Here we go again, Sup Forums
Here we go again, Sup Forums
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not gonna read that
greentext it
blaming sexism for her choosing a shitty agent
I don't even need to read it because I just know it's something along the lines of us wimmin actors make more money than a large majority of the population, but it's still not enough because the men make even more. equality, gender pay gap, I still can't believe they let us out of the kitchen, etc......
>plays eyecandy in movies and does nude but covered photoshoots in magazines
>is against using women as sexual subjects
every actress ever
didn't read the link btw
She really let herself go.
eastern european plague genes lol
>it's still not enough because the men make even more.
That's a valid point. You should be paid the market rate in your occupation, not compared to people in totally different walks of life.
Otherwise, regular American men should be happy with $3 an hour because "hurr it's better than what Ethiopians make".
Shut up Meg
Isn't the whole point of Family Guy now so talentless hacks like Seth Green and Kunis can find work because they are friends with Seth?
>You’ll Never Work In This Town Again…
>"If this is happening to me, it is happening more aggressively to women everywhere."
>"You'll never work in this town again."
>A cliché to be sure, but also what a producer threatened when I refused to pose semi-naked on the cover of a men's magazine to promote our film. I was no longer willing to subject myself to a naïve compromise that I had previously been willing to. "I will never work in this town again?" I was livid, I felt objectified, and for the first time in my career I said "no." And guess what? The world didn't end. The film made a lot of money and I did work in this town again, and again, and again. What this producer may never realize is that he spoke aloud the exact fear every woman feels when confronted with gender bias in the workplace.
>It's what we are conditioned to believe — that if we speak up, our livelihoods will be threatened; that standing our ground will lead to our demise. We don't want to be kicked out of the sandbox for being a "bitch." So we compromise our integrity for the sake of maintaining the status quo and hope that change is coming.
>But change is not coming fast enough to help my friends, my peers, or even our children. In fact, a recent study by the American Association of University Women shows that the pay gap is closing at such a slow rate that it will be 136 years before women are paid equally to men. 136 years. And the pay gap is but one clear quantification of the acute undervaluing of the contributions of women in the workplace.
>Throughout my career, there have been moments when I have been insulted, sidelined, paid less, creatively ignored, and otherwise diminished based on my gender. And always, I tried to give people the benefit of the doubt; maybe they knew more, maybe they had more experience, maybe there was something I was missing. I taught myself that to succeed as a woman in this industry I had to play by the rules of the boy's club. But the older I got and the longer I worked in this industry, the more I realized that it's bullshit! And, worse, that I was complicit in allowing it to happen.
>So, I started my own club. I formed a production company with three amazing women. We have been hustling to develop quality television shows with unique voices and perspectives. Since our inception, we have been lucky enough to partner with incredible producers, male and female, who have treated us as true equals and partners. Recently, we signed on to partner with an influential male producer on a project that would shine a light on an important social issue — ironically — inclusivity and our shared human experience.
>In the process of pitching this show to a major network, the typical follow-up emails were sent to executives at this network. In this email chain, this producer chose to email the following:
>"And Mila is a mega star. One of biggest actors in Hollywood and soon to be Ashton's wife and baby momma!!!"
>This is the entirety of his email. Factual inaccuracies aside, he reduced my value to nothing more than my relationship to a successful man and my ability to bear children. It ignored my (and my team's) significant creative and logistical contributions.
>I'm done compromising; even more so, I'm done with being compromised.
I have no career pls give me roles
>my career is taking a nosedive
>better get on the feminist train
>We withdrew our involvement in the project. Yes, it is only one small comment. But it's these very comments that women deal with day in and day out in offices, on calls, and in emails — microaggressions that devalue the contributions and worth of hard-working women.
>Subtle gender bias is oftentimes nearly imperceptible, and even wholly undetectable to those who share the bias. It became clear in later emails from this producer that he was totally unaware of why his words were so appalling. What he characterized as a "lighthearted" comment was actually deeply undermining to my contributions and ability to be taken seriously as a creative partner.
>I have no interest in vilifying this man. Blind gender biases are embedded in every facet of our life. They are reinforced by our educational institutions: men dominate the figures we study in history, the luminaries of math and science and technology about whom we learn, and the authors of political discourse we are taught to revere. We are inundated with tales of male superiority that blind us to the architecture of our own relationships. The very word "blind" informs us of everything. No one gets upset when a blind person bumps into a wall, but the wall does not cease to yield force.
>I'm done compromising; even more so, I'm done with being compromised. So from this point forward, when I am confronted with one of these comments, subtle or overt, I will address them head on; I will stop in the moment and do my best to educate. I cannot guarantee that my objections will be taken to heart, but at least now I am part of creating an environment where there is the opportunity for growth. And if my comments fall on deaf ears, I will choose to walk away.
>If this is happening to me, it is happening more aggressively to women everywhere. I am fortunate that I have reached a place that I can stop compromising and stand my ground, without fearing how I will put food on my table. I am also fortunate that I have the platform to talk about this experience in the hope of bringing one more voice to the conversation so that women in the workplace feel a little less alone and more able to push back for themselves.
>I will work in this town again, but I will not work with you.
>he reduced my value to nothing more than my relationship to a successful man and my ability to bear children
He said you were a megastar one of the biggest hollywood actress...
Jesus stop crying for such futilities
> Way to be a cliche mila
> 30+ year old starlet who only relied on looks to get roles can no longer get roles
> blames sexism
Bitch. Sexism and objectification of women is the ONLY fucking reason your ignorant ass has a job.
Your mistake was thinking you ever had any skills other than selling sex.
Id fuck her
>Bitch. Sexism and objectification of women is the ONLY fucking reason your ignorant ass has a job.
>Your mistake was thinking you ever had any skills other than selling sex.
This is pretty much true for 99% of hollywood "actresses".
>Otherwise, regular American men should be happy with $3 an hour because "hurr it's better than what Ethiopians make".
You joke but a disturbing number of people actually believe that.
>vague anecdotes with no context
>pay gap
>someone saying that you are getting married and having a child is literally the same as saying that you have no value beyond that
>history and science books focus on men because of sexism, and not because they were objectively more important in the course of western civilization
>instead of focusing on good filmmaking, she decides to focus on biased political projects with an agenda
Feminism was a mistake.
>Your mistake was thinking you ever had any skills other than selling sex.
too many disney starlets think people staring at their 20 year old ass somehow = "talent"
Your only talent is your underaged ass.
You are men's entertainment. A slightly higher class whore.
Deal with it.
>it's a meg Griffin episode
her first real role was when she was ten fucking years old for "Make A Wish Molly", before that she was in a ton of commercials as a kid.
Don't really think her appeal was 'sexy bitch' back then, but I dunno, I'm talking to Sup Forums here - land of racist pedophiles.
>my boss told me to do something I didn't want to do and I didn't like it
>he did it because I'm a woman
Yeah, no. Not another one of these stories.
The claim that women make less than men for the same work is a fallacy already disproven.
Heck, cursory glance at society proves it wrong, we live in a capitalist world, a world where profit is sought out more than anything else, Who in their mind would think multinational companies whose sole purpose is profit would hire men if they could get the same job done for less money by women?
>makes 50 million dollars in one year
>"hurr I'm getting kicked out of my business so unfair to all women #EqualPay #ImWithHer"
Her looks are mostly gone now so she has to find a new angle.
She isn't even a good actress. Why is she blaming sexism
>too many disney starlets think people staring at their 20 year old ass somehow = "talent"
This. Why do movie stars (male & female) try to deny that 90% of what they sell is "sex"?
Fucking delusional retards.
sadly true
Not to mention that arbitrarily paying people less because of their gender/race is illegal in all civilized western countries
>American men should be happy with $3 an hour because "hurr it's better than what Ethiopians make".
Dr. Shekelberger, I'm GOP.
>starlet gets old
>"b-but wait a minute guise you mean I can't coast on my youthful looks anymore? Well NOW I care about objectification! REEEEE!!!!"
It's been like clockwork lately.
>You should be paid the market rate in your occupation, not compared to people in totally different walks of life.
While I agree that the comparison of a Hollywood actress to your average Joe was dumb, it's similarly shallow to just say stars should be paid market rate, given how much variation there is within that group and how every single star is a different commodity within the Hollywood acting pool.
The trouble with actresses like Mila Kunis is that they sell themselves primarily on their youth and sex appeal, and are usually not great at acting. However, in Hollywood, there's a virtually unlimited supply of young hot women who are competing for roles, and basic economics will tell you that the more competition you have, the lower the prices are. This isn't quite as true for male actors, who, in my view, tend to rely more on charisma that can't just as easily be replaced (although I think this is starting, and generic sex appeal is becoming more important for male actors; look at Channing Tatum).
It does suck for women who want to be taken seriously as actresses, but the trade off is that you can become a mega star adored by everyone and making millions in your 20s, before most males stars do, basically just for being really attractive. If it weren't like this, actresses like Mila Kunis probably wouldn't be anywhere near as rich or famous.
Stop being such an immodest slut then
If that is true, she doesn't have to work again. Seriously, she won the game of life. She could move out of expensive Hollywoood and live somewhere in the midwest for cheap as fuck for the rest of her days without even worrying about "putting food on the table"
are there ANY actresses who haven't been brainwashed by this 3rd Wave Feminism lunacy?
I imagine if there are, they've all been silenced by the politically correct Hollywood Machine
Yes, but things being illegal don't really matter much when compared to the fact that profitability is a far more powerful incentive, as is the fact that less profitable businesses are out stripped/outpreformed and then consumed by more profitable enterprise.
Essentially, not hiring women (in a world where women are payed less for the same work) would be corporate suicide.
Does this bitch have any self awareness? Posing on magazines with her ass out one one page and titties out on the other.
stop trying to act like you dont' realize how you make your money
I'll never understand why women find chunning totem attractive
her plan is deliberately going into an industry based off of looks because of her looks...then complaining when her advantage (those looks) inevitably fade? woah.....................so this is...........the power of feminism
>What this producer may never realize is that he spoke aloud the exact fear every woman feels when confronted with gender bias in the workplace.
No, not the workplace, real life.
"Your looks are fading, put out more."
>It does suck for women who want to be taken seriously as actresses
If you're really good, you're good, see Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton, Meryl Streep etc.
>pulling a Rose McGowan
Never ends well, especially not for Rose McGowan
so if a prostitute presents facts then those facts are automatically invalid? I don't get what you're saying here, you're not refuting her points you're just judging her completely legal profession.
"we hired you for your looks, therefore your looks are all you bring to the project" is a bullshit argument.
If you only hire actresses based on looks, you get Megan Fox. If you hire them on looks AND talent, you get Elizabeth Banks.
Personally i'd much rather make sweet love to EB down by the fire, but I know there are many insecure males here who would rather not be challenged intellectually.
what facts? its literally all anecdotal
lmao after all that talk..
>i got a new company check out my new tv shows!
>my career is over, better start complaining
women, every single time
> based off looks
there are a billion hot men and women on this fucking mudball and about 1% of them act and less than that are able to support themselves that way, and far less than that are 'celebrities' and even far less than that are B celebs (like Mila Kunis). Her vague hotness (subjectively argued about, I'm sure) has absolutely nothing to do with her career or success.
99% of it is PURE LUCK. Absolute coincidence.
The rest is an ability to play the game somehow and having support networks like agents and professionals, lawyers, whoever she knows in hollywood.
Extremely little of it is due to her looks considering she's just 1 attractive woman in a world of about two billion attractive women.
>dozens of women and girls are burned alive by Isis for refusing to become sex slaves, and rich Hollywood actresses complain about their 7 to 8 figure salaries.
>Still hires male producers for help
>Throughout my career, there have been moments when I have been insulted, sidelined, paid less, creatively ignored, and otherwise diminished based on my gender
No. It was based on your age and the idiocy of your ideas you entitled little dumb shit.
Theres a reason why SJWs are called professional victims
>"You'll never work in this town again."
>The world didn't end. The film made a lot of money and I did work in this town again, and again, and again.
Surely this proves that Hollywood isn't that sexist. She defied, not just a man, but a Hollywood producer, and yet her career continued unabashed.
but Mila Kunis can't hear you, user
>e reduced my value to nothing more than my relationship to a successful man and my ability to bear children
>mega star
>one of the biggest actors in Hollywood
Is she dyslexic?
It seems many women don't; my gf and her best friend are sick of him and think he looks like a pile of potatoes stacked into human form. This is why I think the male sex appeal thing as its limits, women seem to have a much more wide ranging view of what makes a guy attractive. Some women think the guy who plays Thor is super hot, others are repulsed by him; some think the guy who plays Loki is incredibly sexy, others think he's disgusting.
This is true which is why they have long lasting careers. Which is why it's dumb for Kunis to complain, because she never developed her craft to get into that category; she's coasted by on the "hot funny girl" role, which has a limited shelf life and, again, tons of competition, since she was a teenager.
TLDR: a producer asked her to go above and beyond, then threatened her. She refused, even though she had done something like that before. She's using this event to talk about gender inequality and that's not actually the problem. The problem is how actors (both genders) are treated like billboards and forced to do meet&greets, interviews, and junkets to try to pimp the movie out when their FUCKING JOB IS TO ACT.
Lots of Clisters and Blisters are threatened or manipulated by producers to slave away pimping and advertizing their movie/tv show when that shit shouldn't even be their job and what a single person can do to advertise such big projects is never going to equate to what an ad company, pr company, and other teams of professionals can do.
Kinda sad Miss Kunis can't see the forest for the trees. It really sucks that actors have to also be carsalesmen and go through the stress of promoting shit when they barely make a difference in the long run. It is about power with the fucking producers, but it's not sexist - it's just insane.
Not that guy but the point is that she is complaining about being seen as an object while happily posing half-naked in magazines and earning millions out of her sex appeal and looks. She wants to be sexy and desired without the ugly parts that come with it. She is showing the maturity of a child.
Also there were zero facts in that "article".
Does anyone have a link for the Rose mcgowan stuff people are talking about ITT?
she cant and won't throw away her megastar lifestyle dude. That's the real problem of this whole 'sexist pay gap' things.
Like every women in Hollywood who complain about it, she basically just want to stay rich or even more rich. Bet her company would do the same thing to her workers what her employess did to her.
But she won. She literally won the game of life. She has enough money for 25 lifetimes were she to just pack up and go. With that money and a bit of self control she could live comfortably for the rest of her days. All that megastar lifestyle shit is meaningless and a way to syphon money from her. She has all the capability in the world to just go and never turn back.
Greed has no limit
>it's a woman gets old and starts to become self aware of her shelf life episode
Aw, I had thought Mila was more the /ourgirl/ type
Okay, do you not think that men are threatened, either implicitly or explicitly, with "you'll never work in this town again" if they don't lose weight, gain muscle, pose and interview in this magazine, attend all these talk shows and publicity events, etc?
Look, I'm sure being a movie star isn't everything it's cracked up to be, but the fact of the matter is you're paid very well to deal with all the extra bullshit, so shut up or don't work in that industry anymore, but that's a choice you make for yourself. The job is the job, and it always has been, and only now complaining about it as your looks are drying up is chickenshit.
>vague anecdotes
why else are you going to do anything or make a stand unless it's for some personal reason? That's all she's saying here.
>no context
she said she didn't want to openly vilify these men - anti-sjws are always whining that feminazis are trying to get men fired for dumb comments but then you also whine when they refuse to in order not to ruin a man's career.
>American Association of University Women
It's reasonable to assume these are valid facts when there is zero fucking legitimate criticism of an institution. Check the wikipedia: it's an extremely respected source. Perhaps the pay gap ISN'T real, but like climate change it's ridiculous to scream that these people are idiots there are too many powerful experts who agree and not nearly enough who refute it.
>this was a power move against her, an attempt at belittling her 'in a lighthearted' (basically it's passive aggressive) she also clearly attempted to talk about this and he refused to back down or apologize or even consider what he did could be offensive. Don't know about you but if I call a disheveled man homeless and offer them a dollar (without intending any offense and actually trying to help them) and they get offended and claim to be well off, I'd fucking apologize. This dude couldn't do that little bit because it was a bullshit hollywood powerplay to undermine her for his own gain somehow and she made her own powerplay in response. He may not have intended it to go that far but he sure as fuck wanted to push her down a peg and yes, his first thought of doing so was focusing on the fact she has a cunt. Honestly, Kunis' response is better than calling him a small dicked asshole on twitter.
>history is sexist
it actually kinda is, they're always doing shit like labeling etruscan mummies 'male' because they were buried with a sword then later eating crow when genetic tests prove them female. One example of billions of examples. History is not a science, it's biased.
wasn't she in that movie hating against men who weren't circumcised?
hypocritical bitch.
Well she wasn't wrong.
what movie is that?
why yeah, she was obviously casted even as a child for being the ugliest motherfucker in class
there are a billion cute little kids on the planet but not every single one of them can act or has a shot in hollywood.
Her 'sexiness' isn't a factor. You are as paranoid as she is about the patriarchy.
she's stating her reasons
>seen as an object
being objectified isn't the same thing as entertaining others. Objectification is treating people as if they're not people but things you can do whatever you want to . You can't lay your hands on a stripper, there are rules. You can't get fucking close to girls who pose in magazines or get past their bodyguards. She said "I FELT OBJECTIFIED" which isn't the same thing as stating a fact, and even if she did say she WAS objectified, that wouldn't be far off as the producer was trying to pressure her and use her as if she were slave labor.
clearly not. People are allowed to change their minds.
>millions out of her sex appeal and looks
nope. TONS of fucking human beings have sex appeal and looks, it's not that special. She makes money acting and being part of a complex entertainment system. She is also known and has a fanbase. These commercial aspects are useful to studios: she makes money off her fucking name.
>wants to be sexy and desired without the ugly parts
you don't know what she wants but even if this were true it's not something to condemn someone over. Yeah I want my cake and icecream as well.
>the maturity of a child
I felt she showed a lot of restraint and presented her ideals (despite not sharing them myself) reasonably unlike you who just seems reactionary and emotional.
>zero facts
She cited the American Association of University Women and she was in some kind of deal and pulled out, that's the point of the fucking message.
I'll entertain your contrarian anti-anti-sjw ass.
>why else are you going to do anything or make a stand unless it's for some personal reason?
Anecdotes are powerful emotional tools but are not arguments. How do we know that the guy that threatened her wouldn't do the same to a male actor? How does she really know that the other anecdotes were caused by her sex and not by some other factor?
>anti-sjws are always whining that feminazis are trying to get men fired for dumb comments
Stop discussing against your own hallucinations. No one asked for names and calling out people.
>It's reasonable to assume these are valid facts
It's a fact that there is a pay gap. What it's not a fact is that it is caused by "the acute undervaluing of the contributions of women in the workplace" (in fact it's been proven wrong tons of times already). And you are giving waaay too much credit to the factual accuracy of gender social scientists, which are known to ignore alternative theories in favour of feminist ones (econjwatch.org
>it actually kinda is
The vast majority of important historical figures are male. And so are the majority of succesful scientists. This is not the fault of modern historians, let alone their sexism.
And I can't understand your greentext rant, who are you talking about?
>"And Mila is a mega star. One of biggest actors in Hollywood and soon to be Ashton's wife and baby momma!!!"
>This is the entirety of his email. Factual inaccuracies aside, he reduced my value to nothing more than my relationship to a successful man and my ability to bear children.
Let's completely ignore "mega star" and "one of the biggest actors in hollywood".
And the men and boys get burned alive for simply being male.
>Let's completely ignore XXXXX
sounds like every woman ever
user! You are so cool! You make witty observations! Also you are a fucking underage faggot and should be banned.
This man's observation is correct. He must drown in pussy
>you should be banned for pointing out some celebrities stupidity
Yeah posing in a magazine for god knows how much money is the same as slave labour. All actors are used as meat fodder for the masses, or are males not proposed to do this kind of menial shit for movie advertising? The producer was a cunt, sure, but I just can't see this as a "women problem" and not a "hollywood problem".
And it is clear from the article she doesn't really mind earning money from this kind of shit, it is only a problem when she doesn't feel like doing it, and then rationalizes it with feminism. Otherwise she would at least mention how her popularity mostly centers around her looks and, I don't know, feel ashamed about it? That'd be the coherent thing to do.
And the pay gap being caused by explicit sexism is a myth.
This reads like a totally not sjw pathetically trying to fit in. Calm down.
>banned on 4chins
Is this even possible?
how soon before she shaves her head?
Holy fuck.
The fat feminist meme is real
whoa no fucking way!
>American Association of University Women