

Leyla edition

Other urls found in this thread:



Requesting a short vore comic of this girl swallowing a tiny person whole and alive. One panel where she's holding them above her open mouth, another where she gulps them down, and a third where it shows them in her stomach as she falls asleep

And you can also kill your self. You hated piece of shit.


Go away, please.

Greetings new thread gentlemen.

One simple loli request?



A naked Vanellope, perhaps?

I will leave forever once I get a high-quality delivery of my request.
Shitstain. Take a shit-ton of painkillers, inject novocaine into your crotch, take a saw, saw of your penis and balls, eat your raw penis and balls, and bleed to death. Do it now, so that we don't have to see your ugly face around here again


Remember that time Leyla got paid NOT to do my request?

I sure do!



Leyla can you do a picture of Lilly next?

Are you retarded? Nobody wants you around.
You are worse than YV.

That's pretty creative! I don't have any painkillers though. Maybe another day. Thanks for writing!

For a time there by the sea.

It was only u and me.

My dad also got me Nintendo 66 but I can't show you that one either.

Imagine living near leyla and everytime her and I take the same fiilled elevator in the morning or in the evening I would stand close by her and rub my dick against her firm ass.

I thought you had me filtered :^)
I'm gonna start charging your for these. I'm sure you could suck a dick or two for some cash, and pay me that way since you're a massive faggot in all. I fucking pray you contract HIV while you do it too.

A penguin, a dog and a puppy with their pet snek please.

I probably could but not any time today, I got commissions and valentines gifts to work on


Still taking requests

Would you cumshark her?
>You're standing behind Leyla in the elevator
>She doesn't know who you are
>You start jerking off behind her without her noticing
>Just as the elevator opens up you blow your load on her black pants
Why are you such a cutie? Vore me please
I love this pic of you. It's my second favorite

for some reason this pic makes me laugh 8/10

And you lost me. We both know I'm so disgusting and ugly that no one would want their peepee anywhere near my mouth. Let alone pay money for me to give them peepee licks. I'm very disappointed you'd even assume that was possible. Poor show.

In a land that time forgot.

>Would you cumshark her?
Of course I would. I would even go so far to sometimes rub my dick against her hand.

Just become a cute trap.

U uttered sweet forgetmenots.

daily reminder Leyla is a dude
ask to talk to him someday on Discord

>Implying some homeless man high on bath salts wouldn't pay you for a BJ
>Implying he wouldn't force it but give you the money anyways
>Implying he wouldn't be hallucinating into thinking you an ugly whore
You really are a dumb nigger with no imagination

What the fuck did I come back to

Every good story has a villain. Let's thank him. And kill him afterward.

And u kno u never will.

>t. Leyla in damage control
What would you do if she spaced out and just instinctively jerked you off?

requesting more of this pumpkin girl or this coloured

But sometimes life has other ideas.

>daily reminder Leyla is a dude
Sure my dude.

>t. Leyla in damage control
no, just someone who's spoken to him
I know, I was disappointed too

And though we both know how much it meant.

Didn't she try to do porn of herself on Patreon at one point?
Your claim isn't holding up

>What would you do if she spaced out and just instinctively jerked you off?
I would fondle her cute butt.

Now only memories, remain.

>280 pound holy shit.
>Huge nose
>Absurd amounts of body/facial hair.
I don't see that happening.
>Homeless man PAYING for a BJ
>Rapes you but pays you.
>Wishful thinking
That's not how reality works. But I appreciate your imagination and wishful thinking. Cheers.

What's your favourite vore comic?

just. speak. to. them. and. you'll. know

deep male voice

>280 pound holy shit.
Lose some weight or hope that you meet people who like chubby traps.
>Huge nose
A quick operation fixes that.
>Absurd amounts of body/facial hair.
Hormone therapy my friend.

Care to provide an example of his/her voice or any chat evidence?

>disappointed that their beloved draw waifu wasn't who they thought they were
Wow you weren't in it for the art at all, were you, you depressed desperate little betafag. Nasty ass little bitches looking for pussy on drawthreads


Leyla does do porn on Patreon. She had it linked to Picarto at one point
You're wrong

This type of thing is far from new

Even if I did have the money, time, and motivation to do all of that. Which is already beyond the realm of possibility, I'm super anti-sex or lewdness. That's a self-imposed condition that I can't break. I don't deserve to do lewd or sex stuff! That's for people who have decent genetics and need to potentially breed. Natural selection and all that good stuff. Thanks for humoring me! You should subscribe to my youtube channel.

>hey leyla I love you
>I don't want to be your love
>well I didn't like you in the first place

Hey guys leyla is totally a dude.

Would it be correct to say that this is no longer a drawthread?


You can call it a drama thread now

I'm still drawing I'm just not posting because i'm not 2-min-doodling

yeet, sounds like fun
((((not really))))

tbh thats because I put patreon/leyla instead of patreon/leylareyra


Are you motherfuckers still falling for vorefag replying to himself? I wake up to this shit.

oh, cool, got any interesting requests?

Who wants to be my 10th sub on youtube? I'm still gonna need 990 but I think it's a solid milestone on my quest!

>Damage control
Can we get a picture of your exposed puss puss?
I wanna see if you're a roastie or not

>actually I'm already in a relationship

You sound like one of her mindless faggot orbiters who suck her dick every thread when I troll her

hi Tactical

/r/ more art of this cutie, perhaps him being a crybaby or something

lol the moment you get caught you delete the screenshots

/r/ Gasai Yuno wearing a chef apron, garter-belt and a beret.

i see small tits they're pushed together to give the appearance bigger. A shovel load of make up hiding any blemishes. Do I want to fuck a woman or a costume character? Hair covering most of the face further hiding this uggo.

2/10 you would regret waking up to someone ou dont recognize


/r/ michiru mastsushima relaxing on a picnic blanket under the shade of a tree on a sunny day

me :B


Flonne on the right:

Mist on the left:

Anything lewd Yuri with these two or...Futa...if you prefer that.

Flonne fucking Mist in any position with her tail, anal, lots of semen ejaculating from tail.

Example Poses:





More in a cute way from the these link. (I prefer it to be similar to these two please.)

Other Examples:


Stop posting the same photo

You are my savior. Here you go! Feel free to share it around too.


Request roll eating pancakes or waffles.

If you're taking requests

Then draw an antelope headbutting a jeep into a tree

With you in it.

I'm as roastie as you possibly can get

Used up completely and utterly

Requesting Captain Falcon kneeing your favorite pokemon.

>Jack so autistic he has to have entire conversations with himself

And while we're here Tactical you should tell us about all those pedos you chat with and that virtue signalling you drop on the daily ;)


That's how I like them!
I'm a massive cuck and a sucker for whores.
You're still a cutie though!

Requesting your OC taking dick like this and if you have a tail then wrap it around the dick.

>I'm a massive cuck


>Shitstain not gay confirmed.

>me sucking on leyla's tits

Let me lick your pussy mommy.

Sure am! I love roasties!
The more used up they are the better

>when you realize that you were right after the guy deleted the "evidence"

My orientation's not important! I've finally arrived at 10 Subs. Also I'm not a cuck anymore. It's explained in episode 15, so you should re-watch it.

absolutely adorable so yeah, will do

Maybe you would get more subs if you would work on your game and present vlogs of you working on the art and stuff.