What are some good primate/monkey themed movies?
What are some good primate/monkey themed movies?
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dicks out ;_;
Every Which Way But Loose.
This is a film about African American you racist
Birth of a Nation
True monkino right here.
12 years a slave.
>inb4 so fucking original.
Well, somebody HAD to say it.
Do the Right Thing
I want monkino not racist jokes.
Remember that we all evolved from the OP pic before you start hating on other ppl
>rare photo of Ronald Reagan with a 9 year old Barack Obama
yeah they didnt evolve thats the problem
Uhh 28 days later?
What's racist about Every Which Way But Loose? It's about Clint Eastwood and his orangutan.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
No we didn't, that's kike propaganda. Europeans have no ties to Africa
Europeans and Asians evolved directly from orangutans like Darwin theorized
Grow some skin you fucking crybaby faggot
We didn't evolve from shit, we just share a common ancestor with them.
The ‘Petralona man’, or Archanthropus of Petralona, as it has since been called, was found to be 700,000 years old, making it the oldest human europeoid (presenting European traits) of that age ever discovered in Europe. Dr Poulianos’ research showed that the Petralona man evolved separately in Europe and was not an ancestor of a species that came out of Africa.
Chekt, but refer to
Europeans are not tainted by the ancestry of negros
I meant humans and apes, I'm not touching your Sup Forums arguments.
Congo (1995)
>Sup Forums argument
>actually science and research was conducted
Uh oh guys. Science is racist now. Just like factual statistics.
>didn't even bother to read the link to inform himself
And this is why jews will always Lord over us, because average person is fucking retarded
The Petralona man was actually a misidentified orangutan. """Whites""" are just melanin deficient black people with a crystallized pituitary gland.
You see, the difference between you and that "Sup Forums argument" is that at least he provided a source.
What are you even going on about, I never even said all humans share an African descent, I'm just saying the homo genre does share a common ancestor with chimpanzees.
My source is the fact I went to college for 7 years and I have a bachelor degree in communication so I think I know what I'm talking about
The only homo here is you, pal.
Ah Ha! So you do agree with me that all people evolved from a common ancestor The Orangutan
Sure buddy.
And I'm a cowboy astronaut. I'm actually posting this from Mars.
ancient origins is not a real source
this is the white equivalent of we wuz kangs, we wus never nigs.
His """"source"""" is a random website. I can find websites where they say that evolution isn't real and that Satan made up fossils to "test our faith in god", does that mean it's true?
lol dat filename, stop eating fatass :)
No, we do share a common ancestor with it (along with chimps and gorillas) but we did not evolve directly from it.
fuck off nigger. Go back to the zoo
that monkey has some big nuts