Will they announce a sequel tomorrow?
Will they announce a sequel tomorrow?
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Hope not
fuck you faggot
Well, chinks loved it.
Lore errors aside, this could have been a much better film...
If Jones had the time and resources, I would have liked to see three films. One on Dreanor where we can spend time with Durotan, and Orgrim in their youth. Get to know Orc culture and explain the Draenei a bit. Forge Durotan and Drakka's romance and relationship, then show the events leading to the Dark Portal. The other film on Azeroth, showing Anduin, Medievh and Llane and getting their characters established. Have them fight Trolls, show signs that Medievh is troubled and such. Then bring it to the actual first war. Context and establishing characters goes a long way in building a world.
Honestly this was the biggest let down of the year for me and Duncan Jones should be ashamed of this massive piece of shit.
Honestly this was the best film of the year for me and Duncan Jones should be proud of this massive piece of kino
what other movies did you like this year and what was your worst?
10 clover field lane
Neon Demon
Green Room
thats all I really saw that came out this year that I like. Didn't see much else all seemed shit but Warcraft was one of the most fun I had ever had in a movie theater. Went high as fuck too. Movie was brutal and perfect. Not even a video game fan. Why didn't you like it?
If they announce one, I doubt it will be this soon.
I'd say maybe half a year from now, or maybe they will wait to reveal it at the next Blizzcon.
It probably won't come out for a while since Duncan has another project he is working on.
Apparently, he is planning for the sequel to focus on a young Thrall and will probably skip most of WC2.
Hopefully the studio gives Duncan a bit more freedom and hopefully Djawadi does the soundtrack again, I loved it in this one.
thanks for the heads up that blizzcon is tomorrow op
Haven't been able to play for almost 2 years cause bad RSI feelsbad.jpg
I liked the movie, it was flawed but I'm hoping for sequels
I hope they announce some other cool stuff too
oh I don't particularly dislike it but I didn't find it outstanding either, I was very lukewarm to the whole thing except dat orc animation. Thought it was interesting that someone liked it so much so as to make it the movie of the year so I was just a bit curious about the rest of your taste.
I'd have to go with X Men Apocalypse.
I loved all Fassbender scenes and Apocalypse as a character was actually really good but the movie felt like it was missing some really good stuff.
Quicksilver saved it from being boring.
>He didn't see Hell Or High Water
Green Room was released last year.
So what? It will take them at least 5 years to make the sequel and expect there to be tons of Asian leads due to it being so popular in China.
I would be heaps excited if they made the Elf Asians as leads because they looked really good and they should have gotten more screen time instead of bland white guy.
>2015 was 2 years ago
best part about this movie was how if i logged onto wow during the months after its premiere i got a sick staff and sword/shield for transmogging.
I will never get the hatred for this film. a flawed film does not equal bad. I take this experimental over cliche "safe zone" shit anyday.
I really enjoyed it, you can see flaws in the editing and various bits of dialogue, CGI and acting choices, but it's minor enough to not ruin the rest of the film.
It tried something different with its story and for the most part successful, it presented a different fantasy world that wasn't Tolkien or Narnia tier, and had some fine characters with great action and settings. It made me care for the fate of the world and what's to come, it wasn't afraid to let characters die or do actions that would deem "not for children" for a family film. And although there's changes to the lore to fit "muh hollywood film" tier, it keeps enough of the great moments in to be a honestly nice adaption.
i really want a sequel, it's grounded enough to show what type of film it can be with more attention and work to it, it was a bumpy experiment that stayed on course.
>video game movie gives you DLC
>i really want a sequel
It was a massive hit in China. Hollywood is super dumb if they don't make a sequel but yeah don't expect it to release until say 5 years time with the amount of pre production and planning.
I hate how life is built around waiting...
Why did the Orc lady speak human languages again?
she's half human half orc you stupid fucker
She learned from the human prisoners.
There was probably a scene about it that was cut.
They mentioned during portal testings they kidnapped humans and made certain Orcs learn the language, including Garona. Pretty much why Garona was chained and followed by Gul'dan, as used as a reliable translator
The 1st movie took so long time simply because it was stuck in production hell for a very long time
It didn't actually take that long to produce once it actually got started, even though it could have been sped up quite alot
Honestly this was the most mediocre film of the year and Duncan Jones shouldn't dwell on this part of his career.
haha look at me I can samefag too