Marty McFly; aka " 'Ol shakey hand's " has the hottest girlfriend in 1985. Hangs out with old fucks like Doc Brown because he doesn't care what people think. Shreds at guitar. Like's trucks. So alpha his mom wants his cock in 1955
Marty's Siblings; Dave flips burgers for a living. His older sister Linda is a land whale who dreams about being swept away by Prince Charming (1985 Tumblrina)
Marty's dad; George Mcfly is a scared little bitch beta liberal cuck with zero confidence and is probably impotent. Likes Sci-Fi, the most degenerate of all genres. Is still bullied by his High School bully Biff
Marty's Mom; Overweight, depressed, middle-aged alcoholic. She deeply regrets being married to a beta bitch like Marty's dad, but her sexual value is way too low at this point to be branch-swinging from cock to cock. Want's to fuck her own son in 1955 like a total inbred whore. Stalks him and pressures him into taking her to a dance so she can get him drunk and fuck him. In 1985 she says she was a good girl in 1955 but in reality was a total cock loving animal
Why isn't Marty our fucking mascot?