>tfw we took over
Who here Hispanic?
Tfw we took over
Oh dell aye essay?
Based mexibro
How can I support the cause, bro?
Send money? Campaign online?
Also what are we going to do with cuckskins once we own the government? Treat them like equals? Hah
Come to America and take the money from the white people.
>took over
>people scared shitless because Trump is winning
>rioting as last resort isn't working
>mass deportations at the end of the year
damn, you showed those american bastards :^)
enjoy going back to your shithole Juan
Aye homes.
Around here you all live 10-15 people in a house that all your neighbors have secretly agreed to burn down while you sleep the moment something 'big' goes down.
You totally...won...or something
/mexican/ master race here. God I'm crying tears of joy seeing these incest babies finally getting what they deserve.
No better time to be alive ;')
I live in AZ and you people live like roaches lmao
The one contribution you've made in my town is molesting your daughters at an early age so they're total cockwhores by highschool.
I know Sup Forums likes to bag-on white chicks but holy shit, Mexican girls make them look like fucking saints. These bitches are like penile-vacuums (and thank god for that).
I can testify.
Since they're all raised Catholic
I let it slip that I'm Jewish (I'm not) and the panties just disintegrate. Can't let the opportunity slip past to take Dickens from one of the chosen people.
Mexican food is pretty good though. So thanks for that. Thanks for the food, and the poontang.