How can a director make one of the best films ever (The Dark Knight) but also made such a mediocre terrible one (The Dark Knight Rises)?
Batman Begins I consider a masterpiece along with TDK but TDKR was just bad.
How can a director make one of the best films ever (The Dark Knight) but also made such a mediocre terrible one (The Dark Knight Rises)?
Batman Begins I consider a masterpiece along with TDK but TDKR was just bad.
he lost his passion and just did it for the money.
Heath Ledger went and killed himself and fucked it all up. Would have been way better if we had gotten more Joker.
Yeah pretty much this
Nolan was kind of forced to make this
This and this.
Imagine working on your masterpiece, your opus, perfect casting, perfect story, a familiar setting with your own beautiful dark twist on it.
And it is so perfect that the guy you asked to play an insane madman literally goes and kills himself.
That would probably fuck my passion up too. I think there is literally a movie about a writer that realises her story writing affects a person in real life and it fucks her up for good.
He didn't really want to make it.
>Dark Knight = one of the best films ever
The real question is what is a redditor like you doing here?
TDKR could have been good. Good concept, execution, etc.
But there were just some stupid ideas that ruined it.
> Batman not sacrificing himself. Had he done that alone it would have boosted the entire trilogy into 'classic' status.
> Stupid shoehorning in of 'Robin'.
> Stupid Talia's stupid head wart.
> Stupid Bane's stupid 10 month plan with cops trapped underground for 10 months.
>cops that have been trapped underground are ready to fight as soon as they're let free
>said cops charge into melee range against terrorists with assault rifles, and it works
I think he did TDKR mostly so the studios would allow him to make Inception.
It could have even worked. I mean, I know what he was going for, "Epic battle of good v. evil, figuratively and metaphorically"" and it did feel epic enough.
But it also felt stupid for the reasons you said.
Was it worth it?
it's better this way. Nolan already gave us two pretty great Batman movies, so a third wouldn't have really added to that. Instead he gave us perfect meme kino and created a whole new genre. He should be praised for his foresight and creativity, breaking away from the oppressive shackles of making quality products and instead gracing us with laughable character interaction and action choreography
>action choreography
I was referring more to the Gotham police charging Bane's army to punch them despite having guns, but that's a good example too
I was wrong. It was for Interstellar. Yeah I think it was worth it. Interstellar was pretty decent.
TDKR reminds me of Phantom Menace in the sense that I tried really hard to like it on release, but as time goes by it becomes more and more clear it's just amusing trash.
first post best post
also this guy is also right they had a completely different story in mind in the earliest draft for the sequel but then heat was kill
>Batman Begins I consider a masterpiece along with TDK
Enjoy being wrong about everything in life. The cinematography has aged like garbage and the last third of the movie devolved into an incredibly stupid plot about a gas bomb.
Try and stop me ;)
I agree with this. As someone who followed the production of TDKR for a year, I would say that Nolan seemed extremely jaded about another sequel after TDK. He kept talking about his reluctance to tell other stories in that universe and that if he found one it would have to be about "finality" because these movies can't go on forever like the comic books.
I think for him it was a reflection of losing Heath, people aren't gonna be around forever to make a full franchise so why bother? So Nolan just ended up trying to tie up Bruce Wayne's story and ignoring the Joker elepjant in the rook then washed his hands of it, but you could tell he never cared as much as the did with the other two films and as much as people deny it TDK did have a cliffhanger about the Joker's fate. And he was bigger than the one and done hollywood villain of the week formula.
>one of the best films ever made
>TDK did have a cliffhanger about the Joker's fate.
Not really. His role in the story was completely finished. Only to the extent that Joker could never be completely imprisoned, which means that he would have had to die for his story to be finished.
Having all the prisoners released in TDKR does complicate things, but other than that, there was no inherently necessary reason to continue his story.
>came expecting baneposting
You realize that baneposting, unless there's some though put into it, is just shitposting, right, especially for a legitimate thread?
That gut is almost reaching the ground.
God, what a fucking loser.
>legitimate thread
I recently saw the movie again. Only few of them had guns, rest had batons
It's hardly bait.
>one of the best films ever (The Dark Knight)
>Nolan was kind of forced to make this
He signed up for the three picture deal.
Well if you think TDK is one of the best films ever, you're stupid. Similarly, if you don't think TDKR is in the same league as TDK you're also stupid.
So I don't really think anybody should ever be taking your opinion seriously desu.