why is hollyjew so pedowood?
Why is hollyjew so pedowood?
/our guys/
What is this from?
I think it's Pretty Baby by Louis Malle
Just You and Me, Kid (1979)
Its art so its ok dude
>locks the door
>she tries to get out
>he doesn't even tell her how to unlock it
>just ignores her attempt at escape
oy vey goyim, all your children belong to us!
girls want attention
hollywood is the attention capital of the world
hollywod house many gatekeepers
>literally tells her that being a (under age) prostitute is better than going to school
somebody call Chris Hansen
are you autistic
I miss the pre-nineties
>tells the little girl to remove her pants while in his presence
All white people are pedophiles
(((white people)))
they just disguise themselves by race mixing
>you will never be a complete fucking sleazeball Hollywood producer in the late 70s and early 80s
man I bet that was fucking wild. straight up "worse than the movies" levels of debauchery
any has a working magnet/link this is surprisingly hard to find
no doubt
I got it from Cinemageddon
no they disguise themselves by scapegoating the white man. Look at what they've done to Italians for fuck sake
>all italians are in the mafia
>all organized crime is cosa nostra
>there were no other organized crime groups until the sicilians
>meyer lansky was just the mobs accountant
>Russian mobsters are Russian and not Ruso-Israeli KGB kike motherfuckers
no retard.
you become a jew if your mom is a jew. meaning, jewish women race mix to get other people into their cult. they force their husbands and kids into judaism
They still pretend to be white and blame the white man for all the worlds problems. Jews have been doing the same shit for 1000s of years. WASPs are just their useful willing idiots
no shit, I wonder why they got thrown out of every corner of the fucking world.
no, Israelis actually resent race mixing with niggers, look it up
>with niggers
yeah, they want to race mix with whites so they can act like they're white and say "we're sorry for being white and evil, all whites are oppressors"
Jews are all degenerates. Look at just how fucked up Talmudic law is. They're just as backward as muslims. They disgust me
I'm always surprised at how well Brooke turned out. I would have guessed she'd have died of an overdose by now, but she seems perfectly normal. You'd never imagine the kind of stuff her mom was letting her do as a kid.
well, for kids like her in pedowood, they either become drug addicts, or they become the pedowood and live long and wealthy.
Europe is much...worse? Better?
didn't she have to sign a contract to stay a virgin for x amount of years after some movie?
Jewish money lenders have been rooted and kicked out of different societies for 1000s of years. And they cry victim while they strike out and attack. But now you're not aloud to kick them out or even call them for what they are, Zionists. Because apparently anti-Zionism is the same as antisemitism, even though thousands of Orthodox Jews around the world reject Zionism. How come we only hear about the Holocaust and not the Soviet gulags where upwards of 60 million orthodox Jews and Christians were killed?
>he even invited other old men into his house
>still doesn't allow the girl to leave
>60 million orthodox Jews and Christians were killed?
there weren't even 6 million jews there
>hand sign