>tfw you're the only one who remembers the golden days of comfy dole threads on Sup Forums
Tfw you're the only one who remembers the golden days of comfy dole threads on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>dole music starts playing
Are the mudslime rapefugees getting all the jobs now?
>watching all the benefits-related programmes on Channel 5
>tfw you literally, unironically have an upcoming appointment at the job agency
How do I get autismbux?
>tfw on support related ESA
up up cash cucks I'm lying in today (again) enjoying my private tracker downloads
Newbie or long term?
No shame in that. I've been on Universal Credit since I finished Uni in September.
>tfw wageslave
Fucking pakis man get jobs get your life sorted out !
>tfw its mostly whites abusing wellfare
Newbie. I've been a NEET forever (started studying recently) but this is my first time on payments. I only have to do this jobseeking b*llshit for a couple of months before my classes start and I can get back on that sweet, sweet study allowance.
I'm getting 2 full payments before my first proper interview though, which is pretty nice. So far I haven't had to do anything and it's actually way more money than I was getting before.
>tfw don't know that feel
one the dole again can't wait to get back on the dole again
How much do you get with universal credit?
Rapefugees working? You been sniffing glue or something?
>Too good for the interview
>Actually get job
Even Britain's NEETbux are shit-tier. Move elsewhere, you dumb cunts.
Thats a catch 22, you actually need money to move countries.
>tfw no smart for employment
Aren't they all doctors and engineers?
>you actually need money to move countries.
Go to Portugal
Yeah, witch doctors.
I'm an engineer
You know what I engineer
The rape of white women
>keep getting to final interviews
>always fall at the last hurdle
Losing hope desu
Fairly mid tier YouTube animator here.
I remember being on the dole. It was miserable but I got more money than my animation 'career '.
The worst thing about the Job Centre was that sense of a sword hanging over your head which could fall any week. Sooner or later they'll make you take a job at McDonald's or kick you off the program.
>centre or center?