ITT: franchises where only the first film is good

ITT: franchises where only the first film is good

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Jurassic Park

Like 90% of them honestly.

American Psycho

pirates of the carribean 2bh

I still really like the first Hellraiser and the characterization of the cenobites in that. Why did he have to become generic horror villain #2342?

The sets in Hellbound are cool as is the bit about the song at the center of the world from Hell on Earth, but the rest is just so fucking bad.


Part 2 was good (despite making cenobites transformed humans)

It might even be better than the first one as the last 15 mins of the first one is dog crap

people forget how bad the ending of 1 is

i have no idea why the cenobites had to be once human except that it kinda makes sense that Leviathan would need servants that could move in a bipedal fashion similar to his victims. I guess the Engineer could have just manufactured humunculi but the once-human nature of the cenobites was clear even in the hellbound heart. It's just too easy to assume that they are what Frank was supposed to become if he didn't escape them.


Aliens is a complete different thing, might as well be another other franchise


even though I like 2 and 3 they're garbage by comparison

I think the studio wanted a "big finale" ending so they had the girl run around using the box as a laser to fight the Cenobites. I assume the original ending is that they just take Frank back to the Gay S&M dimension

Also the hobo turning into a dragon was a bit stupid. First time watching it I assumed the Hobo was another guy who escaped but wanted to get back in and was looking for the box.


A harder challenge would be to ask for any franchise where a film after the first one is good.


kill bill

That's the only one I can think of.


Hellraiser 2 is actually superior effects wise, story wise, and acting wise.

no need to even watch the first one, they summarize the highlights during 2.

Mission Impossible 4 and 5 are substantially better than 1.

Rouge Nation was quite fun.



The only correct answer.

X is greater than (>) Y

X is less than (


> tfw it has 4 sequels

what the actual fuck

I heard that Psycho II is actually fantastic.

there are 4 movies, therefore it has 3 sequels and the 4th was a tv movie I think

Texas Chain Saw Massacre

friday the 13th
nightmare on elm street
shemale samba mania
ernest goes to X

Only one of them is bad.
>friday the 13th
4 and 6 are the best ones.
>nightmare on elm street
3 and 7 are really good, and together work perfectly as a self-contained trilogy.

The Mummy

II > I > III > the rest

Hellbound is a better movie than the first.

Evil Dead
The Hobbit
Dirty Harry
Indiana Jones
Mad Max

Almost all of them?

I love all Cubes.

>Evil Dead
The first is the worst one though.

stfu 2 is kino

>Evil Dead
>Indiana Jones
>Mad Max


Army of Darkness is the worst one

But that's objectively false.

>shemale samba mania
Fuck off.

Hellraiser 2 is good even if it gets a bit silly at times.

Wrong. Come on man.

You're so wrong. they only get worse. Two is almost as good as one tho.

Back to the Future

Wrong Turn

2 opinions right out of 3. Good job

Your opinions, all

Alien 2 is good too, maybe a bit kitsch compared to 1.

>mfw nobody has posted the defining film for this meme

Yes, it is indeed a meme, and you strongly and shamelessly prove that it is a bad one

No shit?


Kill yourself

This doesn't have actual sequels....

>the same fucking movie but now it's a comedy
Why are there so many horror movies where the sequel is the same fucking thing as the first one?

Any film by Don Bluth

I don't know why his films all had terrible terrible sequels.

2 is hilarious

Came here to post this.

Star Wars
Evil Dead
Lethal Weapon

But that's the fourth movie. It even says so on the poster.



I liked Fivel Goes West more than An American Tail. Shoot me.

I would agree, but then again my favorite is Hellraiser 5, so maybe not. I know it's stupid, but all horror movies are, and it just works.

This is true

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Debatebly Halloween

>but all horror movies are
no u

I don't want to sound like a fedora but the book is way better than the film. The sequels ruined everything, the Cenobites expecially.
Event Horizon is a better sequel to Hellraiser than the actual sequels. The moment they decided to turn Pinhead into a kewl iconic villain like Freddy or Jason was the moment they killed the franchise.

Iron man.
Now does that take care of all capeshit or just the Iron Man movies?

>originals, great, the rest, lousy
The Amityville Horror
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
28 Days Later
The Omen
The Blair Witch Project

>originals, great, at least one or two good or decent sequels
The Evil Dead
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Friday the 13th
The Exorcist
Night of the Living Dead (not necessarily sequels but I include Dawn and Day)
Child's Play

>implying Hellraiser II wasn't good

>implying TCM II isn't great

I'll level with you on TCM2. Put that in good/decent sequel category.


All the sequels are shit

The Evil Dead great, with two good sequels. Mmmhuh

Night of the Living Dead was good, Dawn of the Dead was great.

Undisputed was good, Undisputed 2 & 3 were great.

Star Trek was good, Wrath of Khan was great.

Batman was good, Batman Returns was great.

all cubes are kino, son.


Every Marvel movie afterwards was a shitty reboot of this flick.


Yep, sounds about right.

please do recommend some that aren't stupid. and don't say babadook. everybody says babadook.

Clive Barker is an imaginative fellow, there are great ideas and concepts in the original film...
as a afilm, overall it's not that great to watch.



You fucking take that back. Revolutions is pure KINO, but imbecils like you will never understand that

the hobo turning into a dragon reminded me of the pointless twist endings that those horror anthology shows like Tales From the Crypt used to be so fond of

Fuck Iron Man 2, just fuck it all the way to hell.


but my burd

2 was ok considering the sexy girl and dennis hopper duel wielding chainsaws

Watched Psycho II a few days ago. It is underrated af.

Like, I get that its not as important as Psycho, but as its own movie its really fucking good.

I saw it this halloween and I was surprise to see how good it was.

Seeing Norman struggle to be good was great.

Though I didn't get the ending with his real mom. Was she even real?

I don't think so. I think she was just fixated on Norman as an outlet for her own insanity.

Norman totally made the movie. Like, I knew that guy was a good actor from Psycho, but holy shit. Like, I wanted him to make it work so badly.

Also, surprisingly good kill scenes. Like I realize things were so conservative in Psycho because of the time period, but still, I was not expecting that shit.