What a fucking faggot.
>muh historical accuracy
The funniest thing is that he likes historically inaccurate movies as well, but when Mel Gibson is involved then they're automatically bad.
What a fucking faggot.
>muh historical accuracy
The funniest thing is that he likes historically inaccurate movies as well, but when Mel Gibson is involved then they're automatically bad.
Other urls found in this thread:
If you hate him so much why are you trying to give his video views? Nobody has even heard of this guy.
1. you can watch the embed thus not give him any views
2. his channel is already quite big so he doesn't need "extra views" from a bunch of Sup Forums users
3. his review is full of pretentious arguments that contradict themselves
4. you're a faggot too
>complains about village and says it's Mayan
does this guy not know how to read or pay attention to movies? it clearly outlines in the beginning that the Mayans are the invaders and that the village people are a separate people from the other tribes people they run into in the forest
>nitpicks and tries to write it off
>cartoon avatar
I already want to punch this faggot
he also is a british person, using that knowitall tone as they all fucking do
god i hate british so much, i'm glad they killed their country, they'll be prostituting themselvs in about 15 years
>1. you can watch the embed thus not give him any views
are you retarded?
>he has a fucking patreon
Are you?
Do you even know how youtube works?
Do you still need mama to wipe your ass?
You get views from embeds, moron
No you don't, moron.
>click on video
>tumblr nose
wew lad
wtf, I just looked at the film on Wikipedia and the BASIC info states that the film takes place in 1511, is this guy retarded? his main argument was that the film took place in the Mayan Empire collapse in ad 900 yet a simple wiki search shows he's a retard
Takes 5 seconds of google to prove otherwise.
I thought it was well known that all the giant mesoamerican empires waged war on other peoples and tribes?
>uh no, because they speak mayan
could this not simply be that they had contact with actual rural mayan speakers who lived nearby or that this was a village on the edge of their empire where they still speak the language but have been basically isolated for some time. It's not hard to make that leap.
>his overreaction to smallpox
is it so hard to believe that the spanish had already explored other parts of the coast and people had interacted with them and walked between cities and introducing the smallpox before the spanish presence was widely known? Also, I thought it was known that this movie was going for "Historically authentic" rather than following a certain timeline in history. That is that the language is authentic, and the story we see is fictional, but the cities and culture we view is an amalgamation of all mayan history.
i never hated english people until i came to this site as a kid
now i automatically write off anyone i meet who is from the uk
>oh youre from the uk? that means with out a doubt youre a faggot
there is nothing worse than numale """"analysis""""
>caring about historical accuracy on a movie or a book
>mfw only 13minutes in so far and seeing how he is really cementing his claim that the movie takes place in the classical mayan age so that he inevitably can have a forced nostalgia critic outrage moment at the end when the spanish arrived instead of being more reasonable and stating that "Maybe they want to show aspects of the maya from several time periods" but no, he won't have his big outrage moments then
Am I right?
>anyway I want to finish off this review before I burst a bloodvessel
Yes...truly such a pain to view this great movie, what a pain.
If you can't understand why some historical inaccuracies are acceptable and some aren't I don't know what to tell you.
op should post this on /his/ it would trigger them massively, I also noticed he thinks the Aztec Empire was in the same geographical region as the Mayan Empire 20:27 which a simple google search disproves in seconds, just lmao @ this "history buff"
>>muh historical accuracy
This is the idiot who believes christianity held technological progress back.
He only knows "history" from plebbit.
>using that knowitall tone as they all fucking do
I don't think you know what you're talking about :^)
I don't know why he's surprised that the tribe didn't know about the civilization in a 2 day walk away. Tribes don't really venture out that far. A few of the uncontacted tribes in the amazon were a "2 day walk" away.
God this guy is such a faggot, I can tell he just has a hate boner for Mel.
Thanks, never heard of him until now.
Looks interesting, liked and subbed. :)
Yup, just as I thought, fuck me. This guy is usualyl more reasonable too. This was pretty bad
The only problem I have with Mel is that he is a bit of a manlet. He famously stood on crates in his movies like other top manlets Stallone and RDJ.
>until i came to this site as a kid
Get the fuck out child
>butthurt uk faggot
haha yea you need to learn how to read
>>>muh historical accuracy
Even though he loves The Vikings (pure dogshit of a show btw) and praises stale shit like Gladiator
T. Pleb
Would you watch a movie about the civil war with missiles and rocket launchers as weaponry?
>20+ minutes of some faggot brit nitpicking "historical inaccuracies" because he's too stupid to give a proper film review
yeah I'm not watching that, fuck off.
Why do you type like a retard? Don't respond to me, just type properly in the future, retard.
>The dark ages didn't happen LMAO
American """"""education"""""""
The caliphates were the places were technology was supported.
>lancelot isn't black, what happened to historical accuracy?
>lol, this numale faggot wants historical accuracy? Mel Gibson ftw!
just because your phone does all the punctuation for you and you just add a few commas here and there does not make you smart kek
youre a humongous faggot and no one in america would like you so stay the fuck in your shit hole
Christianity itself didnt hold it back. It was the papacy's insane grip on power in Europe that held back scientists from announcing certain discoveries, thus not allowing others to build on those ideas.
That was so long as the studies didn't cross religious teachings, which they often did.
Even if that were entirely true and muslims didn't have a dark age then, they've BEEN having a dark age for the last several centuries. There have been outliers, primarily in places with Persian heritage, but even that has been worn thin.
You take pride in being a retard.
Improve yourself, dickhead!
You wouldn't?
t. pleb
>Who's Galileo
Please kill yourself
You like Micha Bay, don't you?
*Michael Bay
Yes tell us about these dark ages and how Christianity is at fault
>Islamic golden age
>Mosque is shining yellow and white
>Christian dark ages
>Synagogue of Satan is dark Brown
Mel's DUNE when?
Mel's NAPOLEON when?
Mel's DRACULA when?
Mel's VOR V ZAKONE film fucking when?
Mel's MEDEA when?
I want Apocalypto 2 where the Conquistadors massacre the Aztecs - Zulu style
It's not racist. Spaniards are not white.
Remind me how a cathedral saved the population of Europe from the plage
His actual intro.
>Leonidas is black
>Cleopatra is black
>Every single South American is Arab leaning to black
>Frida fucking Kahlo is brown
Do you ACTUALLY think he's correct or not biased about anything at all?
Just stop giving this faggot views. Next thing you'll fund him through patreon for the fuck of it.
you realise the plagues happened because trade was flourishing right
Based Mel making the kikes and cucks angry
Yes, also the high population of mice and lack of public hygiene.
Spaniards didn't massacre the aztec people, smallpox did
I know right?
He's just a pretentious faggot.
>Gladiator is historically inaccurate, I fucking love this movie! :D
>Apocalypto is historically inaccurate, I fucking hate this movie! >:(
Historybuff in a nutshell.
The plague saved Europe from the huns. Checkmate, atheists.
Embedded views count as views you fucking retard. They even show you the statistics if you own the video.
Are you really that fucking retarded? Ever heard of the dark ages? Go read a book you inbred.
I saw his 'Saving Private Ryan' review and it was complete shit. He barely dissects the historic accuracy of the movie and just describes how cool the movie is.
Which one? I'm sure you've read plenty.
You can start with Wikipedia.
Well proofd, my friend.
British youtubers are so annoying.
Just look at Lindybeige.
Mel did an amalgam of Aztec and Mayan culture to have the movie culminate in Spanish arrival. Everyone knows they are different but this is not a PBS documentary its a movie and it has to tell a story. Its hard for people with Autism to understand that.
I've said it many times. Apocalypto is better than The Revenant.
>what is the Eastern Roman Empire
Let me guess, you are a cockroach who thinks is European
I watched him until this review.
Like i could forgive him hating on the patriot which was mediocre. Braveheart for his historical inaccuracy.
. Is a shame too because i pretty much agreed 100% on his take of kingdom of heaven and scott's PC history bullshit.
Idk why he hates mel so much. So fucking what if the spanish showed up in the end, is an alegory.
>he hasn't read Guns of the South
Greetings, Pleb
>go read a book!
>which one?
>uuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh. W-w-wikipedia!
Always a riot when neckbeards who never read anything other than hentai manga try to appear literate.
American """"""""""""""""""""education""""""""""""""""""""
They didn't, go read a book for once.
Wikipedia is easy to understand for people like you.
Only retards think Christianity caused the Dark Ages.
The collapse of Rome caused the Dark Ages in Western Europe. And all the backwards stuff you associate with Christianity was just Germanic laws and culture.
For example trial by ordeal has 0 to do with Christianity it was imported by the Germans, and never happened in the parts of Italy that the Germans didn't conqueror.
>This guy is usualyl more reasonable too.
Yeah, like the time he showed how we'd have spaceship in ancient greece if it wasn't for the Pope.
Stop being stupid.
And for you too it seems, seeing as it was the only "book" you could mention.
If you understood anything at all you'd know there was no such thing as the "dark ages".
Keep to your hentai manga fatso.
Good goy
Galileo invented the telescope just fine.
You know shit, eat a bullet.
t. 80 iq polnigger
I hate when so-called "movie critics" nitpick historical accuracy when that is not the point of the film. The film tells a story not particularly reliant on historical accuracy, nor is the story ABOUT the setting. It's not a drama that tells the story of a historical event, it is merely a story about someone set in that timeframe. It's the same reason why knocks on Braveheart are such horseshit. It is not ABOUT Scotland or England. It's about the story and the characters and the message.
All of Mel Gibson's historical films accomplish what they set out to do, and nitpicking the setting is not even criticism. So fucking what?
Not to mention that technology still advanced during these dark ages, which is why we have gothic architecture. The romans didn't know as much about weight distribution.
Its funny actually.
Same with scientists who criticise shit like Interstellar.
Its FILM, its not supposed to be a documentary.
Mel Gibson gave us a glimpse into his interpretation of the past.
How many other films have achieved that?
No the problem with the review is that he nitpicks the disease and other bullshit.
For the movie it doesnt matter what the disease was or the exact year they got it.
It could be any other disease that the mayans did got.
Yea exactly. He should just admit that he is biased.
He just hates on mel because of braveheart and the patriot.
>uses an animated avatar thing
Fuck outta here. I've been called hideous to my face and I have absolutely no problem with cameras.
For decades the primary belief with cancer and disease was something called The Black Bile Theory, stemmed from Hippocrates and further cemented by someone named Galen. It was a ridiculous theory that was understandable given the times.
However, this belief went on for decades. Why? Because the churches would not allow dissection and further study of the human body. It 'went against God' to do something like that.
So yes, religion literally held back medical science among other things, for over a thousand years.
They are not Mayan... They're mayonnaise.
Not the same person who wrote those 2 replies retard.
hows that election going?
>Something Accurete happens
>Well yes thats nice he got this right
>Something not Accurate happens
To be fair, as much as I liked Apocalypto it didn't give us an interpretation of the Mayan culture that didn't already exist for a century and was already fetishized all to hell.
They portrayed a brutal, primitive and borderline-sociopathic civilization that was bloodthirsty and fueled by human sacrifice.
Somehow I feel that this interpretation is incredibly reductionist. Yes it makes for a good popcorn flick, but it's like focusing on one negative aspect of an entire civilization as defining that civilization.
I mean if someone made a film about Rome that focused solely on the rape and murder of Boudica and her daughters and then portrayed the entire Roman Empire as having been, in the majority, bloodthirsty and conquest hungry savages would that be historically sound? I mean granted we know next to nothing about Mayan day to day life, but we know enough that they weren't simple savages - they had calendars, star charts, advanced architecture and everything.
I understand the movie Apocalypto is supposed to be set during a specific time period in Mayan history, but think about it - the movie's plot is essentially what Mad Max Fury Road was set in Mayan times.
When the accuracy is a marketing selling point, then yes lack of accuracy is a concern and I don't know why you niggers are crying your crocodile tears because someone don't like Mel Gibson.
That said Apocalypto is a great movie.
>a brutal, primitive and borderline-sociopathic civilization that was bloodthirsty and fueled by human sacrifice.
Pretty much the late Aztec Empire in one sentence.
I have never seen Apocalypto. The only Mel Gibson movie I haven't watched (well, I haven't watched his Hamlet either but I've always heard it was terrible).
I love Mel's movies, how good or bad will I find Apocalypto? Everybody is always sucking this movie's dick around here but I have my doubts.
Most of you praise capeshit and say you would fuck Lena Dunham so...
this desu, britcucks are worst posters on the board, followed by canadians and then americans