47 years old

>47 years old

How does she do it?

The flat nose and thin eyes are locked into that position as they age.

Cute feet though.

>watching that Mel Gibson movie where she's a dominatrix
I'd kill someone to have rough sex with her till one of us died of exhuastion


she'll be fine until late 50s when she turns into fat midget mode

wow asa akira truly knows how to stay in shape


not in that picture you fucking retard

you can't just pick some random picture and say

>hey look how old this celeb is!

when its fucking years old

now here is a pic from october and I can fucking tell she's old

Posting some milf kultura.


Will she ever get BLACKED?

I must be getting old, because I'd destroy any and all of them. Except Elvira. That's just getting sad.

sunscreen everyday since she was a teenager probably

This list lacks Jennifer Lopez.

me on the left



got DAUM
class, too.

get yosalf a qt azn waifu

they like white guys :)

let em call us racist, we have our pick of the honies

Hmmm, there's something wrong with that picture but I can't put my finger on it.

Liz Hurley is 51 and looks smokin.

how come she's like the only asian qt movie star?

more asian women pls

When did Samuel L Jackson have a stint in porn?

Lucy Liu wasn't even attractive in her prime, you just haven't met enough Asian people

>Jennifer Tilly
damn, haven't seen her in ages. Surprised Sup Forums hasn't incorporated her into mommy or feet threads yet
I guess it doesn't help when your last big role was Liar Liar

it's called a facelift

Chink magic.

I want to kill Elvira's pussy

can't put your finger in it you mean?

left or right?

Best pic ive seen on this board today.

Only decent one is the Mexican

middle obviously
nice trips btw

Raw diet in the summer.

aborted fetusin the winter months.

No No Maybe YES
Yes Probably not Yes Yes
Yes YES Probably No
YES Yes Yes Maybe
Probably Probably YES Probably

Literally the only reason people still find most of them attractive is because of producers requiring that 90% of their hires have massive racks from the start of hollywood up until the past 15 or so years

Why the fuck would you pass up Elvira?

Fag detected

If I had to choose I'd pick Lynda Carter.


>tfw 2 (TWO) asian milfs at my work that i fantasize about fucking constantly
one does the night shift and one does the day shift, i'm there in-between so at any one time one of them is there shaking their asses about.
how do you even go about seducing an older asian lady?

she looks like she's doing one of those granny bodybuilder poses

used to jerk off to her in charlies angels

>how do you even go about seducing an older asian lady?
have you tried being a wealthy, older white male?

does being a handsome younger male not work? ;_;

>those gray hands

she ate part of bill murrays soul

absolutely not. Asians, and especially older Asians are very into traditional roles. They're there to keep the house clean and pump out kids. You're there to work 10 hours a day and provide for the family

Unless they're westernized trash of course, but at that point why even bother with them