Ayy Sup Forums I'm giving away some potions.You only get one if your post # ends with certain digits.on one condition-

Ayy Sup Forums I'm giving away some potions.You only get one if your post # ends with certain digits.on one condition-
[spoiler]you have to say what you're gonna do with the potion[/spoiler]

Ends with:
3-super strength
5-x ray vision
6-summon clones of yourself
7-knowledge of all things
8-super speed
9-strechy limbs
0-morph your body into anything
Dubs-2 potions of your choosing
Trips-3 potions of your choosing
Quads-4 potions of your choosing
Quints-5 of your choosing
All digits-all potions

Drink it?...

I don't know why anyone wouldn't drink it so...
give it to my dog.


Probably use it to impress some girls

I’ll just drink it

awww sweet. Them girls are gonna be so impressed with my ability to stretch my limbs and clone myself

ooh trips. I guess invincibility will come in handy when their boyfriends find out.

I would drink the potion and then go to my nearest bank and attempt to rob it. 2,4,8,0 would probably all be a piece of cake. 1,3,6 would atleast make it easy to get away but I'd probably be on the run for the rest of my life. 5,7 I'd just be straight fucks. And if I got 9 I'd be gay fucked because I would literally jam my hands so deep in my ass that I's finally know joy.

Sweet I'm the flash except rich with no compunction about stealing BALLER

Save it for later use cause I want to see what I get first

Rolling. Will repost selection if anything other than singles.

fuck rules, roll



Find a way to eradicate all jews.

Fuck hookers without paying.

Drink it

kill them fuckin niggers outside singing zulu war chants

leme get uhhh
1 and 3

But chug it

my name jeff



pour it on my kneecaps and elbows

9 get for hentai.

that works out

get unlimited $

drink it

Roll da roll

Use whatever powers I get to rape and kill as I please :)

Get gud at a sport

I'd buttchug the potion.

I'll use it for fucked-up sex acts, obviously