Couldn't they of chosen somebody with an ass to do this scene?

Couldn't they of chosen somebody with an ass to do this scene?

it's not a difficult concept to grasp

>he doesn't find ribcages sexy

You could've learned to write English properly.


>no ass
>no hips
>no tits
>rat face
>also can't act
HOLY SHIT why do people think she's hot and why Warner bros pick her

She was supposed to be Faora in MoS but got pregnant, so Snyder just tossed her a bone later to make up for it.

How do you like being in the wrong universe?

You coulda not been such a cocksucking prude if your mother had aborted you, fucking nerd.

joke's on you, I wish my mother had aborted me every single day

I have no (((idea)))

Just kill yourself, senpai.

>couldn't they of
Fucking learn to speak English, fag.

For a skeletal she has decent butt.

Look at that asian dude's face. He isn't enjoying himself. He has to spend all his energy on looking at her body even though there are hotter women around.

>not realising scapulas are the patrician choice

no, really, I'm depressed as fuck, finally going to a mental hospital tomorrow.

sounds fun

thiccness is really overrated

They could have used KimK as body double

I've only ever gotten with doughy broads so I find skinny girls strangely exotic and sexy

I hope I can fuck one once before I die

kek, this must be photoshop