Would you let them in?

would you let them in?

No, I just want to shitpost in peace.



I'm very lonely, so probably yes.

That blonde was literally 10/10.

No, i would call adam west to deal with thoes

Someone please post pics of the upskirts in the schoolgirl outift

i would let them rape me and kill me, but that's not gonna happen cause i'm one ugly fuckin loser (and virgin) son of a bitch

wtf i thought he was cool

I wouldn't even know what to do with one wet girl, much less with two.


Of course.

>get to fucc two hot girls
>they also post it on social media so I get the bragging rights
Literally free pizza

>That fucking blonde on the left
How is it possible to be that fucking perfect? She's like a 12/10.

unfortunately i can't imagine a situation where i'd let stranded strangers stand outside my house. of course, the girls gave him an easy out and he felt bad so he let them in. they weren't exactly begging to come in. if nothing else i'd get them some towels and hang out on my porch with them until the car shows up (which i would have called for them because i would have gone in alone to call)

Well, it IS free pizza. What could possibly go wrong?

she's ugly, not even joking
the girl on the right is literally perfect

Free fucking pizza, my man

The one on the right has more of a man face

ur gay

Keanu's acting in the chair when he is getting excited is up there with some of the worst acting I have ever seen.

he'll yea

Sure, Im not married and even if they "get" me, I'd be fine with dying after the fucking.

The blonde one is like Lexi Belle's naughtier younger sister

he was worse in Dracula
>mfw they cast him in a courtroom drama

whose idea was this

>let in left one
>right one gets $10 for a cab ride home

She's quite an attractive lady, if you know what I mean. I would like to sleep with her, if you can read between the lines. She certainly would make an excellent sexual partner, if you catch my drift.

>let them in
>they realise I have literally nothing in my life worth caring about and therefor no way to fuck with me
Ha ha, take that sloots

Something something Jello pudding pop

Looks better as a blonde imo

Those feet.

Can't blame Keanu for chewing through the scenery like his life depended on it. Someone please tell Eli Roth that there are better ways to launder money for his Spanish bosses.

I'm confused. Are these guys? Is this a trick question?

Mork Kormode?

He is cool

Come into my humble abode, m'luscious m'ladies.
Ha ha ha. Little did you hedonistic harlots know, but you have surely entered into my web. For I am a spider of seduction, an arachnid of anarchy. You come to m'realm in order to destroy m'e however, it now turns out that you yourself are likely to be destroyed. BY ME!

>didn't sit on his face

Fucking hackdirector

What does he mean by this?


Would you let them in?


>letting in Mexican whores



release the hounds

>weak chin
More like 3/10

Okay, that got me.

yes, they can kill me t bh


>>weak chin



What did he mean by this?

perhaps this is more to your liking?

>google her
>lliterally am typng this with one hand

holy shit Sup Forums she's a goddess

I bet she uses skin whitening cream.


I'd eat her shit.

Yeah I prefer a nice prominent manly chin in my women

Only if they agree to ACTUALLY rape and abuse me. That film was disappointing, I went in expecting a femdom fantasy movie and instead I was barely able to masturbate twice.
If you're not going to crush my testicles or make me toss your salad then why the fuck shouldn't I just order some damn pizza from backpage?

oh my god this movie is blowing my mind

someone get some lookalikes and just records the porn alternate scene

cunnyposters triggered


Oh man, I hope this catches on.

what movie is this dear god

Let them in...

Let them rape me....
Suddenly...ayy we gonna blackmail you now

Haha..jokes on you i have no life. I dont even have social media so fuck you.

Afterwards i murder them and fuck there corpses and post on Sup Forums.


wtf i love this movie now

Knock knock...


she's pushing 30, ya chin-loving whackjob.

who is it

i hope i wont have to watch a movie with keanu just for a few scenes

It's "Who's there"

Come in

>implying a female organism has ever knocked on my door

If you're tied up, how would you overpower them?


I mean beyond the shitposting this actually is brilliant. Their entire plan only works against people that have a reputation to protect.
>Oh no user you don't want everybody to think you had a threesome with two sexy ladies do you?
A social outcast with no shame is exactly the man to defeat them

>tfw you let two psycho cuties into your house but instead of shitting in your mouth they just play loud music
Worst. Dommes. Ever.

If I hadn't had pizza in a really, really long time, I might let the blond one in. I'd tell the other one to wait outside.

>that's a bad thing

What are you, a faggot?

>you'll never go to Cuba and buy a young Ana de Armas from her family for a Timex watch and a box of laundry detergent

>Haha..jokes on you i have no life. I dont even have social media so fuck you.
Haha you do realize these women study their targets very carefully? They don't go around fucking bent-out-of-shape losers than spend their days posting memes on an indonisian chat board.

There's also the whole fucking underage girls thing but it's legal in my country so I anxiously await my sexy rapists

Looks better as a blonde.

Punch the chair so hard it turns into a door,
rise up, open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur

Don't mind If i do

It could happen though

who is she? what is this show?

>dat image
it's so dense

TFW you'll never be Anal De Army's dad and take her for wishy washies

Her foot game is strong

This has gone too far

In this situation them even joking about being underage would end with the buried in the back yard

So, what's the story behind this image?

Ana De Armas

Its Knock Knock, a movie. Do you even watch shit bro? Why you on Sup Forums?

This girl is too fucking much my god

I heard you guys were shit, so I came to check out how shit you were.

Ooh, do we live up to the expectations?


left is fucking perfection, jesus christ

I NEED those toes in my mouth