africans look like AFRICANS because they have no mixture. Mexicans don't look like the indigenous native Mexican people that are still around because after the Spanish landed they did so much raping that they literally made most of mexico half European, genetically speaking.
It's not like it's a secret that most races find white features and appearance attractive. It's only in real life we have to lie and say "Oh! Of course all races are equally beautiful!" Remember the okcupid data dump? The data from that on desirability broken down by race was pretty clear. It's not like we need data like that anyway though, this is just something that everyone knows.
Sure bud, I'm a chick, a horse, a space alien, anything that makes you feel less like a dumbass. Doesn't make what you're saying any less moronic.
1) There's a tons of non-white, non-white admixture sex symbols, even in America.
2) Europe is not homogenous.
3) Blacks and Mexicans having some does not nullify any attractive featured they have and make them white ones, and "Nearly all American blacks are about 25% white admixture " Is not even close to being true
4)There are no features exclusive racial groups
>It's "white" people take credit for and pat themselves on the back for literally everything and anything season 28 episode 47
this is an english speaking website faggot
Non-whites find white attractive when they are attractive.
>whips out the okcupid statistics and tips fedora
America is not the whole world. Everyones knows that most women would prefer a 5/10 white man to a 7/10 African. It's not a matter of attractive phenotypes, but sociological perception.
why are mixed race so perfect?
My dream girl is a girl with European features but the hot blood of a Moroccan girl. Shit's spicy yo. Blonde Swedish-looking girls are too vanilla.
>Mexicans don't look like the indigenous native Mexican people
Most do, actually
But they're too poor to even cross the border so you get a different perception
Because she's mixed with white.
report Sup Forums shit
>For instance, a 2006 study conducted by Mexico's National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN), which genotyped 104 samples, reported that mestizo Mexicans are 58.96% European, 35.05% "Asian" (primarily Amerindian), and 5.03% Other.[71] According to a 2009 report by the Mexican Genome Project, which sampled 300 mestizos from six Mexican states and one indigenous group, the gene pool of the Mexican mestizo population was calculated to be 55.2% percent indigenous, 41.8% European, 1.0% African, and 1.2% Asian.[72]
>MtDna and y DNA studies
>A 2012 study published by the Journal of Human Genetics Y chromosomes found the deep paternal ancestry of the Mexican mestizo population to be predominately European (64.9%), followed by Amerindian (30.8%) and Asian(1.2%).[75] The European Y chromosome was more prevalent in the north and west (66.7-95%) and Native American ancestry increased in the center and southeast (37-50%), the African ancestry was low and relatively homogeneous (0-8.8%).[36
Are you implying White people was breeded over generations just to be fashionable fuck toys because they happend to be "pretty" to another races???
Because thats literally what you are saying, If you known what I mean...
is Björk even White???
nah i dont think thats it
Gonna report wikipedia links with scientific sources?
The truth may be painful sir, but it will set you free.