This was Charlie Brooker and his wife on Halloween night. She went as Eleven from Stranger Things...

This was Charlie Brooker and his wife on Halloween night. She went as Eleven from Stranger Things. That was a very original choice. Bravo to her.

Stephen Merchant

Who cares about her costume, he went as Threads guy!

and at least it wasn't Harley quinn or BARBARA.

Louis Theroux not making much of an effort

She's aged well.

Brooker's costume is awesome. I can't recall seeing a Threads costume ever.

Finally, David Mtichell's wife seems to have unJUSTed herself again

looks better out of costume

>"Maybe if I dress up like an 8 year old my husband will fuck me tonight"

I remember Brooker describing the plot of Threads as something like "after a nuclear war, Sheffield becomes a marginally more unpleasant place to visit"

Halloween doesn't matter

It's about right, isn't it. Charlie is the one of them with a small semblance of actual cool whereas wifey just thinks she's cool being the twelve-thousandth person to think they are the only one dressing up as lolita Kojack.

Slutfu went as JonBenet

What's her name? was she on Blue Peter??

She'll come back right? ;___;

Harvey Weinstein?

Nice trips. Konnie Huq

Based Merchant brings the quads

I'm literally disgusted and disappointed with the brits right now, SAD

Further proof that Cucker lurks Sup Forums

Hi Charlie.

She's anorexic

Charlie, why are you hanging around with Rashida Jones. Charlie, do you still love me. Charlie answer me. CHARLIE

A couple of philly cheese steaks and my dick ooze and she'll be back to her normal weight.

>Jews are finally exposed in the next decade
>the inevitable Louis doc about how wrong we all were
It's going to be top telly lads

go watch tyone fuck your wife retard



nice tits

Sorry bro, she got married recently


Nah, that costume is perfect for hiding a multitude of sins



I watched Trolls yesterday. hated it but found great pleasure knowing that the character Russell Brand plays get BTFO

That's not anorexic.

for americans it is


Nice pair of pumpkins there

Man you're projecting that shit so hard. I dressed up as eleven, no one thinks were being original for doing it, good forbid were doing it just to express our enjoyment of something. Does that honestly not occur to you? How bitter must you be


you are such an idiot

>she sucked him off while wearing that costume

Based Brooker. But do another Gameswipe you lazy faggot.

That's a known fake.

>going as the guy from threads

I was gonna go as Tommy Wiseau and drink scotchka all night, but got a stomach bug on friday and instead spent the night vomiting.

It really tore me apart you could say

>t. plebbit