Even ABC admits it. Police did nothing, and there was even a gang presence.

Can someone PLEASE put this video on YouTube. I think it's fucking perfect propaganda.

I showed it to three people at work today, all of whom were "moderates" that hated both Trump and Clinton, and it literally drove them into the loving arms of the Donald.

I hope these faggots keep up with the violent protests. They're creating more Trump supporters than they can imagine.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's true.

I was for Clinton out of self preservation due to being hispanic, but in the face of international terrorism and homegrown brownshirt terrorism, I will not vote left.

Trump all the way.

All is going as planned.

This video is blocked outside of the USA.

I was talking mostly about whites that are on the fence or who lean democrat. I think a lot of them can be turned to trump cuz of shit like this.

There are plenty of non-roach hispanics once you leave california who might be influenced to vote Trump if you'd lay off the racial attacks.

I lean center left, but I will not tolerate Marxist intimidation.

>the video is not available in your region


I expect nothing less from the chaos candidate. If Trump wins this country will devolve into civil war and it will be you people that have blood on your hands. I'll take a corrupt scumbag like Hillary over someone that will lead our country to ruin. Peace is always the best option.

Don't worry, it's because it's from ABC. Probably gotta be from Merka.

The EU censoring hasn't begun...yet.

Peace under tyrants is no real peace.

I for one welcome the civil war.

You're a domestic terrorist

>I was for Clinton out of self preservation due to being hispanic

All powerful political parties use fear to control their electorate.

It is in the Democrats' interest for you to fear for yourself when someone makes a stand against illegals. They're conditioning you to see your race above your nationality (unless you're white).

Excellent. I know Trump does these rally in CA to win voters. These idiots are just getting baited.

But Mexicans are always on the fence...that's why Trump wants to build the wall.

TRUMP 2016

No offense, but I think I have good reason to be concerned about racewar-fantasizing people calling me a shitskin.

This is mostly just a case of me hating leftist mobs more than rightist ones.

And you will be brought to your knees in a cell. You will cry and renounce all your beliefs. You will be put in trial and your family will shame you to your face. When justice such as that is served to radicals like you there will be no pointless bloodshed. I'm focused on the long term.

You cunts deserve a good skull-crackin these days. Be honest: if this was trumpettes beating on illegal immigrants, youd be cumming all over yourselves

>Play the troll, pay the toll

Just wait till the ass-kicking you fuckers are gonna get at the RNC!

Those people aren't illegals, that's the thing.

They are literally brainwashed retards because they grew up programmed by jew media during the Bush administration when they were shilling their hardest.

Install ZenMate -> set to Murica -> watch it. Works also on Youtube and everywhere, you just can`t post on 4chins, but it is easily disabled.

I don't understand. People here are acting like there's still hope or something to save. It's very clear that, for the past 40 years or so, the rule of law has been abandoned and we are now seeing those people who, on the one side, want for the rule of law to keep being ignored so as to favor their illegal invader friends, versus those who want it upheld.

There's nothing to save. Violence is normal and expected. The US has willingly created an underclass of people with no loyalty to the country and with a vested interest in the dissolution of its jural order. What the fuck did they think was gonna happen?

What a time to be alive.

So you're saying that we should just let domestic terrorist dictate the way we vote? That's just cowardice.

It kinda weirds me out that Trump is not talking about this on his Twitter. Not even Alex Jones is talking about it... he just puts up clips of that scumbag Milo.

Because it's been Trump supporters who have been causing violence all this time, right?

Thought so.

So, now you are trolling. Does that mean we can punch you and spit on you while still maintaining the moral high ground ?

I doubt it, even with your stupid reasoning for beating up people.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Peace through tyranny and control is not peace, it is slavery. Now is the time Brothers! Will you fight on your feet, or serve on your knees?


>rare quality leaf post

The future is dark, indeed.

I'd say something about it being odd that the racist are the nonviolent ones but Hillary's side seems to have something against people of a certain race too.

Pretty much this.

Your long-term strategy devolves into irreparably ruining America's demographics such that the philosophies this nation was founded upon never guide another nation for the rest of human existence. You're just a cuck looking for an excuse to be spineless.

This post fills me with [EU approved emotion #10].

When the day of the rope comes, no one's going to bother upstanding people.

If Hillary wins we're going to war buddy. If Trump wins we're just gonna arrest and lock you faggots up or throw your ass over the wall. You don't have the means to start a civil war when the ones with the good weapons are on Trump's side. You'll get rolled over.

Good! The sooner the better!

Thats what trumpettes were doing in the beginning of the campaign -- sucker punching protesters and starting the intimidation on Trumps say so.

>Or did you forget about that, huh, Adolf?

Trump slaves truly deserve the ass-kicking their gonna get for the next few months.

>And no, im not voting for hillary or bernie.

I just hate you fuckers

Maybe trump is behind this? He is a master mind.

is that a m3u8 flash file?

Yeah, you ppl did start it in the early days of Trumps campaign. Dont deny it

I thought u fuckers were tough guys, when youre really Milo-tier fagggggots.


We need this chaos to kill the progressives like yourself

Not only do we have the weapons. But we have the courage and intelligence to start, fight, and win, any large scale conflict.


What are you doing here?

The one sucker punch i saw, was against a trump supporter. If there where one FROM Trump supporters, i would like to see it. MSM would be all over it mate.

Adolf did nothing wrong.gif

Trump "slaves" deserve the same respect as voters for the senile old cuck and the insane crooked lady.

"I hate you" Turn that linkin park music up a notch, i hear your angst coming through.

Bring it on little bitch :)
I'll be more than happy to put you in the ground.

Why they keep calling them protesters? They're rioters and criminals, bunch of niggers and mexishit nationalist, this shit makes me rage so hard

Screen cap or gif the nigger chasing the white boy

Exactly like a cheetah chasing a gazelle and taking it down

I think Trump supporters are gonna have to pull a SNCC and bait violent protesters with non-violent resistance.

Don't fight back. Just take the beatings. And let the news cameras film. All people will see is innocent people getting attacked by violent mobs saying "fuck trump".

At least some of the media outlets dare to say, this wasnt a brawl, Trump supporters where attacked.

I think it's a step forward from "Trump Rally incites Violence"

"Running for his life"


This is true and the left will lose

But if you are attacked fight back

You have to

And we see first hand why liberal cities want guns banned, an armed person has the right to use deadly force when threatened by a lynch mob, especially a mob full of violent thugs sent from another country to destroy this one.

>I'll take a corrupt scumbag like Hillary
But her corruption is what will lead your country to ruin...

Will the leftist whore press blame Trump when one of these dem rioters kill someone?
Or will they finally blame the true enemy, the dems?
Why Trump of course.

Gif it!!!

It is nature at its best but the gazelle gets away this time

>You must allow brown people to take over your country and if you try to stop it the blood will be on your hands

>knows whats best for hispanics

Democrats have been lying and pandering to hispanics dude, they think we're their little pet illegal loving minorities, I'm the son of legal immigration and I know better than to ever trust a democrat or liberal. They're the worst type of racist, if you're legal then you have nothing to fear about Trump, he'll male it easier for you to work for a better life here while Hillary will keep you on the gov'ts teat like a slave.

It's time to stand up with your fellow Americans


Y'all should've seen the KKK meetup that was attacked in Anaheim. Shit tons of conservative stuff that is blatantly just getting attacked.

Alot of cops are scared to do anything at the moment (or their leadership is) because of the ramifications from passed discussed events. It totally sucks right now they can't do their job.

It's cuz none of them fight back. There was literally no way the media could spin it. Every single piece of footage was a protester attacking a meek trump supporter.

This may have to be our new tactic. Non-violent resistance. Seemed to work for MLK.

>tfw we could out-MLK MLK

>Peace is always the best option

Can someone put this up on youtube already? I cant watch it.

>tips fedora

Well, you can't win against these masses anyways. Non violent resistance seem really the way to go, SJW and Leftards get rabid and angry if you don`t address them and you don`t get mad.

Check if you use Chrome

Yeah that's right. One protestor getting sucker punched months ago is totally justification for a group of fucking gang members to riot, and beat up on Trump supporters. You got me user, completely justified.

Oh wait, no it isn't. Kill yourself.

>Racial attacks

Mexicans are subhuman, they only understand the steek

Thank you for correcting the record

it's a mashup of all of attacks by the rioting niggers/spics at trumps san jose rally... with a cuck reporter calling them protesters.

i dont see anyway to rip it off the site.

Was this from yesterday? I heard the FiveO was overwhelmed.

Prove it.


I'm ready

This is the 8th or 9th time this has happened and everytime Sup Forums says this will be the end of Clinton and that Trump has all but won the election.
Yet Hilary is still beating Trump in the polls. Trumps moment of glory where he was barely beating Clinton has passed and now Clinton is regaining her lead.
Everyone who could possibly support Trump already is. Most Americans are sympathetic with the rioters and its unlikely that any amount of chimping will change that.

Keep chimping out! This shit is better than watching Gladiators.


It's San Jose, I'm sure the cops were told to let the Trump supports die.

trumpeteers will have to come strapped next time, it's the only language the savage races understand.


More like they just didn't do shit. Cops are getting afraid to police brown people. I've seen it in my state. The cops don't want to deal with the political fallout.

Awesome man, thanks

It's sad to think that things are so wrong that I look forward to that. But I do, it's all there is left.

When the happening occurs:
>electrical infrastructure
>plumbing infrastructure
>sources of fuel
>major highways
These will be the first things to be targeted, because evidently there's a race to turn America into a third-world country.

Who can do it faster?

It's funny people always think of civil unrest in terms of attack on people.

If only they knew.

>From Video: Chanting "Nazis go home."

Oh, this is so delicious. Every time they misuse the word Nazi along with violence to assault a harmless group, they are helping slowly to break the cultural conditioning that Nazis were bad.

They are going to legitimize Nazism yet.

We shouldn't be subjected to these blatant lies. These violent protesters are clearly plants from the trump campaign. They want to paint the true protesters in a bad light.

Don't fall for it.
I'm jk, put that shit up on YouTube! I can't watch it either.



What's with Trump protesters always looking like skinny fat cucks? I have never seen an in shape male Trump protestor (or female, for that matter)

Civil Wars can be good things. Ours sure was.

My mother is an extreme leftist. I messaged her this video and she said:

"But what do you expect when you spew hatred and bigotry?"

No condemnation of their actions. She also added that I'm not the wrong side of history.

I know, it`s all Trump evil Plan to make the mexicans look bad!1 Fucking Patriachy!!

About to create a Jewtube Chnanel for this shit, so mad.

She will never know peace.

Give me a second niggas I'm trying to get this shit on YouTube


>"But what do you expect when you spew hatred and bigotry?"

Tell her that you expect, at worst, a same level of VERBAL retaliation.

Your mother doesn't believe in moral reciprocity? She thinks words can be legitimate trigger for physical violence? She raised you that way?

Your mother has a shitty moral compass.

cheer up
extreme leftists are a minority

moderates will vote trump when they see this
that's what matters

I'm of European descent. Violence and killing is a part of my culture. Stop being so Europhobic, you bigot.

The beans make them immune.

Need something stronger.

I would like to, but i will not give the Huffingtonfags a single Cent for their marxist clickbait shit, even if it`s a decent Post.

Archiev please.

Whatever happened to "sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you"?

How can actual grown-ups think the default response to "mean words" is physical violence?

Go to a BLM rally and start screaming 'FUCK NIGGERS'

and see if you get punched. These agitators WANT to get punched, as propaganda and to justify their rabid hate.

These mexican rioters need to get picked off by patriotic snipers, and made to fear for their lives when they chimp out.