*Waves at you* edition
W/ - Westworld General
y-you too
>cute girl
>make her look great
>give her ugly shoes
>make her salivate over BBC
~kissu robot
Shrinkray theory status : BTFO
kissu the ugliest robot
Clementine is the best waifu desu
Hardly. They should just shrink hosts when they go to the park, and unshrink them when they return.
why does this show get good?
The Piano is a metaphor for the illusion of free will.
That's why in the Intro the robot takes his hands of the keys and the piano keeps playing
He realizes that He has no free will
they should cast Francesca as a host in S2
The series probably won't address that, or will do so clumsily.
she was wearing heels in the pilot episode
but not since then sadly
Its more plausible that they bought a desert in some shithole country and terraformed it. Built a dome around it
What jobs are there outside of Westworld?
Every manufacturing, transportation and burger flipping job is most likely done by a robot.
You would essentially need a Marxist system for every human to get a paycheck. Kind of like MiB says, "A fat soft teat people cling to their entire life"
>Implying implications
Sorry, I don't have time to debate you 1:1 fags. Your "theory", (if it can be called that), has been BTFO so many times before, it's clearly a forced meme on your part and bait. You can say I'm running away from an argument, but eventually you'll realize how pathetic you look shitposting your moronic "theory" in every Westworld thread. Just give it up.
>You would essentially need a Marxist system for every human to get a paycheck.
This is meme. There will always be scarcity and always plentiful jobs which can be done by humans. Perhaps there will be greater unemployment because fewer jobs will exist requiring greater mental skills, but how different would it be today when jobs that could potentially have been filled by literal retards are unemployed due to automation?
Arts, people maintaining the robots, and a fuckton of government bureaucrats to keep the system going.
Honestly the only major job fields I can see people still being required in.
Someone probably spent loads of money to go to the park and rape Dolores for the hundredth time only to find that she's off her loop being strong and independent.
You should take an interest in someone or something that matters. You're really passionate about a fan theory of a show. Good god look at your life and just think how fucking pathetic of a person your parents raised as they wheep in the after life at a what a fuck up they raised.
Dolores = /r9k/
Ford = /r9k/
Bernard = /r9k/
Fuckfu = /r9k/
Sizemore = /r9k/
Old Bill = /r9k/
Butcher Neckbeard = /r9k/
MiB = /vg/
Logan = /r9k/
WIlliam = /r9k/
Maeve = /r9k/
What if it's not a shrink ray, but a growth ray?
>forming a posse to get that pussy
Does that apply equally to you, 1:1 fag?
holy...i want more
god I hate this character
>muh ellen page look
>staring at BBC white bois can't saitsfy me
>smarter than everyone
How came Dolores is much cuter than ERW actually is?
Delores is built like a linebacker, her chest is wierd.
Who else dropped this show when the camera zoomed in on a semi hard BBC.
I actually dropped the show at that scene. Makes no sense that they had to have a nigger have the BBC and she has to talk about it. They are fucking robots why not make all of them have huge cocks? Why just the nigger? Absolute trash please cancel this shit.
I didn't even notice
>dropped the show but still barge into threads to talk about it
Kill yuorself.
>semi hard
but user, it was in its 100% natural "rest" state :3
Whoever casts for this show is a fucking hack.
>3 gold painted whores given to the ex
>far right whore had the worst fucking boob job I've ever seen.
>that entire brothel scene.
>show 1 black host and cast some dude sporting a 12 inch BBC with ellen page drooling
Cuckworld is real
This. She was my waifu in raising hope but now she is cucking me. Assassinate her when?
she got that neanderthal look
I hope she is pure and not deflowered yet. she must be.
Sir, I've got a request to have the Cubs win the 2016 World Series....
It was you BBC creampie cuck
Now THIS is science fiction!
There were a bunch of boobs this episode so the show runners in their liberal guilt felt that they needed to objectify a man in a pointless way to make up for it.
It was like that "ders a wort on muh cock!!" scene in Game of Thrones this year. Had no reason to be there at all other than to show a cock close up.
Cinemax are trying to become more like HBO and HBO are becoming a big budget non erotic Skinemax. Go figure.
worst char
>There will always be scarcity and always plentiful jobs which can be done by humans
People were saying the same thing about horses at the beginning of the 20th century. There will come a point, not even that far in the future, when there is nothing humans have to do that robots can't do better, even creative jobs. Yes we can still do art if we want but you can't base an economy on art.
>People were saying the same thing about horses at the beginning of the 20th century.
And yet horses are still employed, are they not? More appropriate, people have been saying similar things about automation for decades, yet people are still employed.
>Yes we can still do art if we want but you can't base an economy on art.
Even by the standards of the world of WW, there are clearly many jobs that are still carried out by humans and only humans. Scarcity will always exist for humans, and there will always be jobs for which it would be most practical to employ humans. If humans were only concerned with satisfying the basic needs of food and shelter, that would eliminate virtually all current jobs, yet the humanity's artificial needs multiply at the same rate the the fulfillment of other needs are automated. Consider how much labor was spent in primitive or barbaric societies that is now by comparison almost entirely automatized, from construction, to food production, to record keeping, to clothing production, etc. Yet despite all this, men are still employed, and I see no compelling argument that due to the extreme automation in the future, the almost the entirety of humanity will either be on the dole and idle, or dead as unable to provide their sustenance.
>Dolorz has a grey hat
That was flaccid user
I really doubt the casting director cares about your cuck obsession
The humans would be the aliens because they are on Mars.
The real people, guests, in Westworld choose a black hat or a white hat. They limit themselves to a black and white life in Westworld which makes them very limited individuals with how binary they are. Yes or no, 1 or 0. That's the extent of the guests' decision making progress.
Meanwhile Delores receives a white hat to see how she has involved from her own binary code of ones and zeroes to a wider variety of choices. She cannot be defined by white or black, she is a spectrum of colours now. The irony here is that that makes her more real and more human than the actual humans in Westworld.
I'm also talking out of my ass but Reddit would eat this shit up.
Why can't anyone direct & film a sexy orgy scene?
I mean a grey hat for Delores.
Face it the cock was there for the women in the audience and it seems fair to me. We get Dolores and snekfu why shouldn't white Wo, en watching get some of that BBC?
> look at her footwear
what's it like being homosexual, I've always wanted to know
>mfw I just remembered I recommended this show to my mom
U mad white boi
It's about time they start pandering to us girls. We want to see the goods too :)~
Am I the only one who thinks Dolores is kinda meh?
>And yet horses are still employed, are they not?
When's the last time you saw a horse doing something useful?
>there will always be jobs for which it would be most practical to employ humans
Like what? What abilities do humans have that machines cannot possibly have, now or 500 years in the future?
Yes. They should have got sarah gadon to play her.
>When's the last time you saw a horse doing something useful?
Well I wouldn't call ya mum useful but she's alright..
>looks her up
You sir, are a gentleman of taste,
>Stubbs approves a pyrotechnic effect for MiB
>Stubbs flags Dolores being outside Sweetwater with Will
Explain timelinefags
Elsie a cute! CUTE!
>When's the last time you saw a horse doing something useful?
Winter wrap-up
that's a 1 where we're going
They cant. Shrink ray single timeline confirmed.
Stubbs is a robot
i-it wasn't the only semi-hard cock at that point
i can just imagine elsie cucking me with him
>>Stubbs flags Dolores being outside Sweetwater with Will
Ah ah ah!
it isn't implied that she was with will at present day
>When's the last time you saw a horse doing something useful?
They frequently employed, user. Depends what you mean by useful and they're unquestionably less popular today than they were before, but that doesn't mean a use isn't still found for them.
I'm not going to try to speculate what the future will be, in that time. Trends, based purely on human employment, do not support the idea that humans will simply become obsolete for all tasks.
surely, those "maps" are wrong.
where's the medieval theme park?
and what about the roman pompeii theme park?
The show is not the movie
Complete opposite here, this type of women give me raging hard-ons.
I imagine them giving me cfnm handjobs and being slightly disgusted when i spray them with my seed
>STILL hasn't realized those disgusting barbarian bbc giga-cocks are of the shower variety
You know how when she was in the mexican city, the people around her flashed in and out?
She was there during Will's timeline and also during MiB's timeline. She was bugging out imo.
damn son, youre insecure as fuck. kill yourself lmao
>That's why in the Intro the robot takes his hands of the keys and the piano keeps playing
>He realizes that He has no free will
The people who made the title sequence didn't directly consult with the showrunners until presenting the storyboards (this is typical), but after the go-ahead they did go to the trouble of asking for footage of the composer playing the theme so they could mocap his finger movements.
Also, even though Nolan prefers practical effects like his brother, EVERYTHING in the intro is CGI, even the player piano they painstakingly remodeled in Maya.
That's just a map of the Westworld control center anyway???
>Bernard: The hosts can't hurt you, by desing.
why do people keep trying to push the "security guy was a host all along" meme?
non-linear faggots are truly the scum of this earth
>free will
Really makes you think
bravo noland
William is Arnold.
literally you