Let me guess.
They're gonna make Spawn a black guy, right?
Let me guess.
They're gonna make Spawn a black guy, right?
You can't be burned that badly and not turn into coal.
100% kek
>they're gonna make Spawn a black guy, right?
uh, user...
malebolgia will be a white guy in a suit. probably bald.
Nice one
>this is what passes for epic win these days
Now this is shitposting
>probably bald.
>not Malbolgia with Trump-hair
Are you even trying?
or maybe a black woman?
a female spawn would be pretty hot desu
black superhero done right
>has a government job
>good husband
>the fact that he's black is meaningless because he's an american first and foremost
chances are good they'll fuck it up. they'll make his race more than just who to cast. they'll change the story to fit a modern black narrative because they won't let racism die. a black man can be a superhero and that's it, but that's not good enough for hollywood.
I hope they make him Chinese
The only modern cape movie that has a shot at being kino.
The government job angle is not a positive in Spawn's life/afterlife (it's literally what condemns him to Hell) and the nationality thing flies out the window when he comes back. He's not even human anymore.
McFarlane is in charge of the project and he never cared about making race an issue, so unless he did a 360 in the last 3 years there's no chance of anything about oppression making its way to the script. And if everything goes right we won't have an origin story either.
I was like 9 years old when the movie came out and the fact that he was black never even occurred to me or bothered me despite being a pretty racist little kid.
That is to say, you're absolutely right. They never used to feel the need to make a whole theme about the race. Whereas nowadays movies like Spawn or Blade having black actors would be a selling point for brownie points with the PC/SJW crowd. There's no place for black power in a fucking Spawn movie.
This fucking resurgence of PC culture has caused more racism and segregation than ever.
>The only modern cape movie that has a shot at being kino.
That's true because the first is patrician cinema.
>McFarlane is in charge of the project
This worries me, racial issues aside. Last and only time I've actually heard him speak about a new Spawn movie he was talking about making a Sam and Twitch movie with Spawn as a background character. While it may be a neat concept I have my doubts it would even work and I have no doubts it would do poorly. As a fan I just want the good Spawn movie we never got. Give us another origin story for all I care, just don't have him shooting guns with his mask off 99% of the time..
He said he wants to basically do a horror movie with Spawn as the big guy (he might have abandoned the Sam & Twitch idea). The short fan film on YT that's sort of like that is pretty good for what it is IMO. If the script is done well it can work, but it won't be a conventional film. Now on the financial success angle you may be right. It's certainly not a project that's going to rake in the billions, but "dark" and "R-rated" has some market appeal at least. People can give it a chance.
Real talk though I really hope it's not going to be an origin story, I had enough of that.
>le SJW boogeyman
Refresh me on all of the racially themed black superheroes of the last decade or two. Did War Machine, Black Panther or Falcon play up any racial issues? Did Deadshot? How about that terrible Halle Berry Catwoman movie?
The only thing I can think of is Luke Cage and it's probably the only thing you were thinking of too. Given the background of that character it made complete sense imo to make race a big deal in that show. The show fucking sucked ass, not because it was about race, but because the writing and even the action was a pile of garbage.
I think he's talking about the climate in comics right now. A climate which is actually pretty awful because all sorts of issues that are actually serious and should be handled in a serious way (not necessarily in a dark and edgy way) are just shoehorned apologetically and coupled with marketing.
Not the guy you are replying too but that user should of specified he was talking about Marvel Comics because the movies don't feature race in the least bit. Also the comics are filled with lgbt shit as well.
>People can give it a chance
I certainly will, no matter what it turns out to be I will go watch it and probably buy it. My concern is that it flops for being too niche and then we wait another 20 years for a new movie.
>le trivializing a point by speaking like a redditor
Grow up.
None of the people you mentioned had their own movie. Anyway Todd MacFarlane is a comic book writer. And what's happening right now in comics is absolutely as bad if not worse than I made it sound. Combine that with the fact that celebrating diversity is the current trend in hollywood right now and I think I have plenty of reason for concern.
>The government job angle is not a positive in Spawn's life/afterlife (it's literally what condemns him to Hell)
>implying niggers aren't condemned to hell anyway
Spawn was always Latino or something wasn't he?
He was black
No but before he got burnt I mean
I know and he was black. He was an African American. A nigger. Uncle Tom. Porch monkey.
How did Raimi get away with this?