>There are still people who unironically would use transporter without worries.
>There are still people who unironically would use transporter without worries.
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HAHAHAHA dude epic, simply epic :D
Upboated!! I'm such a nerd trekkie! XDD
There is a TNG episode with Barclay that shows the in-between process. Thomas Riker was made with additional energy siphoned from the storm on that stormy-planet but using the same basic data information.
they always claim that they leave out stuff like a "soul" out of their equations and yet they always assume a body-mind distinction and talk about the teleporter as if your mind was a ghost that gets separated from it's body and "you" die aka your "ghost" which is bullshit because your organical brain and your mind are the same thing
This is probably the most in depth video about transporters.
the Barkley "in between process" is just the entering and exiting experience, since you arn't consciously aware of the part where you are completely dissembled
If you were, Scotty would have came out of the transporter after 75 years talking about how it was hell, but no he didn't notice and had no idea how much time passed.
>your organical brain and your mind are the same thing
That's true, but if they simply copy you and spit you out using other matter than your original matter then the original you did die and there's a new you that's 100% identical to everyone around you living in your place. And then when they transport you back, that copy dies and gets re-made as a new 100% identical copy yet again.
If you had some kind of supernatural soul or ghost you could make the argument that it leaves your organic body and jumps into the copy, retaining your original self. But without a soul, destroying your original body and making a copy does in fact kill you and replace you with a new person who's exactly the same as you.
Literally the front page of Reddit.
gingercuck detected
ITT People who haven't watched based Enterprise.
Are you talking about when the inventor of the transporter dismissed the notion?
Just like EVERY inventor EVER defends their invention as safe..
I always assumed the reuse the original matter somehow, but you are right if they just simply rebuild one
Never reply to my thread again
All your cells renew themselves over a few years. After a few years are you an entirely new person?
so every few years my dick is a different dick? that's pretty gay.
>babbies first philosophical problems
>Goes out of his way to establish that you can't even be sure if you're the same person after waking up from sleep
>Doesn't bring up the fact that there is also no way of proving whatsoever that you're the same person who started reading this very comment, since after all, biologically speaking "you" are nothing but a sequence of electric jolts in your brain, that read, process and use information, both old and new, using the senses and short/long term memory.
>"You" probably die and get replaced by a new entity as often as a "for" cycle takes in the ordinary computer runtime, simply using what the previous cycle had and developing further on it, thinking only that you have that precious "continuity", because your short term memory feels like the present, while really you're just a momentary flash of conciousness that is so brief, and replaced so quickly, it creates the illusion of a single continuous existence
>This, in spite of the fact that when injured or tired, the human mind can and does replicate entirely machine like qualities, processing the same though over and over, even uncontrollably, something a truly continuous being wouldn't do, as it wouldn't need to
Face it.
Transporters kill you, but the only part of you that makes you "alive", is the continued existence and development of your neural patterns, and their access to the short and long term memory you have.
Transporters create a being that has exactly that. So that being is you, every bit as much as you were.
Canada already did this decades ago
this, I've actually had the sense of "shift changes" in my life where memories after a certain point seem more mine than memories before a certain point
I'm not sure if anyone else experienced this?
I would still use it, but only ironically.
you are dying every moment
and being reborn every moment
quantum mechanics means every moment is a kill box
quit worrying and learn to love your life of death
>babbys first philosophical thought
I'm fairly certain everyone experiences this.
The way memories work as I understand, is similar to save data in most programs.
They record certain let's say "variables" that make absolutely no sense to any other software.
You might have a childhood memory that involves "old lady who wears purple shirt", "that big tree at old lady's home", "ball lost on tree" and "nice old man gets ball".
Originally it might've been that for your brain it was absolutely clear what this meant, because the only old lady you know wearing a purple shirt was the one who was friends with your mom and would watch over you. The tree was this short little sprout, just tall enough for 4 year old you to not reach its branches, and your ball got stuck on it. The ball really did get stuck on it, and the old lady's husband took it down for you.
Then, years later when you haven't even thought of those people anymore, your brain tries to read this memory and all it can come to is:
"Uh, so like old lady in purple... My granny wore purple right? I mean she probably did at some point, so okay. And tree... I'm not sure about tree. Did she have a tree in her backyard? I don't remember. Also her husband was dead so who was the old guy? He was really nice... Old nice man... Old nice man. Oh I remember! He looked just like pic related, and that tree! Oh yeah, I remember HE had a tree in his backyard, it was huge!... Wait, is that right?"
Unbeknownst to your brain at this point, you've just supplanted a memory of Walter Matthau from I.Q. (which you haven't seen in a decade) as the old man, and inserted the massive tree in that movie into your memory, because that's the only way your current brain can make sense of it.