NATO is useless

NATO is useless.
How can you not see that NATO is the instrument of cuck elite to prevent the russian message of peace and friendship from reaching the white europeans? Rail against NATO, disband it. Estonia, Latvia and Poland are wrong to fear us, we only want to help you stem the immigrant tide.

NATO only exists to eat up your taxes, to protect the rapefugees from righteous white retribution, and to scare you away from Russia. Just like EU, it's an archaic organisation that serves no positive purpose.

Disband NATO and your standing armies, dismantle your nuclear armaments, open your borders, support Brexit and Grexit and let us integrate you into Russian Federation, so that we can purge the cuckoldry from Europe and USA. Stop resisting. Brexit is just the beginning, the return to the good old ways is coming.

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kys 1/10

Don't be a pussy, the Jews are exploiting you. Expel NATO and join us, шпpoт.

I welcome our new Russian overlords. Do you come with qt Slavic chics for all pure white men?

You're literally paranoid about Baltic women killing Russian soldiers. How can anyone take your country serious?

No you guys are gonna ban porn I know it.


You've got too many Muslims comrade.

balts shouldnt use this word towards anyone in such conversations.

Should I remind you how in the 90's your government yelled that fascism is being reborn in Latvia and we're about to be the 4th Reich? Who's the paranoid one in the end?

stop shillin' for rossya