Hey Sup Forums, what's this thing on my pene?

hey Sup Forums, what's this thing on my pene?

It's a herpes blister

Dude wtf happened to your foreskin??

Its a scar after your infancy mutilation

>thing on my pene?
It's a scar from where the syphilis worms entered your dick.
they stay there for years until they hatch out

bro, clearly half your penis is gone.
those are clearly scars and you are
clearly a victim.


wait till your 30s and hair is growing up to the tip like your leg.
you gonna cry then lolo

Scars from a botched circumcision. Thank your stupid Muslim or Jewish religion (or probably your retarded American parents who didn't even have a religious reason to mutilate their child).

I'm more interested in the white spot I circled. It just appeared a week ago.

is your mom a vampire?

Take your inferior smegma covered animal dick and go back to your hut, you third-world uncut primitive.



real intellectual child rapist

>your mom said what?

Better a perfect penis over some animal dick. Of course, as a third world primitive, you have so little going for you, I suppose criticizing civilized penises makes you feel better.
Don't worry, the Red Cross food trucks will be in your ghetto village soon.

A clean spot pro tip wash your dick

you know that trojan guy commercial he says he "holds it in"?
next time you re-incarnate you gonna be "tucked" in, thats what you like though you a undercover sissy.

undercover government experiment.
mouthy kneeling half eunach

big mouth and little ideas for a sexually mutilated, child sex sacrifice avowing "Good person"



it's scar tissue man. if youve ever had a large scar sometimes the tissue will spot like that.
imho thats all remember 80% of this society are subjective child molesters, ie they are brainwashed and ignorant.

just because YOU are incapable of washing your eeni weeni weener doesn't give uncut alpha's a reason to have smegma. because NORMAL people actually wash their dicks.