Tell me something interesting about yourself

Tell me something interesting about yourself.
General chill thread.

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I believe that I am the key to ending...

I get up when I want. Except on Wednesdays when I get rudely awakened by the dustmen.

I live close to a military airport, so I'm used to sleeping through mostly anything.

I am a high functioning alcoholic. Starting to worry a bit about health issues recently so I'm making a plan to drink less.

ive never combed a fox

>Woke up, fell out of bed,
>Dragged a comb across my head
>Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
>looking up I noticed I was late.
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
>Made the bus in seconds flat
>Found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
>Somebody spoke and I went into a dream.

I don’t know the name of the girl I lost my virginity to

Yea, you really should.
It will fuck you up eventually.

I had a homo-erotic dream about Filthy Frank a few days ago. I remember him singing Africa by Toto.

Lost my virginity when I was 13

Starting to feel it man. 7-8 years of daily drinking. Stopped smoking weed a year ago, was doing that on a daily basis for 9 years. The booze is more difficult to stop though, unfortunately... My plan is to work out 3-4 days a week and not drink a drop on those days. Wish me luck Sup Forumsro


Portect your heart user

just realized that i've been coming to this board for 9 fucking years... started coming here at 12 to fap and still do at 21

Also, chekd

I like to cut women so I can take care of them and I exchange money or pills in order to do so. Despite this, I'm 100% not incel.

I put my trousers on, have a cup of tea and I think about leaving the house

im pretty sure i’m ganna kill my self soon. maybe within the next week, maybe within the next month.

That's one of the things I've noticed has started to change. Odd heart rythm, fast beating etc


It's really difficult to change something if it's your lifestyle.
I've never had to go through it, but hearing from those who have, going cold turkey on it seems to have been what's worked. But if you do, allow yourself to cheat once every 3 weeks or so, but only with a small amount.

I'm a chronic alcoholic and yet i'm married to a beautiful woman who loves me yet I'm a shell of a person just waiting to die

When listening to audiobooks I like to confine myself in a dark room. It somehow enhances the experience; I guess it allows me to focus better or something. Afterwards, I for some reason feel really in the now, almost like a child discovering everything for the first time ...if that makes sense. No idea why.

>plan to drink less
choose one

If my plan doesn't work cold turkey is plan b. I'll give it a few months, hope I'll have the strength to stick with my plan. Weedsmoking was definitely a part of my lifestyle and I changed that.

Also, cheese pizza is addictive and that's a problem. Yep/

I just got a job as an EMT so I can't smoke weed anymore.

I read it like a song

Well I'm not succeeding yet, have "planned" to drink less for quite some time... Hope I can stick to the new plan though. Want to be around to see my kids grow up.

If you could quit on your own you would have stopped already. Get some counseling.

My dog died last Thursday.

I've been teaching my seven months old son to growl whenever my wife isn't around. Today she called me freaking out that he was making "the grudge noise". I laughed so hard at work my coworker burned his hand on falafel oil.

I recently got out of a 4 year relationship, and started dating a qt3.14 vietnamese girl. She is 5ft tall and I am 6ft so I am very excited about the idea of nailing a tiny girl.

I work 60 hour weeks in sales, 7-5 everyday. Don't mind it, I manage by smoking weed when i get home and dropping oxy's before and during work to get me through it, enough to not get all trainspotty. Live on my own in medium size house, looking at bringing the vietnamese girl in, she lives in a super strict household (only 21 years old) and would be keen to move out, I can support us both, as long as she doesn't mind me working so much.

Haven't had my knob wobbled in 4 months, it's starting to get to me

>at work
>falafel oil
I mean, at least you have a job.

I taught myself how to ride a unicycle when I was 10.

i was raised in a cult where often, during my ages 8-18 i had to wear some girlish clothes and got taken to schools in an effort to recruit more people for the cult

of course i was taunted bullied and castigated during these events

Depends on what ending.

If you are jewish, then it would mean the end of the white race.

If you are white, maybe the end of the islamic and black invastion of first world white country's.

If your a hindoe,
Maybe its not the end but a new beginning?

If your black, maybe the end of being a monkey and a new beginning of being a homosapien.

If your moslim, your ending means the end of the world.

What race are you and witch ending do you prefer user?


can you still get an erection? Asking for a friend.

lol the beatles

What's wrong with cooking?

girlfriend left me, depression, failing every class, i’m broke and don’t have a job anymore, so yes

There is literally nothing interesting about me

interesting is relative. The fact that you misuse the word "literally" likely has a story in and of itself, for example.

That’s 90% of people

Sound advice. If I haven't been able to sort it out myself I'll shall take do what you advise.

No I'm a boring person and you're a prude for correct a phrase people use all the time even though it's not technically correct


Yes to what? He asked why.
spousal relationships, formal education, money and occupational-ism are all constructs, and you don't need a single one of them to be happy or even content.

Now the depression, that's something you should have checked out. No joke.

I have no gag reflex anymore

I was groomed to kill a person for someone at parliment level when i was a 14yr old street kid.

Don't you have homework to finish? It's a school night.

I live with my sig other but I’m starting to think I didn’t get around enough before we started dating. I don’t want to break up and I enjoy the financial security but my mind has been wandering lately. I downloaded tinder on my PC through an emulator and chatted with a few girls but never did anything.

I grew up in an orphanage, didnt know I had a sister until 2012. She found me on Facebook

I didn't correct you, I know that's an asshole thing to do. I sidestepped it a little, I admit, but I was addressing what is virtually the only thing I knew about you.

It's a chill thread man, woo-sah

he didn't missuse that word.

It also means, that your siriously don't know.

>There is nothing interesting about me.

Come's over as someone who maybe dislike's himself and is emo.


>There is literally nothing interesting about me

Means that he is convinced that there is nothing interesting about him.

That word ha's literally 2 meanings.

I feel ya. Try to be glad that you got to share time together.

i live with my land lord
and his wife is a babysitter with an annoying 1 year old son

I was the one who asked why. Listen to this guy, he knows his shit.

I own an old american steel helmet from WW2, it has a straight bullet hole in the middle of the forehead. I think of what could have happened to the poor bastard every time i pick it up.

Nobody thinks they're interesting.


Have fun with it, then. Imagine he held it up ov er a ridge on a stick to see if Jerry was still there.

>"...guess so."

You have no idea.
She was right at 13 years old.
Vet said she wouldn't live past 9 months because of her heart condition.

Don't cold turkey if you're addicted, it can be fatal

Hey man, I've (sorta) been there. Well, not really. Never downloaded and only looked at it a couple of times. Not a pedo but the taboo turned me on. Happened years ago and I still feel guilty about it every day. It haunts me. Give it up before its too late

I speak fluent portuguese (mother language), english and spanish. Aside that I know some french, german and mandarin.

That's your story, at least. Now I'd like to hear his.


Don't do it man just enjoy the life of being a NEET for a while

I was excepted into an acting modeling class at age 14, Also went to school with Olivia Holt when I was in middle school.

That was back then. Now, I’m just an uninteresting severely depressed femanon who sleeps constantly, lacks a bf, and spends my life away on this shitty ass site talking and arguing with Faggots and Cucks.

I only have one testicle.

I pretty much can't think for myself. I am incapable of making decisions that effect anyone's life, and I also hate people that can't make decisions.

All in all I'm a real piece of shit.

I take care of my dying father every hour I'm not at work. Think I may have a panic attack. Love him very much, but wish he would just pass sometimes. Feel like shit after the thought.

What'd you do with the other one??

You mean you have more than no testicles.'lul

He's transitioning into a woman

Currently dual enrolled into a techincal school. Training to be an EMR although I would love to be a nurse or something else in the med field. This is a great start but I have to change drastically. I can't be the same piece of shit.

I wasn't born with it. Only born with one

Get off Sup Forums and hit the gym

Take Milk thistle, Hawthorne berry extract, and grape seed. And stop destroying yourself faggot

What caused the depression?

It's (accepted) better learn to spell, your looks won't last.

I rescued a baby pigeon who had a broken wing. Then I found a white wedding dove wandering outside my house who just came right up to me. They've made many babies and I am now a pigeon lover.

Ive done between 400 and 500 missions in iraq and afagistan

I agree with the second part

Tesla reborn

Are you sure?
Like have you tried squeezing the good one to see if the bad one would pop out?
Or a blowjob maybe

Well you sound pretty normal. Next.

Just for the sake of being a chill thread.
i'l will not go into what you just said.

But instead ask to tell you something about yourself.

Sounds about right. I have a friend like you, that was a great dude in the past. Can't help him anymore, but will hang with him when he has a moment not spent in self inflicted self pity.

I was homeschooled up until college.

Yes it is a joke and no homeschooled kids aren't smarter, the parents just cheat for the kids.

Cool story bro

user this is the perfect time to enter the military or doing shit like leaving for another country in search of a job with only a leave ticket: this is literally the point in your life when you have no worth so you can do what you want, even what others deem crazy, risky or unacceptable. Before hanging yourself from a tree you have at least to try one of these life experiences, you owe it to people like me, stuck in 24/7 depressing jobs and only apparently successful lives. I may be more dead than you.

Lol I'm sure, when I was young I had to get a mammogram to see if it was hidden in my stomach. They couldn't find anything and just assumed it never developed.
I squeeze it a lot though, my friend. A LOT

I am a world record holder at a video game nobody really cares about anymore

Or tech them church approved nonsense...


Hey ,

i lost 50 kg and have now a youtube Channel with my Mountainbiking Videos. I m Happy with this

When you will see it

Looks like you're one on us then, a si/b/ling.

It ain't so bad. You'll always have us to argue with, faggot.


I actually do enjoy working out, TBH. In fact, I used to go way overboard with it until my doctor told me to stop. So I guess there’s that.