Future of the EU and Brexit

So when the supposed inevitable terrorist attacks go off 2 days from now, the EU will have a motivation to vote against brexit, in turn forcing the EU to get together again, let me explain.

>Option to leave EU is available
>Civvies vote to leave EU
>EU enacts massive continent wide anti "hate speech" censorship laws
>Said law works against those who are against the EU
>Even with said law enacted there is still a high % chance that brexit wins
>Ironically, terror cells in EU announce planned attack on June 5th 2016
>Said terror attack may or may not work into making the people fearful
>Whether or not it works, it will happen
>Attack may or may not work against brexit or works for it
>Attack may make brits fearful
>Gov capitalizes on said fear convincing brits if they leave the EU terror attacks will be the norm, so they must stay in EU to prevent this from happening again
> On the off chance attack doesn't work
>Brits decide they are better off leaving EU and Brexit gets passed
>More terror attacks happen in bongland as a result of leaving
>Gov officials plead to the people to rejoin EU as a result of said ongoing terror attacks
>"If we join the EU we will be able to monitor everything and stop these attacks from happening" will be what is preached
>Terrorists install fear, fear leads to bigger gov, kill said terrorists in the end since they become a threat.

The EU is unofficially starting its big leaps turning into a federal state, you can see this from the massive hate speech censorship law enacted awhile ago, sooner or later this will grow.

Also once the EU becomes a full federal state like the soviet union there will be no more terrorists, because by then the govs will actually go after them and kill them, said terrorist are the only people who have weapons.

Can anyone else inform me of what the future might look like for the EU? Looking 15-30 years ahead what can or will happen? I know the ELITES have something planned out, but I dont know what it is.

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Those are some cute gooks. More?

To answer your question, I really can't say what will happen with the EU. I think Bongistan isn't as smothered in refugees as Germany, so they may be less inclined to crack down on them. On the other hand, a terror attack may give Brexit the push it needs.
>If we don't leave, we'll be forced to take in more excluding kebabs!

I meant exploding. Stupid predictive typing.

How do you expect me to read All That Shit with a picture like that

Anri Okita on the right, she is best jap pornstar, dont know about girl on left


>Terrorist attack happens in Britain
>People will know that if we leave the EU they'll have a harder time getting in
>Terrorist attack happens in EU country
>People will see once again that the EU can't do shit against terrorism and those terrorists could have easily used the EU to come to the UK and attack us
Win win. If a terrorist attack doesn't happen then the loominati will just have to false flag one wont they?

Here's the vid.


I would drink their bathwater tbqh senpai