Hold out your hand!
You've just bought yourself a brand new motor!
Hold out your hand!
You've just bought yourself a brand new motor!
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The superior motoring show
why would anyone drive an old car in the 21st century?
>Not wanting something Edd China has worked on for a bargain price
>fat bloke buys car and parts
>does absolutely nothing else
>autism-tier mechanic fixes -absolutely everything-
>fat bloke flips car for a 200£ "profit" and calls it a good day
Fuck that. Picrelated is the patrician's choice. At least the fat bloke does work on that.
>And that's it! I just made 1500 pounds on a piece of shit hatchback! Get back in the garage Sherlock!
I enjoyed the fuck out of this show. Jensen Interceptor was one of the best.
This is why every ending is frustrating and hilarious. The man hours and effort of restoring every car just seem insane and he flips them all for a really shitty profit. Edd forever cucked by Mike.
I always imagine Mike Brewer as a dodgy dealer. When he goes out to test drive a car hes interested in I imagine him saying "I've done him! I've just nabbed myself a lovely motor and left him standing there like a mug"
Then when he goes to source wheels and Ed says "wow Mike, where did you manage to find these?"
"Dont ask me no questions Mike, just put em on the motor"
Meanwhile theres a car in a supermarket carpark sitting on bricks.
I imagine him being really cruel to Ed, like Ed is the big lanky mong who gets shut away in the garage fixing up cars and Mike keeps all the profit.
faggot millennial detected
I think Ed is the kind of person who just enjoys fixing things. Sure, he could be working as a mechanic and earning lots of money, but they don't generally have the same freedom to rip out the interior and ruin it.
I love this show. Edd is great.
Reminder that Paul did most of the work while surfer cunt and fat berk got the credit.
Utter nonce sense, Mike regularly makes easy 2 grands, plus he takes on the risk by putting his money into the car.
Who /ShedAndBuried? here?
>600 quid MR2 ran into the fucking ground by a boy racer
Yeah, I don't want to read any more of these.
>Mike drives from London to Scotland to buy a car
>Mike arranges transport for the car back to the garage.
>100k+ worth of garage/specialist equipment.
>Ed works round the clock for weeks
>Mike spunks more money on polishing the wheels.
>Mike thrashes the finished car around the track and doesnt let Ed have a go.
>Mike sells the car for $500 more than he bought it for.
Cmon man, the show is entertaining but its all just an act, they arent making any money on them, its just enjoyable to watch the process.
There is no risk for Mike Brewer.
True for the early seasons, but later on they jew out their profits. At least on camera.
>Sure, he could be working as a mechanic and earning lots of money, but they don't generally have the same freedom to rip out the interior and ruin it.
Ed is a mechanic he runs his own custom restoration shop.
A lot of the cars are "sold" to production crew and then thrown up on eBay.
Just the fact that ed is a highly skilled mechanic and does thousands of pounds worth of work makes the show silly. As you said it's just about enjoying the process. The end 'profit' is pointless.
>it's a Mike goes to India to buy a shitbox episode
A fair amount of the show is trying to show how a home enthusiast could DIY a fix at home, though. If you've got a neighbour with a well stocked garage, you could comfortably do some of these repairs.
It's all the gaudy shit like painting the wheels and remaking the interior that are out of the realm of mortals.
>Oh f fucksake, Leepu
I think 90% of the stuff is out of range for a home enthusiast (most of the stuff uses that hydraulic lift to get under the car anyway). They have so many tools at their disposal in that garage (and a lot of stuff they dont show). Theres no timeframe for how long anything takes either.
Its basically a fantasy show, im not even a big car guy, but the idea of hanging out in your own garage fucking around with cars is so appealing.
>im not even a big car guy, but the idea of hanging out in your own garage fucking around with cars is so appealing.
I'm the same. i've spent time in my dads garage making small things with all the tools he has and it's satisfying. Tuning up/repairing a car would be great if you knew what you were doing.
fucking autist, the point of the show is to watch the repairs and learn something. Although lately they have not been focusing on that enough like they used to, its too polished now. When was the last time we got a Top Tip even? oh well
>it's an Ed fucks up a perfectly good car with a horrible paint job episode
These guys made some incredibly shitty cars. The only thing holding their cars together were sloppy spot welding and a shitton of plaster.
Made for amusing tv though.
>what a lovely Jaguar we have here
>I think we'll paint it baby poop green and give it hot pink rims
kek this. leepu's designs are fucking disgusting and they tout him as some poo in loo Einstein . Fun to watch though.
Would you buy a car from the dodgy fat cunt?
I'm probably not indicative of the typical car owner, because I inherited most of them and about half aren't production cars. That said, I'd estimate you could repair most of them with the tools found in a typical garage. Even if you're missing a hydraulic lift, many old garages have pits dug into them covered with oak planks. Two of mine have this and it's incredibly useful.
I have more tools than I know what to do with. Three garages and two sheds (and a disused kitchen, and an upstairs room) full of bits, to compliment the 19 cars and three motorcycles.
I had considered an aircraft but that would be getting silly.
Bernie is a shite mechanic too. That bmw with the fucking 6 inch wheel spacers, what a moron.
>It's an Mike seals a deal with a huge swinging handshake episode
Honestly I think he'd crush my hand with that momentum
>Edd forever cucked by Mike.
>not production cars
What you got there m80?
>it's an Edd goes on a 15 minute jingoistic diatribe about how every bloody British car is owned by Pakis, Krauts, Ivans or Orientals episode
Two Brabhams (a BT15 and a BT30), a Lola T370, Surtees TS15, a March 721G, a Caterham SP300R in Can-Am spec and a Ferrari Dino 166 Tasman
Other various shells and rolling chassis but those are complete.
If you're making claims like that I'll need pics.