Is he right?

Is he right?

Why or why not?

He talks about money a lot.

Of course he's fucking right. You burgers have gone full kike mode.

People who are selling the drug want and need to make money off it. Does them no good to sell it for too cheap or too expensive.

Good now unfuck the FDA for costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to pharmaceutical companies and on average 20+ years to finally approve these drugs which is the prime reason they cost so fucking much.

A life-saving drug would not exist if nobody would profit from it

A life saving drug leads to a dependence on another synthetic drug.

A life-saving drug also does no good if it's not being made because it's not profitable.

But I agree with him generally. I'm really for universal healthcare because I'M A FUCKING LEAF, and this requires cheaper drugs. The price of drugs is much, MUCH higher than it should be and the government is enabling that. It's due to corruption, once again.

That's what insurance is for. Get a job and buy private insurance. It's not that expensive.

Would you rather have 100 drugs on the market and nobody knows which ones will save you and which don't?