>'Whiplash' director Damien Chazelle
>Ryan Gosling
>Emma Stone
>'Whiplash' director Damien Chazelle
>Ryan Gosling
>Emma Stone
>'Whiplash' director Damien Chazelle
That's almost enough reason not to see it. The guy can't write to save his life.
pure kino
Millenials. :|
What the hell is this shit? First the director makes a movie that holds you down and fucks you telling you this is life you little shit, and now he's making wimpy numale musical crap?
>that shot of people dancing on cars
Oh, so it's full-on, West Side Story style musical?
Puts a big ol' smile on my face, I'm 100% in.
>best emma dropped out of this shitfest
Feels good
>Writing a screenplay is now the same as directing
Do you think directors also do the cinematography, coreography, acting and music as well?
i've seen it
it doesn't work for either of them in the end
This will probably be film of the year for me, especially with the rave reviews it got at TIFF.
How does it feel to be little?
goddam that trailer is fucking amazing
not too often you get an honest to God good musical
really excited for this one
damn.. I hurt myself today
hi leddit
>emma stone
t. korinefag
>tfw the goose is the hottie of this film and not emma
gosling is so fucking hot man
emma stone is shit
The only thing that I don't like about this movie is that it makes me believe love is a beautiful and magical thing, something which I will never experience like the characters do, and it will make me depressed like a little shit
>...I dance
Hmmm, I don't know.... maybe.
what the fuck is wrong with her eyebrows, why are they so noticable
Looks fun :^)
for us
why does he have to shill jazz in every film?
only autists like jazz
is JK Simmons playing the character from Whiplash? or is that just "le meme reference"
>what did he mean by this?
spoil me what happens in the end. do they break up?
What the fuck bro?
Fuck that looks really good
Only the bottom is similar
I did it in two minutes, I could find a lot more. Like that framing shot of emma stone in the bathroom mirror which is identical to a carey muligan one.
>I did it in two minutes, I could find a lot more.
then do, so far you have jack shit here
>Crazy, stupid, whiplash
>trailer for best kino of 2016 released
>tv has very little to say about it
>half of what they do say is just memes
>would rather talk about fucking wonder woman
typical tv shouldn't have expected different
Dunce brain god I fuvking hate this website