What's Sup Forums drinking tonight

What's Sup Forums drinking tonight

>Pic related but it's not my photo
>inb4 oi mate ur drinkin piss

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Drinking beer, nothing too fancy.


Interesting fact: these turn your shit bright green, because artificial colouring.

any specific brewery?
stay pure user ily


That's pretty worrying, I imagine getting fucked up on those and then the next day green shit and freaking out.
Absolutely despicable

PBR because its the only Macro brew I like and its cheap

They put antifreeze in that shit.

Yeah that was pretty much me, did some research, turns out your bile ducts produce yellow so it makes your shit green, I found it moderately amusing.

little too late now i guess, i downed the whole thing and am moving onto smirnoff

Some Andre Brut that was total 3.77$ at Total Wine :33

Tecate, though I might be running out soon and having to switch to coors light.

>tfw he didn't do it last christmas

This, and then switching to Sailor Jerry and ginger soda

24oz modelos



classy beer

Drinking some shitty spiced rum while playing GTAV. I don't know what to do in the game though, I've just been drinking and hanging out at the strip club


got anything from IUN or purdue cal

Go fuck hookers. Then beat them or run them over and get your money back. Then go on the obligatory rampage when you're inevitably caught doing this.

This is what I imagine all anons look like

Probably a fair assumption, all things considered.

I've always self projected onto anons, kinda like how your reading voice in your head is just you

I like the way you think

I like just driving around the map listening to tunes and getting out at nice looking places to walk around in FP

Also make sure to kill anyone who makes eye contact with you. During the rampage, your only hope of survival will probably end up being the gunship. Go for it.

It's less gay to drink this than it is to drink what OP's drinking.

A pint of straight vodka, like I do every night.

I am offended to the upmost degree

what's bee drinken tonite?

proper norwegian moonshine, aquavit, cognac and lager

oi mate, you ARE drinkin piss... it smells of underage all the way over here...

Enjoy ur moonshine, fucking inbred

da chin doh

My drink, almost empty...

Did it do the trick though?


>just finished a bottle of fireball
>got four stellas in the fridge

Thinking of going to get more. Pizza guy gave me free pizza tonight because he was quitting his job tonight.

alcohol sucks.
better tackle the problems instead of trying to forget about them.

My nig

all of my problems have shifted from reality to existential, I'm content with my life, my spot in the universe is what makes me uncomfortable

It's already morning and I have a hangover.

just buzzed enough, so yeah

I fucking will dude... that's the thing...
keep believing what you buy at a liquor store is of better quality... but really, brewing P R O P E R moonshine (93-96%) is no joke, it's a tradition where I'm from, and it's a craft that's been perfected through G E N E R A T I O N S!

there quite literally is no better "spirit" made anywhere in the world (and yeah, not even russian vodka beat us at our game, they can QUITE LITERALLY go fuck themselves).




fireball is shit

45 posts and finally something worth drinking. Sup Forums really is getting younger

if you're not memeing, op here, that other post wasn't me, I respect your craft but i think ive got ten years on me before i begin to be selective with my alcohol, you are a true man of class though

Might have a bit of this. I fucking love highland single malts.

I think It's always been a younger crowd on Sup Forums just new generations coming in to fill the gaps but most Sup Forumstards are 19-35 I'd assume

>nb4 meme beer.
is cheap, and it works

Moonshine with some ginger ale.


Sup Forums vintage wine

aged for perfection, best had in an omlette

this is now a YLYL thread or what. im dying over here. kek


What's the best way to avoid a hangover?
>inb4 "don't drink"

Don't eat, I mean it, don't eat at all, and don't mix alcohol.

I usually try to power through it, but waking up an hour or two before you need to get up, staying up for like 30 min and then heading back to bed helps for me

>american moonshine
it's not moonshine, it's single-distilled 60% corn based "white whiskey", the very definition of plebian moonshine...

if you're not memeing, I'll take that as a compliment... and I'm sorry for being crass earlier, but I am somewhat passionate about my alcohol...

this. to be honest

You're a good man user

Fucking hate this game. Too small map, it's like smaller that my ultra small city where I live

not baiting, and I mean it, get a hold of some decent cannabis, some rolling paper and have a decent meal... should clear everything up in a jiffy

gtfo stoner


drinking this right here at the moment. pregamed with some authentic japanese sake that he brought me back at christmas

What's everyone listening to atm, if anything? I'm listening to Tame Impala's Currents album


How it tastes? I have a bottle but I'm scared


Do any of you bros wake up the day after binging with a really upset stomach? Is there any way to avoid this?

damn man I can't even down a shot of that shit, too fucking strong

>drinking piss

wait are you my President?

real talk? puke the devil out of you if you haven't digested it yet, you'll get immediate relief

Franzia Sunset Blush (box wine) a 40oz Yeti tumbler full

And a double kentucly mule (High West prairie whiskey)

It's hard to explain because I can't think of any western alcohols that really compare to it.
It's kinda like a wine in the sense that its percentage is lower and doesn't burn. It's also kinda sweet but has a pretty unique taste to it. Give it a shot user

shit I meant to mention it was my bro who got the sake for me. He's an engish teacher in japan

What it's like to live in japan? Does it like living in anime?

you asked. just being honest user.

Should I have another?

I'm listening to some Songs: Ohia - perfect drinking music

I respect that

that's crazy I'm also drinking some natty light, I love getting drunk for cheap

He tells me that they all work their asses off but get very little accomplished, and all the schoolgirls are jailbait as fuck
Other than work he pretty much chills at the bar with his friends he's made there and then occasionally goes on the town. He says it's pretty different from American life but he also moved from buttfuck nowhere Tennessee to Japan so

Mr Bungle - Disco Volante

I really didn't get into it on the first few listens, but tonight... it finally fucking clicked... what a record...

Just listened to currents tonight, good mf album

My goto drinking song, I always start the night with it whenever I drink or smoke

Of course bro, I'll match

I'll give it a listen bro thanks for the recommendation

I'll tune in, what's the genre?

i dont get johnnie walker people, its overproduced swill scotch

God-tier album

I'm intrigued and disturbed at the same time, this shit is cool

>I'll tune in, what's the genre?
all of them...

man... it's fucking great... have you heard of Cardiacs? if not, you MUST check them out...

give their California album a listen... it's mindblisteringly good...

oi mate your drinking piss


I actually do like the fireball tho
lol... if you let it sit for too long like maybe a week the cinnamon seperates from the alcohol.

and you get a shot of cinamon lol

>have you heard of Cardiacs?
I've known about them for a long time but never checked them out. I'll definitely do that soon

Oh man, I really hope you like them
recommended listens are
A Little Man And A House
Sing To God
On Land and In The Sea

there's a shitload more, but you'll get to that later!
have fun mate!!

OP here, thanks everyone for participating in thread, I had a good night and felt a little less lonely inside, sleep tight all, I pray for minimal hangovers

the feeling is mutual OP, twas a good night indeed, I'll pray the same! sweet dreams ;* ;*

Goodnight Op, and thank you for making this thread. hey walwyas make my nights better