God Tier Albums. I'll start.
God Tier Albums. I'll start
Forgot all about this. Thansk op
Excellent suggestion. Used to listen to it when I was about 8. Devo as well.
Fight me
Who's gonna drive you home, tonight.
Not bad for a bass-player.
Don’t @ me
Ive had this album since it came out.
Most over-rated band ever. If Morison hadn't died like the little whiny bitch he was, they would currently be in the "Where are they now" category.
I think the music is groundbreaking. It is on par with the Beatles but more like the Rolling Stones.
Off of paranoid, Planet Caravan too.
>God Tier albums.
>Posts the cars.
Pleb faggot millennial hipsters.
fuck off you old cunt
Fuck off you young bitch - you know fuckall.
fuck up cunt
Best Metallica album. Fucking prove me wrong
Cry more faggot, better put some Tay Tay on.
My nigga
Ride the lightning killed Kill em All.
So sad how bad Metallica are now.
They suck so much.
Held on to hope since Load that they'd return to form. Now they just play like a highschool band.
Metallica fucking sucks.
old cunt
Guess I'll just leave the best Metallica album here. Protip: it's the best
>God Tier
>The Cars
Fucking love that album!! Seriously under-rated and far more influential than people give it credit for.
really great album
I'm with ya man. I've heard the arguments, but Kill 'Em All is still the best for me.
mah nigga! rarely do I find another Primus fan in these!
>true patricians located
Wew lawd. Now that is up there.
A third here! Primus has had such a sad couple of years now after falling into obscurity and out of the limelight after hits like Jerry was a race car drive & tommy the cat
I hate these fucking threads so much
Metallica sucks
Didn't you like Green Naugahyde or The Desaturating Seven? I feel they are both Top tier/god tier.
No that's you being a contrarian dumbass retard.
Yeah, Kill 'Em All is filled with energy, unlike next albums
Really? I like The Desaturating Seven a lot more than Green Naugahyde. But I agree that Primus is still in top form today. I see them every time I get the chance.
Yeah there's just no energy to Battery or Leper Messiah
I mean I love the subsequent albums too, but I totally agree, Kill 'Em All had the best, rawest energy to it.
Jilly's on smack is my favorite song.
I didn't said that other albums are bad, but other albums are just too progressive, KEA is just diffrent
the only band that matters
I agree. The chugs of four horsmen make me jump around
/GOMYL/ general
I think the production value increase every album up through the Black Album. In a weird way, I think that's why I enjoy them less. Because the improved production value reduces the raw energy, which is a big draw to Metallica for me. I think that's why some people like the subsequent albums better. Something about the improved production value appeals to them. It's better put together in a sense. I agree. It's just that it loses some of that raw energy each time it gets more refined, to me. I love 'em but to me they don't quite do the same thing for me.
The guy posts a high quality new wave record instead of an edgelord metal album for once and you throw juvenile 'Tay Tay' insults at him?
We're trying to make this site a better place, user.
Ha, you can say that about any kinda. Ya know, because they are all equally shit.
Protip: Ride the Lighting is the best album because of For Whom The Bell Tolls. Other than that, Metallica sucks ass.
Forth my nigga!
Are you somebody's mom?
Nice bait, faggot
Damn a lot of Primus fans out tonight!