What happened?

what happened?

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I don't get what's so bad about SS

And what's the non-meme alternative?


she was cute as kid but didnt grow right and now just looks weird





>Sup Forums hates chloe now
what happened?

nothing is bad about SS
the other option is to just do chest and arms

She went on video with seven dollar Sanchez.

Why not both.gif

she got old and started opening her stupid mouth about politics



holy shit it has to be shopped, right?

Puberty fucked her up
While it does wonders to other actress

How big would they grow if she didn't mutilate those titties?

2/10. I was JUST about to respond,.

What a daring synthesis. I like it!

too many squats
greyskull LP

I can't even tell which of these are shooped

Good god look at that nipple placement, she fucked up big time


post the bane one

oh my

she's such a mess. gets her tits carved up and still dresses like a slag. imagine the regret


someone put her head on Russel Crowe in Gladiator doing the "are you not entertained" pose

wew lad


she looks like hillary rodham clinton in this pic 2bh

Shop her onto Bane.


duno senpai

it was all a bit much

wow what a redditard

hope shes ok

they're all real user


Dey took er

Her only good asset.

Holy shit
This has to be shopped, right?

2018 (projected)

i dont know about that, shes going down a bad path.


that's one innocent butthole

she went into politics
and she looks like a sloth now

She doing video games and bro stuff now


Wew she's tall. That or angry jose is short.

>How big would they grow if she didn't mutilate those titties?

judging by how much they've grown since the reduction, they might've been some Karina Hart tier h-bombs. fuck

well they say that Chloe is a big girl

Is this shopped?!?