
>"Two non-white leads would be amazing. In fact, a lot of people would barely notice," he said.

>Moffat said the show must find new ways to get ethnic minority actors on screen in future.

>"We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that.

>"We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."

No hope for you.

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Doctor Who is shit anyway.

There's a reason I don't watch any BBC programming anyway, it's all shitty. At least it isn't as bad as Channel 4 for their pushing of diversity. Oh well hopefully the BBC goes down the shitter with the failure of the new Top Gear. It's just a shame that they are publically funded and a lot of people use the BBC as their only source of news.

>"We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."
Totally Satanic.

reminder that capaldi is literally the best doctor

Only burgers are interested in this show.

dont watch it but yeah fuck that noise

i've stopped watching this since they put the new doctor in because of all the cultural marxist bull shit

Only the super far left like this show in the US. I'm not exactly sure why. I don't really care to find out either, I just find it interesting.

We should push for the new Doctor to not only be colored, but a woman with a female companion. The majority of their fan base are lonely women who imagine themselves as the Doctor's companion. If they're not attracted to the Doctor they won't watch it and they'll feel shitty about it

>implying American media us t full if interracial relationships and feminism

>implying any countries kike media represents it's people and current situation

The way you think, it's goodbye to all of us.


what did he mean by this?

>>"We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that.

These fucking kikes.

They know they have to use shows that kids watch to push the agenda, to make them think their own history was full of black people and arabs and pakis. Most of the kids will never learn real history from school so their visual memory of their history will be full of fucking ahistorical garbage.

>mfw when me and my whole family are fan of Doctor Who
>mfw when my whole family is considering not watching anymore for casting a black girl
Why did liberal have to ruin everything?

Kek public pays for cuck tele vision programming. They have subsidized subversion.


Here's a screencap for your reposting pleasure.

Keep crying faggot. It was MK programming before and now it is just WAY less subtle. Like communist core in America. Public school was about brainwashing and forcing kids to obey authority. Now its ACTUALLY PROGRAMMING to make them a sign holding communist retard.

>there has to be more diversity, there just has to
>It's completely essential
>for some reason

>whole family considering not watching anymore for casting a black girl
top kek

I wish my family was like this. Then again my family doesn't watch Doctor Who, or any British TV really.

>imaginary, better version of the world
>England used to be full of white people and that was really awful for some reason

My jimmies are in maximum overustle.

To go with that 'changing face of Britian' crap that (if you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote) Labour promote. Anyone who votes for them is literally the ultimate cuck and the entire party should be disbanded.

Reminder that Steven Moffat is such a cuck that he wrote a sherlock episode set in the 19th century where the murder culprit was an underground group of feminists and sherlock let them off because "this is a war we need to lose"

And feminists were still mad at him
Moff does nothing but try to appease SJWs but it blows up in his face every single time

>trying to appease an SJW
It's his own fault. Doesn't mean it isn't hilarious.
SJW aren't looking to be appeased, they look to ridicule and silence anyone who they disagree with. I don't understand why companies even listen to them; the ones that ignore them and do what they want seem to always do better than those who make cucks of themselves by bending over backwards for the SJW hoarde.

Its a fucking crime that BBC gets tax payer money

Bet if they had to fully support themselves they wouldnt spend all their time pushing this bullshit

Liking Dr. Who is the ultimate pleb filter in the states.

In any country

This. Doctor Who is literally shit-tier 'entertainment'.

>Doctor Who Companions
Rose: Racemixer
Martha: Fell in love with White man.
Donna: Racemixer (twice)
Clara: Racemixer

Nah. They're not indoctrinating us or anything.

Awesome, let's add Doctor Who to the "things minorities dont watch but still get pandered to" list.

Women watch it for the fantasy of going on adventures with charming men, and the few men who follow it do so for the qt companions.

They're literally alienating their entire audience. It's the Ghostbusters fiasco on a smaller scale.