I miss it

I miss it

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So they only made 6 episodes and that's it? Nothing more?

it's gonna be a foot note in the history of comedy at best

They only got a 6 episode season from [as].
Pretty lucky they got a show at all, all things considered. [as] haven't decided whether to renew it or not yet (they probably will).

>(they probably will).

If they care about ratings they will renew it

David Duke :^)

>(they probably will).
>If they care about ratings they will renew it

MDE cucks still delude themselves about a new season.

It's not happening. Better kill yourself now.

AS did a poll on what show to renew just to see what the people want.

world peace got 90%+ of the votes, why wouldnt they renew it ?

>AS did a poll on what show to renew just to see what the people want.
It was an online poll, right? Where most of the basement dwelling fan base resides.

>why wouldnt they renew it ?
Because it is a shit show.

If you go to the AS website they have 4 episodes up, set to expire before Christmas and only one clip. Compare it to other AS shows that have much more material up.

AS left all that stuff up so Sam and co. wouldn't cry and bitch. They set it all to 'expire' so that there would be an excuse to remove all the MDE WP stuff from the website.

Make peace with the fact that season 2 will never happen.

Are you a butthurt leftie or a mouthbreathing family guy fan?

>Are you a butthurt leftie or a mouthbreathing family guy fan?
Neither. I just don't find it funny.

I liked the Kid Six and dinner party sketches. Everything else was shit.


why does this show upset you so much? is it the fanbase?

Hi Eric

dont listen to season 2 haters, first rule: mde never dies. Every bodys doing good

Hi ponyfucker

A few things. One, most of the skits aren't funny and the 'message' isn't that deep at all. I already said I found two clips funny, kid six and dinner party. Everything else was meh and it shoved their opinions down the viewers throats.

Then the fanbase thinks of it as the greatest comedy show because they think they see some hidden far-right messages in it. Some sketches had a few moments (like the frat party with the coked up guy, "get off my mom's couch") or " my mom tells me Trump is dumb", but there are far more misses than hits. The fanbase refuses to acknowledge this.

And this is from someone who really enjoyed MDE/OK Computer YouTube stuff like Paradigm Shift 2070, College Cunts, I Am a Alien, Let's go to the Park, Moms, Officer Maggot, etc.

They tried something and they failed. That's the long and short of it.

lmao, holy shit you need to take some time off Sup Forums

Maybe I didn't see enough of it to understand where people were coming from about it having a deeper message.

I caught an episode of it my brother was watching because one of his favorite bands cameos in one of the skits. It was pretty rough. I kinda felt like this show was another part of an increasing trend towards this weird, purely distilled form of absurdist humor. Did people really watch this to laugh, or do they just enjoy these increasingly surrealist parodies of actual comedy shows?

I miss Tom Green


We all watched it on torrents or on YouTube so no ratings for poor little white cuck sam

>still no torrent for this show

what the fuck


How was this not funny?

So is it confirmed for cancelled? I don't see anything about [AS] renewing it when I google about the show.

because it's not TV show renew season

it'll probably get renewed though, considering it was the 2nd highest rating original AS show behind Eric Andre

>Le /fit/ memes I've heard a million times

Really gives my noggin a good ol floggin

And the most important thing I forgot to mention

I watch MLP and I am still pissed that mde made fun of us

The ratings are available online.
They hit a million on the premiere and finale

Great show, HORRIBLE beta male neckbeard audience.

People who live behind multiple layers of irony, and people who think Sam actually believes what he says in his videos need to be put down.

You think that's funny? Holy shit you're fucking retarded

Agree with you man. The only ones that made me laugh was the one with the kids dancing and there was song about jews and the one where his wife gets tripped. The rest were just painfully unfunny, incoherent, and tried too hard to make it seem like they had some hidden message.

They watched it cause they're Sam Hyde dick riders.