Is it even possible to discuss Trump with you without you faggots jumping like mindless zombies when someone disagrees with him? I want to talk about Trump University.We all know it,IT IS A SCAM.Deliberate scam to take the money out of unsuspecting victims. Now some of you might say;they're stupid,they deserve their money taken." hmm,not really sure.Especially when it comes to the fact that this is the guy who's running for the prez of the US. Also,why would a billionaire do this kind of thing?It's small fish for him,IF HE REALLY IS A BILLIONAIRE. It seems to me like everything about Trump is a fasade.He's not rich.He's not successful. It sure does expain why he's so insecure.
This is my impression of him. HE HAS NO PRINCIPLE.He's like a whore.He will do and say anything to achieve what he sets out to do. Before it was the money. Now it's politics. I am 10000000% sure,CONFIDENT,that he will not build a wall. He flipped on almost every single issue from the start,and you can expect him to flip even more in the future,to get indie's and leftists vote. It really all falls down to him being a fraud,just like he was when he was a businessman.
Elijah Wood
And Hillary hasnt? If he did 1/50th the shit hillary did youd be screaming bloody murder.
And Bernie's ideas wont work.
He's the best hope for humanity. Stop being brainwashed and think for yourself dude.
Justin Lewis
>America >Humanity Kekd,world will not end because of trump. America has had worse presidents than him.
Only thing that will end is americas position as a superpower.
Josiah Stewart
Trump University was still cheaper, quicker, and more useful than a gender studies degree.
Julian Wilson
Wasn't it just some real estate seminar that that slapped a clever name on? Either way, don't care too much about it.
Looking at every little corner of a candidate's life and turning your nose up if you find one little thing you don't like is not a realistic way to approach American politics. Trump is talking about bringing jobs back and enforcing the border. Hillary is talking about open borders, admiring Merkel, and how white privilege is a thing that exists.
It's pretty clear to me, you'd have to be crazy or stupid to vote for Hillary. In the somewhat unlikely event that Bernie beats Hillary, the question requires at least a little bit of thought but I'd still vote for Trump.
Adrian Baker
>Hillary >responsible for multiple deaths
>Trump >not responsible for any deaths and against TTIP
Yea, Trump over Hillary any day
Sebastian Moore
I support trump, but I dont like how often he repeats himself.
Its fine at rallies, theyre ment to hype you up, but in interviews he says the same thing. It makes him look like he doesnt know what he's talking about.
Ethan Morris
>Is it even possible to discuss Trump
Protip, the next time you want to make a subtle anti-Trump thread, don't overload it with a bunch of talking points thinking that we'll be too dumb to notice. You seriously overplayed your hand, if you're going to shill then you have to bait people into drawing their own conclusions about the data you present, you can't just vomit out the conclusion you WANT us to draw . Step it up sempai.