No jokes. What is your opinion on this movie? I thought it was great. I've only seen the extended cut.
No jokes. What is your opinion on this movie? I thought it was great. I've only seen the extended cut
Not THAT bad, but yeah, still kinda bad.
Extended cut is a pure fucking kino
I didn't care much for the sex scene between Lex and Morpheus
I don't think it was great, but I honestly don't understand why critics trashed it so badly. It was a bit too long and too heavy-handed in parts, but overall I liked it. Affleck makes a great Batman
great 8.5/10 - some flaws are still there but great film anyway and i'd love to watch it again. good or bad, it's a memorable film
bvs 5/10 it totally deserved negative reviews
really flawed movie, could have been good without:
>wonder woman
>another cast and personality as lex
if it was just about batman taking prevention against superman, superman smiling and a more simple lex plan you could get it, also
>mail and logos garbage
>Affleck makes a great Batman
I think I'm a little partial to the movie because I was so shocked by the ending. I watched no promotional material for it and when Lex brought Doomsday out I was like "Holy shit they're killing Superman!". Wasn't expecting it at all. Blew my fucking mind.
It was bad. Not the worst thing ever, but it was bad. The script depended too hard on plot contrivances and the characters acting like morons.
Theatrical = 6.1/10
BvS extended cut = 8.6/10
i liked it. having some time after the theatrical mess really helped aswell. 7/10
you lucky fuck. the trailers ruined so fuckin much. the whole movie was in the goddamn trailer. even in the theater they played the jeep bvs commercial and when that scene happened it was all i could think about.
I like the extended cut for the most part. It's not great, but it's also not nearly as bad as reddit makes it out to be.
I expected worse. That scene at the warehouse was really good.
Loved it
an apt popcorn flick.
the only remarkable thing about the movie was the unexplicable reception from the media.
Felt like too many movies crammed into one without properly explaining any of them. It was very tiring to watch.
Also destruction porn.
Also also Lex was fucking stupid.
I thought that the extended cut was one of the most important (though not necessarily one of the best) films of the decade. It's the most sincere effort to elevate the superhero blockbuster genre into something that actually contributes to, rather than degrades, American culture.
That said, it does have minor flaws. Wonder Woman's role is unnecessary (although Gadot does a perfectly serviceable job) and I can't help but think that the film would have been stronger if they were excluded entirely.
pretty fucking bad... just like every other Snyder movie.
It's incredibly politically relevant tot he fractured post 9-11 American psyche. Terrio wrote an amazing script. The only downside is the forced in justice league tie ins.
Dc avengers
> politically relevant tot he fractured post 9-11 American psyche
Completely agree. 20 years of war have left the US morally depleted (Batman at the beginning of th film)- only through faith, love and trust (Superman) can we find our way out
It is the chemo to the soulless cancer that is the Disney/Marvel entertainment industrial complex
> tfw you realize that Batman is actually the antagonist of the film
> tfw you see all the overt parallels between him and Lex
BvS is honestly Kino as fuck - you can tell the screenwriter had classical training
>American Culture
What a shitty Culture