You turned her against me
You turned her against me
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>You have done that, Yorce Ellf
Did Anakin change his name or something? Why did Obi-Wan call him that?
I H8 U : (
This line would have been great if the prequels weren't some retarded love story and Anakin was more than just a prissy little cunt, and by that I mean if he were more like the Vader we knew in that he was cold and calculating
He actually delivered that line pretty well desu senpai
one of the few moments that had some emotional impact behind it, in my opinion.
>what if obi wan was porking padme and anakin found out
the line is that much better
>I wish the character whos entire story is about him becoming a villain was a villain from the start
Literally retarded
>Yorce Ellf was a Bothan Jedi Knight, and subsequent Sith Lord, who lived between 4483-4429BBY. [...] He is most notable for being the originator of the "Force Reversal" technique, a Jedi mind trick in which the user manipulates a target's very thoughts to change them to the polar opposite of what they had original believed or felt. He would often pair it with a physical reorientation of the target, in order to send them peacefully in the opposite direction if they had been aggressive. However, there were some cases in which Yorce Ellf had used the trick to instigate opponents who held no ill-will towards him into attacking him for the sake of conflict.
>Because of his notorious use of the Force Reversal mind trick, it became an idiom within the Jedi ranks for millennia later to refer to anyone having turned someone against themselves as being a "Yorce Ellf" or having committed a "Yorce Ellf". Most faously this phrase was spoken my Master Obi Wan Kenobi to Anakin Skywalker before their duel on Mustafar.
Fucking learn the lore before commenting you utter retard.
Makes more sense than Star Wars.
This is good.
...isn't it?
The Prequel trilogy was great.
SJU is a goddess.
me on the left
Why is this not real
>You two careful, he is a big.
>Mr. Speaker, WE are for the big.
What did he mean by this?