>"You haven't the faintest idea..."
He actually looks fucking menacing, what the hell?
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
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Looks good. When does it come?
Violet's look is all wrong. I mad.
finish watching the trailer, jan 13.
She's perfectly delicious otherwise though, just wanna eat her up
I just marathoned this trailer about an hour ago, it looks good.
early next year.
Feb I think
How is her hair supposed to fall into her face if she has Betty bangs? Fuckin' disgraceful.
whats wrong?
Can't stand that guy in your picture, I refuse to watch anything with that stiff wooden bastard in.
Betty bangs are a miracle of this universe.
>not liking Patrick Warburton
Violet looks cute! Cute!
I'm so hyped holy shit
Is this going to be true to the books or will it be toned down? I want Olaf to be a sadistic cunt this time.
Wel, the tones of image are darker than in Jim Carrey's movie.
I'm looking forward to it but I'm not convinced with NPH.
One of the criticisms of Carey is that he was too goofy and likable to be Olaf. So they...cast Neil Patrick Harris...who is more likable and miles more charismatic than Carey?
The video description is nice
>Meet the star of a new Netflix series telling the story of a very handsome actor and three selfish and ungrateful orphans who refuse to give him the enormous fortune their dead parents left behind.
so cute best kara
what the fresh christ is violet wearing
and NPH is clearly trying too hard
She's no Emily Browning, but I am on board with this.
and klaus is too old
It should've been animated desu
Either way my inner-8 year old is weeping tears of joy
>I want Olaf to be a sadistic cunt this time.
Same. Do you remember how Olaf in the movie leaves Josephine on sinking boat gently? In books he just pushes her.
Violet is just plain meh.
She has negroid features and her appearance is off-putting.
Also, couldn't they give Olaf a respectable chin?
Jim looked much better desu
>She's no Emily Browning
Emily Browning isn't Emily Browning anymore.
>negroid features are now anything you don't like
You're a stupid fucker ain't ya?
>Neil Patrick Harris...who is more likable and miles more charismatic than Carey
Nah he's right, at first I thought she was albino or something.
I hope NPH is actually going to make Olaf a fucking sadistic cunt and not just another clown overactor meme like Carrey.
Friendly reminder
>what the fresh christ is violet wearing
No fishnets
Which is probably for the best. Waifuing a fourteen-year-old Emily Browning was fine when I was thirteen myself.
>Complaining that some kid looks like a negroid
Let's be real degenerate, you just want more cunnypost fodder.
Somehow I almost mostook him for elf. His face sideview is poor. Front is good.
>Patrick Warburton
Alright, fine, I'll watch it.
>dat nose
what is klaus thinking here, Sup Forums?
No cute JB redhead with DSL
Nice feet too
Jim Carrey was superior in every way. Still looks good though. But NPH is such a reddit meme actor it ruins the immersion desu
>wish parents were alive
>clothes itch
>all my books have burnt in fire
>our fortune executor is black
>where's leafy's chin
>distant uncle is going to fuck my sister
>my feet hurt
How exactly are they going be doing it? Like 3-4 books a season or?
>Being this much of a pleb
4 for first season. Further pace is unknown. 10th and 11th books bigger than first nine, so they need to compose these two in one season.
>He actually looks fucking menacing, what the hell?
So it's accurate to the books then
Jim Carrey's comedic portrayal is great, but not Count Olaf
>NPH tries and fails to emulate Jim Carrey's performance
>Jim Carrey's Olaf wasn't even close to the book version
>visuals are going to be toned down because it's a series, not a movie, so it won't even have the visual aspect, which was the only good thing in the movie
What's the point?
Oh ok I just changed my mind never mind
This looks really good
The books are tragicomic. There has to be comedy in there somewhere, and at least NPH isn't a clown by default.
Doesn't he disguise himself as a pregnant woman in the books?
I remember in the books that the Poes bought them ugly or gaudy clothing before they went to Olaf, so I'm sure they'll get better clothes later on.
Olaf looks off in shots, like you can easily tell it's a young guy playing an old guy. Plus his voice just isn't intimidating to me. Though the early pictures of him in that stained white shirt did look really accurate, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Yup, in the last one
Will they show the marriage ??
[Spoiler] will they show them fugg [/spoiler]
It's the closest we'll get to a young Emily Browning.
I'm okay with this.
This Violet is clearly superior.
was she described in the books having perfect dick sucking lips or what?
screw the inheritance, if i was olaf i'd marry violet for real
I stopped reading the series after the hospital one. Can anyone give me the tldr version of what happened next and how it all ended?
What went wrong?
Nothing, it's a top-tier children's film.
Absolutely nothing
Pure kid-kino
Really well-acted, especially the kids. Artistically and technically it's rock solid too. It was filmed entirely in studios so every background is painted, and it looks amazing. Especially on Blu-ray.
I was too old by the time the series ended but I quit after the one on the mountain one of them gets kidnapped
After the hospital idk either it's been to long lad
I recommend you to google "snicket wikia", you'll find everything.
In 9th bookorphans find out what is VFD, book 10th is to confirm their assumtions. At the end of Slippery Slope it's revealed that most of murders Olaf and VFD members commited are connected with mysterious shugarbowl. In the book 11th orphans bump into VFD members on submarine. They search for sugarbowl underwater. Orphans return to submarine to find out all the team had disappeared they've literally gone into the void forever and we won't find out why, it was spooky as fuck. Olaf becomes more comical like Jim Carrey. In the book 12 Orphans moved to the hotel which they burn with Olaf together and they find out their parents weren' noble. In the last book Olaf dies on island, Baudelaires are poisoned. They cure themselves and leave the island. Ending is ambigous, implying that all the people in the world are killed. And so as orphans, because their ship sinks when the dragon cthulhu wrecks it. Averted in extra book for series.
I was too lazy to check the wikia and read all that shit. But thanks.
>In 9th bookorphans find out what is VFD, book 10th is to confirm their assumtions.
So what was it? I remember it had something to do with their parents.
isnt she meant to be tall?
An organisation to fight something. Orphans thought about fire, so they come to think it's Volunteer Fire Department. In the book 10 the meaning of fire becomes more elaborated. It means all the problems the word have, so the VFD members could be anyone who fights 'fire' i.e. help humanity to bare with injustice, help in science, literature, social service etc but with masonry-like conspiracy. Their parents were a part of VFD. The organisation fall in two parts because of schism.
>all the problems the world have
>let's replace the white social worker type idiot who hands the kids over to Olaf with a black social worker type idiot because it's the current year
Thomas Newman score and Emmanuel Lubezki cinematography really made this movie stand out.
>Jim Carrey's Olaf wasn't even close to the book version
But it was. It was just too over-the-top comical. He got the menacing/creepy part right. Olaf is meant to be semi-comical in the books.
Olaf is actually the good guy. He fights against the spawn of illuminati by trying to eliminate the next generation of puppet masters.
>the good guy
>intentionally murders people
What? No, he was always evil. He just realised by the events of the first book that being evil for the sake of some organisation is dumb and that it's better to just be evil for your own gain.
All the true civilians in the movie were protected by law. Olaf was literally the Punisher.
Looks very similar to the movie, which I enjoy. I think NPH just doesn't nail the look as well as Jim Carrey did, he had such sharp features that lent themselves wonderfully to imitating the art style of the book illustrations that when NPH tries to imitate that look, he just ends up looking like a guy in a Halloween costume
Not quite sure why they replaced Mr. Poe with a black guy when he's supposed to be this fat, bumbling idiot but whatever, it's not an especially egregious recast
She looks fine
I like the way that the kids are dressed, it's a lot more nondescript to avoid pinpointing a time period, in same the way that the books never really established when they took place beyond vaguely being set sometime between the 40's and the 80's
It makes more sense than the fishnets and gothic stuff Emily Browning wore
is olaf /ourguy/?
is this a new meme?
Oh fuck off you stupid weeb
They said he is going to properly smack the kids like in the books?
>I like the way that the kids are dressed
t. user with incredibly shitty taste
Are these kids supposed to be siblings?
The look nothing alike and the baby is blonde wtf
>Claus has glasses
Thank you jesus
problem? :D
I'm surprised that they actually focused on the DSLs when casting.
Aside from this, NPH doesn't look very intimidating as Olaf.