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>benevolent sexism
The sjw's are learning not to eat their own, how heartwarming.
One of the best comedians. Hope he comes out with a new special soon.
Just when the cuck meme starts to die out he goes and does this
what sort of retarded link is this, screams phoneposter to me
He needs to stick to standup. No idiot's gonna make an informed voting decision based on this cuck's opinions.
Holy shit, a decent Vox article.
This can only mean Trump is gonna win.
>it's a celebrities can't have opinions or political stances because it triggers the alt-right episode
i've got a new /his/torical waifu. pic related
>it's a libcuck tries desperately to cozy up to feminists and feminists prove to be way smarter episode
Writing "feminists prove to be way smarter" felt incredibly wrong, but in the context of them BTFO white knight cucks, like you, it was completely justified.
>seek for insight regarding politics
>go to an uneducated comedian for it
Why the fuck do you guys do this?
>it's a Sup Forums child just realized his idols were liberals all along and is incapable of coping with it episode
>Louis C.K. is supporting Hillary Clinton in next week’s presidential election because she’s a mom.
e p i c
It's weird because I actually like Loius but I feel like anytime he takes a stance on anything it always feels like hes just trying to make up for something? I mean going on about how she a "mother" and how tough that it is? Do you really feel that way? or are you noticing that you got more recognition for having "correct" opinions. You would think he would be praising single parents instead of mothers, since it's more relevant to him.
Louis is aware that hillary hasnt had sex with any black men, right?
She's munching on an Arab woman though. That's just enough to get a day pass at the interracial breeding grounds.
>Louis CK, a comedian, criticizes Trump
>Trump supporters lose their minds and won't stop shouting "KEK!"
>Donald Trump says he loves to sexually assault women
>Trump supporters say the media is just corrupt
He was right. You do have to be a sucker to vote for Trump.
This. She's a fucking fake.
>Trump lies more than 70% of the time
>but Hillary is the phony one
>drumpf is a sexist meanie
whoa #imwithher now
>Trump's own words don't count because Hillary a asshole
All politicians lie. It's in the job description.
Sure, but Hillary lies 27% of the time while Trump lies 71% of the time(according to an independent assessment of the things they've said during the campaign). It's not equivilent. This meme that they're equally bad and thus equally palatable is just idiotic.
is Sup Forums really the best place to spend CTR time?
post your tits or grow some balls
holy fuck you're retarded. hillary is 99% worse on all her policies since i put a % sign that makes me an authority and if you disagree you're anti intellectual.
>gives a bullshit stat
>"b-but he was pretty close, s-so he didn't r-really lie..."
Trump is full of shit. Get your head out of your ass.
What argument do you think you're having? Because whatever it is, you're too stupid to be having it.
Stop trying to make me draw lines around shit, captcha!
your statistics are made up just like mine. suck my dick faggot and kill yourself.
Learn how to google, faget.
The CK stands for Cuck King
Politifact is absolute shit, but if you think Hillary lies more than Trump you're insane
Trump changes his mind on what he's saying mid-sentence and will give 3 different positions on one topic in the same breath, and he denies saying/doing things from a week ago that there's dozens of recordings of. It's gotten to the point where he's not even being dishonest, he's constructing his own reality
Are you trolling or a literal retard?
hahah you are so fucking retarded you are dumb as a rock. how can you not understand the concept that the people making that graph can make up whatever they want?
hillary was on stage today saying arizona state university was a good college because it had a lot of latinos. she also said diversity is our strenght. i don't think i've heard trump say something so incorrect once.
>It's gotten to the point where he's not even being dishonest, he's constructing his own reality
He's been doing that for 40 years. His entire persona is a brand, and the brand relies on Trump being a character.
>lol everyon is just rigging the system against trump because there so scared of him retard lol
This is what Trump supporters actually believe.
>Trump's own words don't count because Hillary broke the law
>it's not against the law to sexually assault women
>in Trump's America...
Hilary only has a career because of sexism and nepotism you stupid cunt
God women are so fucking dumb its infuriating.
Also Hillbots, the "projections" for her win were entirely based on Blacks/Latinos turning out in the same numbers as they did for Obama in 2008/12
Enjoy 4 years of Trump.
Trump supporters support America.
Clinton supporters support globalism and the most corrupt, criminal vile cunt to ever run for public office.
What the fuck went wrong in your life that you sold your soul to that cunt?
that is like using fox news as a source
>hillary was on stage today saying arizona state university was a good college because it had a lot of latinos. she also said diversity is our strenght.
Those are both opinions so you can't really call it false (though ASU is absolute shit and I should know as someone who went to HS in AZ and applied to school there)
>i don't think i've heard trump say something so incorrect once.
how about saying he put the birther controversy to rest, even though he was asking for Obama's "real" birth certificate up through 2010, spent months after Obama's election talking about how he was organizing an investigation in Hawaii to come up with the truth, and even in 2015 said he wasn't sure whether Obama was a natural-born citizen.
I mean maybe in some fantasy world talking about Obama's birth certificate for 7 years after everyone else dropped the issue counts as "putting it to rest" but that's not the case here
>sexually assault
Nice, proof?
The article was clearly written by a liberal, you smegma eating bullsucker.
>buying the propaganda this hard
I can't wait for the flood of "i was only pretedning to be retarded" posts after Trump loses.
>Also Hillbots, the "projections" for her win were entirely based on Blacks/Latinos turning out in the same numbers as they did for Obama in 2008/12
but that's not true, pollsters acknowledge she's polling lower with blacks but she makes up for that with college-educated whites who are voting majority Democrat for the first time in over 50 years. Latinos are a bit of a wash and vary from state to state
He did put it to rest. He stated Obama was born in America and that Hillary Clinton was the one who started the rumor in the first place.
>>lol everyon is just rigging the system against trump because there so scared of him retard lol
no you retard. this has nothing to do with trump or hillary this is about statistics. you have no basis for your "facts" that trump is more dishonest. your source is what authors of newspapers chose to pick out and discuss, this is not how statistics works. you have no understanding of statistics or scientific method you are a fucking retard. the fact that you would even put weight behind a claim that you can derive a quantitative measurement of honesty shows how completely retarded you are and how uneducated you are. i hope you remain comfortably ignorant of the actual world and keep to your retard bubble where you belong.
You just described Trump voters m8
Thank you for Correcting The Record.
Why don't you tell me what the cunt's policies are then? Oh, that's right, she hasn't been told them yet.
The perp's unsolicited confession isn't good enough? Trump thinks the "Central Park 5" should be executed based on their coerced confessions but Trump's confession doesn't mean anything?
>donald trump says sluts will let rich famous guys fuck them
>the entire world already knows this
>liberals pretend its the first they've heard of it and start screaming sexual assault
How do you function day to day? I mean don't you go into constant panic attacks the way the oxygen around you air-rapes your lungs?
Trump said he did it. Either he's a liar who invents stories about him grabbing hot chicks to impress TV hosts, or he actually sexually assaults women. It's your choice which one you want to believe
I'm just kidding, there's also dozens of women who say he's sexually assault them and that he walks into Miss Teen America changing rooms to ogle girls changing (which he also admits to)
oh yeah but trump's statements aren't opinion we can objectively call those facts. you're a complete fucking moron neck yourself you fucking idiot. and we can objectively state that asu is shittier now with more latinos we could look at sat admittance rates. that is as much as research as fact checker use to analyze claims. no one gives a fuck about the birther issue. fucking kill yourself.
Again, he was the only person in the public eye to keep talking about it after the election. Even Fox News and Alex Jones dropped it to talk about other things. That's not putting it to rest, that's prolonging the discussion
They're on her fucking website. Tell me, what's Trump's plan for Obamacare? What's his plan for the deficit? What's his plan for the debt? What's his plan for climate change?
>I just start kissing them. I don't even say anything
>grab them by the pussy
just kill yourself
>her website
>climate change
I hope you choke on cum.
Show me the audio
yes faggot, saying X is good and Y makes us stronger is purely a subjective statement.
>no one gives a fuck about the birther issue
yes I know, which is why it's hilarious that Trump kept talking about it for seven years and then just a few months ago pretended like it never happened.
>1.Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.
I'll just leave this here
>arguing with gender studies majors
>I moved on her
>I just start kissing, I don't wait, I kiss
>and when you're a star they let you do it
>its just a chinese hoax guyz
>im serious!
That's not a plan, that's a talking point. What comes after the repeal? At this point Trump has only said that he will replace the ACA with "something terrific."
But trumps not a fake? He supported Hillary just a few years ago.
>he believes the women coming out against Trump
Good goy
>less than 35k
>53.4% Hillary
>more that 75k
>50.8% Trump
But..but the elites support Shillary and Trump is the champion of the poor working class!
He'll allow people to purchase insurance across state lines making the prices lower in order to be competitive.
So Trumpcare?
Kepp reading, the rest is in the link
are you a male voting for hillary? i hope you don't reproduce you are fucking retarded. i explained to you how "honesty %" is a fucking bullshit abuse of statistics. you come back with some birther shit because you have a fucking tiny brain thanks to reading the new york times and other shitty online shit. you have no critical thinking abilities. it's funny as fuck.
they're just corroborating what Trump said, why is it such a stretch?
kill yourself you fucking faggot
The average Trump primary voter made $72k annually. It's a meme that he represents the trampled working class.
Then he's not repealing Obamacare, simply amending it. Try again.
Sounds terrific.
No it isn't. There is no plan post-repeal.
Don't worry about that.
Nu-males will never get the chance to reproduce.
>he thinks people that make over $75k but less than a million (the vast majority of that group) are "elites"
do you even live in america or are you posting from india?
could you cut down 90% of the buzzwords in that and make your point, because I honestly couldn't understand anything in that sea of gibberish
You asked for an example of Trump lying and I gave you one. I don't care if you think it's something no one cares about, Trump felt like focusing on it in pretty much every interview he gave in the last 8 years so it's clearly something he had an actual opinion on
You are a dumb fuck.
If my candidate is winning the poor, they're a champion of the working class. If your candidate is winning the poor, they're pandering to welfare leeches.
If my candidate is winning the wealthy, they're a representative of honest business owners and successful professionals. If your candidate is winning the wealthy, they're a slave to ivory tower corrupt 1%ers.
How about... nothing? Socialized healthcare doesn't work on a national level for a country as big as the United States. The best success we've had with anything like that was done on the state level, never Federal and that would ultimately reflect the countries who have successfully implemented it far better.
>i reject all facts that clash with my beliefs but YOU have no critical thinking skills faget
Trump has become a religion.
>bait Trump into locker room talk and secretly record him
>use it 10 years later to try and make him look like a sexual predator by paying bimbos to say he sexually assualted them
What's it like being a squishy brained libtard that can't see how politics is actually played?
I'm not op but I only care about Sup Forums on my lunch breaks so I only post from my phone ever
Why do people not like phone posters
You didn't read jackshit
yep, I agree it's not fair and that anyone can twist the support into a positive or negative however they want, which is why the user that posted that wasn't adding anything of value to the discussion
So let's go back to talking about how Trump can't keep his story straight for more than 5 minutes
What a poignant and illuminating rebuttal. Thank you for elevating the discourse.
>mommyposters are for hillary
wow it all makes sense now
>has become
Where have you been the past year? This went full cult before 2015 was over.
Word is out you have problems with your T levels if you're male and you shill for hill
>Socialized healthcare doesn't work on a national level for a country as big as the United States.
Prove it. Show me the proof to back that up. Because any logical person would tell you that a system like socialized medicine can scale to any population do to the increased number of participants equating to an increased number of people paying in.
>The best success we've had with anything like that was done on the state level, never Federal and that would ultimately reflect the countries who have successfully implemented it far better.
We've never had it on a state or federal level, idiot.
>a Republican member of the Bush political family baited Trump into producing incriminating evidence
>10 years before Trump would actually run for president
>and then paid women to make up false accusations
Damn Jeb must have been pretty pissed off at Trump humiliating him to invent a time machine, go back in time, and set all of this up.
Seriously though, this is hardly "baiting" Trump, he brings this shit up in normal conversations. Look up any interview with him and he starts talking about how he loves beautiful women, how he'd fuck his daughter if she wasn't related to him, etc. Either he's easier to bait than the average Sup Forums poster or he is obsessed with grabbing women
What are you looking at, frogboy?
Then please, by all means give me some policy points.
Trump is going to lose guys, no need to vote since it's a forgone conclusion.
Brexit can't happen twice, sorry.
>that posted that wasn't adding anything of value to the discussion
Showing that hillary's supporters are a bunch of idiots with worthless liberal arts degrees that whine about being victims without making good decisions to improve their own lives is hardly lacking in value
Hillary is supported by the lower class leeches who want more money for programs, white feminists/nu-males that complain for a living, and the ultra rich donors that can control her. Thats her supporter base.
we've actually had wonderful federal-scale medical systems, namely Medicare and Medicaide
This state-based system is absolute fantasy, especially since it goes against the other talking point of allowing insurance companies to cross state lines and compete. If a company is doing business between multiple states, that falls under the interstate commerce clause of the Constitution and it instantly becomes a federal issue. There's no way to take a hands-off approach to it
I literally said A1 I don't give a fuck a about trump.
You don't know what a fact is that's what is so funny. A self described "fact-checker's" aggregate average of their own articles is not a factual representation of honesty, implying such a thing could even exist. Can you refute that or you actually don't care about productive debate you just like scoring cheap emotional victories because actual accurate information is not important to you, your only goal is personal vindication and repetition of horrid shallow non arguments you absorb through the internet.
Had obama released a birth certificate trump wouldn't have had to call him out. You call my words "bullshit' because you're a fucking moron. It's too hard for you to comprehend an actual argument you need spoon fed pop culture psuedo intellectual bullshit to repeat.
Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.
Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.
Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.
Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.
Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.
Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.