Mophie edition
/got/ general
fuck off faggot maisieposter we haven't reached bump limit yet and no one wants to see your ugly pig of a waifu
Patchface when
He's reeeing now. Full of aspie rage.
do they have weed in british?
/got/ threads should not make one so horny
but this /got/ thread made this one so horny
you should go back to r*ddit underage cunt
>dat nip
when are the sweetrobin breastfeeding scenes, S7 or S8?
I want to fuck them with my stoner dick
Azor Jon
This will get reported by someone and pruned dumbass, congrats on your waifu thread
you mean this?
I want to ram Maisie's tight little ass while spitting on her back and calling her "no one"
Making /got/ great again, one lewd pic at a time
Dude, is Sophie okay? She looks so fucking spaced out these days. Is it meths?
who doesn't?
it's coke
Almost fuckable. Take away Maisie and it's a deal.
She's medicating for her Kit withdrawal.
This picture was a cry for help
If Ned knew Jons true heritage why did he let Cat treat him like trash for his whole life? He didn't even stand up for him or tell Cat to stop being a bitch to him
Who cares
>If Ned knew Jons true heritage
this is bait.
t. the limp dick who reported it
these threads are so fucking dead and stale anyway, nobody cares but you
Because Jon is a Tardaryen fucking shit, son of the man who had kidnapped Ned's sister and got her killed, grandson of the man who burned Ned's brother and father alive.
He should have raised Jon in the pig pen.
>ywn cum on sansa's titties and rub your now flaccid benis on her lips and cheeks
>friend is watching the show for the first time
>all he wants to talk about is sansas """quiet strength""" and how much ""growth"" she's had
>He's only on season 4 and she hasn't even done fucking anything at this point
>says he wants to "convert" me to liking her
>Kill me
Hmm? Didn't his sister whisper or sumthin i dunno i wasnt listening or watching that ep real close because everyone in the student housing was gathered together and i was really trying to get into the pants of this smoking hot latina witih a rude ass pair of titties she was liek "isnt this show gr8?" and i was like "oh lol yea its so good say baby gurl" but she kept pushing my hand away and saying "i dunno..." and she asked me who my favorite character was and i said "hagrid" and she lold and i thought i was in but truth be told i never got beyond feeling her titties, never got into that snatch. i did meet another girl there i later hooked up with, she said her favorite character was the tree guy, what a stupid fuckin bitch
so wait ned didnt kno?
I can't comprehend how someone could arrive at these conclusions based on watching the show. He probably read r*ddit/tumblr and parroted their retarded "sansa is a player" meme.
I don't report anything but potato threads faggo
Based Jon's sisters thread
Thank you OP
whom are you quoting?
>favorite character was the tree guy, what a stupid fuckin bitch
A stupid fuckin bitch would say her favorite character was jon, dany, or sansa. That girl was a genuine patrician and you should have cherished her
Fucking KEK
>A stupid fuckin bitch would say her favorite character was jon, dany, or sansa. That girl was a genuine patrician and you should have cherished her
i dont cherish hoes, mf. you gotta get outta that basement!
>eligible fertile cousins
yes, this is bait.
Felicia is that you?
one of the worst posts in the history of this general.
He wikis every episode after he's done watching like an uber pleb so I'm sure he stumbled on some retarded sansa meta and fell for it
i bet what will happen is this: jon is all set to unite the 9 kingdoms and bring down the white walkers when oh fuck suddenly a ship lands, and it's Darth Negus and his Sith Apprentices looking for Sith Artifacts because it turns out Westeros is on a planet in a Galaxy Far Far Away and the Red Stone, also known on Westeros as the Dragon's Heart, is actually a Sith Artifact. And the Sith kick flip off shit and kill 50 niggas and then agree to help kill the ice men in exchange for the Red Stone. But the Sith have a few tricks up their sleeves and Darth Negus didn't become a Sith Lord by sticking to his agreements. What will happen? Well I bet the Ice Men will rue the day they left their frozen houses
lol ebin so randum xDD btw im a grill don't hit on me silly boiz ;)
Who is tree guy
im not a girl
The old guy who lives in the tree and cant ever leave except in his dreams
god this show is gay when its written out like that
time to goh
I assume he means /ourguy/.
the tree grew up his butt, LOL
puberty really fucked him up. anglo or jew genes for sure.
just kill yourself
Harry Potter could take place in the Star Wars galaxy. Being born a wizard is like being born a Jedi, hell I bet "magic" is just the force and all the spells and stuff is just the way they access it.
It grew up his butt, out his penor and wrapped around his waist, like a saiyan tail
Euron is a red herring
Friendly reminder that Syrio Forel survived and is currently disguised as Meryn Trant.
>Meryn Trant.
hes dead retard
Wow these threads move pretty slow when the show is on Hiatus. I wonder if you people have anything better to do.
Yes we get it you're so randumb and funny, fuck off back to tumblr where you belong you 12 year old spastic cunt
There should just be one subforum called "Generals" and every thread in that forum doesnt autosage until like 1000 posts and all these cancerous threads can move there. I could post a General General, where we post our favorite generals. And there'd be a pastebin in the OP with the thread rules, etc.
ourguy is such a cute
True. Best character with the best storyline as well. He really is amazing.
>Yes we get it you're so randumb and funny, fuck off back to tumblr where you belong you 12 year old spastic cunt
ok im gonna leave but not b/c you told me to
How wet is Emilia gonna be when she's filming that sex scene with Kit?
How many takes because she gets too into it and forgets the choreography?
Well in that case at least she's not a casual normie pleb.
Tweet this to Sophie and Maisie, they're narcissistic enough that they'll tweet back
Lady Smirkheart of /highgarden/ confirmed
I want her to choke me between her thighs, is this too much to ask for?
I bet that's how Tommen would have preferred to die.
You're talking about the queen, use respect
like this?
this was the perfect version of her. would not get any better.
I don't find her sexy at all, she's just adorable
Gay post lad
idgaf maisie has a tight little body
>natalie dorner will never smirk at you with a quirky confused look on her face while she succs
Enjoy your ban
o wot m8
Now that Westworld is receiving international acclaim for showing partially errect BBC do you think HBO will make them do it in GoT? They could add in pic related and give him a scene where he reveals his superior BBC. Maybe he is the once who gets Cercei pregnant? That might explain why Jaime leaves her.
You sound p. obsessed with cock, my dude.You suck cock?
Did you honestly believe nobody was going to do what I just did?
I miss playful Sophie, she looks tweeked out as fuck these days.
>you will never rape teenage Sansa in the butt Ramsey-style.
Feels bad man
>swn bounce that tight little body on your cock
I mean it's whatever honestly, just find a hooker with similar body specs.
>Courtney Cox with ugly friend
to the inevitable end
Kit withdrawal is real user.
She even made out with Joe Jonas, who just so happens to be the same height as Kit, just because she's so crushed by him and Emilia being together right now.
No I just noticed how everyone is going wild for that BBC scene on Westworld so now you just know HBO will demand GoT will have it because it is their biggest show. Just trying to think how they could do it when there are no black actors anymore on the show. But the BBC is coming I can feel it deep inside me.